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Bilingual Teacher
Animales de AFRICA African Animals Reading Writing Creaftivity ResearchText Art

Animales de AFRICA African Animals Reading Writing Creaftivity ResearchText Art

16 ANIMALES DE AFRICA ESTUDIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN-TEXTO INFORMATIVO - ESCRITURA INFORMATIVA en dos niveles - CRAFTIVITY Animals from Africa "Research" - Informational Text, Informative Writing- Craftivity Hoja para el estudio de investigación en dos niveles 2 Hojas para la alimentación para el animal del estudio de investigación de “el /la”, para el hábitat de los animales, para el estudio de investigación Libros informativos de África “nivel1 y 2” Actividad de arte para escritura del Antílope, Avestruz, Chimpancé, Ñu, Cocodrilo, Perro Salvaje Actividad de arte para escritura del Búfalo Texto Informativo del Búfalo “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable del búfalo “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura de la Cebra Texto Informativo de la Cebra “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable de la cebra “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura del Leopardo Texto Informativo del Leopardo “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable del leopardo “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura del Hipopótamo Texto Informativo del Hipopótamo “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable del hipopótamo “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura de la Jirafa Texto Informativo de la Jirafa “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable de la jirafa “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura de la Mamba Negra Texto Informativo de la Mamba Negra “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable de la mamba negra “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura del Rinoceronte Texto Informativo del Rinoceronte “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable del rinoceronte “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura del Gorila Texto Informativo del Gorila “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable del gorila “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles Actividad de arte para escritura del León Texto Informativo del León “nivel 2” Escritura de libro plegable del león “Escritura Informativa” 2 niveles
Rekenrek-Abacus-Abaco CCSS Printables Center-CentroBilingual Stars Mrs Partida

Rekenrek-Abacus-Abaco CCSS Printables Center-CentroBilingual Stars Mrs Partida

NO PREP! “Rekenrek or Abacus- Abaco” No more busy worksheets. Students will be able to complete these sheets at their on level and independently. Just print these printable sheets at different levels to facilitate the students learning. The addition printables are in three levels, so you can easly differentiate in you classroom and also there is a Center game and a recording sheet. 1 Center Game and a Recording sheet 6 Printables for adding with the abacus 1 to 5 level 1 (one line abacus 1-5) 6 Printables for adding with the abacus 1 to 5 level 2 (double line acabus 1-5) 6 Printables for adding with the abacus up to 5 Level 2 (double line abacus 1 to 10) 12 Printables for finding the missing number up to 5 Level 1 (one line abacus 1 to 5) 11 Printables for finding the missing number up to 5 Level 2 (doble line abacus 1 to 5) 11 Printables for finding the missing number up to 5 (double line abacus 1-10) 10 Printables for adding with the abacus up to 10 8 Printables for finding the missing number up to 10 Total Pages164
Rekenrek-Abaco FREEBIE Printable -Center-Hojas-Centro Bilingual Stars Mrs

Rekenrek-Abaco FREEBIE Printable -Center-Hojas-Centro Bilingual Stars Mrs

NO PREP! English and Spanish “Rekenrek or Abacus- Abaco” Students will be able to complete these sheets at their on level and independently. Just print these printable sheets at different levels to facilitate the students learning. Printables for adding with the abacus Bilingual Stars Mrs. Partida Twitter @bilingualstars Instagram bilingualstarsmrs.partida Pinterest: Estrellita Bilingue Partida https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAsPxHfiJJjZEs2x6yCv2Vw
FREEBIE Valentine's Hearts Clipart Personal and Commercial Use Clips

FREEBIE Valentine's Hearts Clipart Personal and Commercial Use Clips

Valentine’s Hearts Clip Arts You will receive: 2 B & W hearts 1 Outline-heart 30 hearts in different colors 1 bear holding a heart Terms of Use: The clip art may be used in educational commercial products. All images must be secured in a pdf file if you're using the images in products you sell (distribute). Smart Board and PowerPoint uses are fine in commercial products as long as the image is flattened as part of a background and not loose in the file. Personal classroom use: The images may be used in lessons, activities, SMART board or PowerPoint lessons/activities that are not distributed or sold. Commercial credit is required: A link to MACSTAR Clips Bilingual Stars Mrs. Partida is required in both commercial products and freebies. You can link back with either a text link or a logo that's included in the zip file. Internet/Web Site/Blog Usage and Design: Images may not be displayed in blog posts, on websites, or anywhere on the Internet in their original form. Total Pages34
FREEBIE Mr. Valentine Clipart Personal and Commercial Use Clips

FREEBIE Mr. Valentine Clipart Personal and Commercial Use Clips

Mr. Valentin Clip Art FREEBIE You will receive: 1 black and white image and 1 color image Terms of Use: The clip art may be used in educational commercial products. All images must be secured in a pdf file if you're using the images in products you sell (distribute). Smart Board and PowerPoint uses are fine in commercial products as long as the image is flattened as part of a background and not loose in the file. Personal classroom use: The images may be used in lessons, activities, SMART board or PowerPoint lessons/activities that are not distributed or sold. Commercial credit is required: A link to MACSTAR Clips Bilingual Stars Mrs. Partida is required in both commercial products and freebies. You can link back with either a text link or a logo that's included in the zip file. Internet/Web Site/Blog Usage and Design: Images may not be displayed in blog posts, on websites, or anywhere on the Internet in their original form. Total Pages2