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British Science Week 2023 Connections - KS3 Build a Glider, paper aeroplane & girocopter
A resopurce with templates for 2023 science week. Students build a glider using resources within the powerpoint and assess their design.
Learning Journey - Physics AQA Unit Maps
These learning journey’s map out each unit of the AQA Physics component of combined and triple science. Students can use them to map out their learning, as each learning journey has brief targets & expectations of knowledge acquired.
Learning Journey AQA - Biology Combined & Triple
A unit by unit learning journey giving students brief targets & expectations of learning.
Learning Journey - Chemistry AQA
AQA unit descriptors and brief lesson by lesson targets & expectations presented as a learning journey.
Learning Journey AQA unit maps Science Combined & Triple
A unit by unit learning journey for students to revise from, map out their learning or self-evaluate. Each lesson is dual coded with simple images and brief lesson targets and expectations are given.