Recipe. Pancakes. Logical order.
The students have to put the instructions of pancake’s recipe in the correct order. You can vary this worksheet on your own aims. This activity is useful for intermediate level pupils. You can use the pictures as a printable clipart.
Animals concert. Musical instruments. Matching game.
The students have to match the animal with the correct musical instrument. There are 28 cards to match. This game is useful for elementary level students.
Present Continuous Tense ESL powerpoint games and activities
The set includes different activities:
Grammar rules
Spelling activity
Long and short form
Complete with the verb to be
Complete with the appropriate verb
Time markers game
Sound game
Put the words in the correct order
Activities with pictures
Correct the mistakes
Question words in Pr.Cont (game)
Grammar rhymes
Weddings. Аctivities.
This powerpoint presentation includes following activities:
Vocabulary exercises
Memory game
Famous couples. Matching game
Wedding traditions around the world. Video
Wedding anniversaries. Listening activity.
Unsuаl weddings. Reading activity.
Lucky charms.
Past Perfect ESL powerpoint activities and games
The set includes different activities for ESL students, level A2-B1:
Grammar rules
Complete with the approproate verb
Time markers game
Listening games (text, song)
Choose the correct tense Past Simpe or Past Perfect
Put the words in the correct order
Oral activity. Why did you say that?
Match the halves to make true sentences
Finish the sentences.
Remember the 3 form
Past Simple ESL powerpoint activities and games
The set includes different activities:
Grammar rules
Remember the second form
Complete the sentences (verbs, time markers)
Listening activities
Watch a video about woolly mammoths and say True or False
Make questions
Guess and describe the dinosaurs
Make your own dialogue using the example
Wizard of Oz. Interactive activities in Powerpoint presentation.
The presentation includes following activities:
Listening activity
Memory game
Guess the character
Spot ten differences
Associative game
Make the sentences
Dobble game
Dress the scarecrow !!! This game contains Macros, you must click NO SAVE button after playing it.
Easter. Powerpoint games.
The PPT includes following games:
Audio vocabulary
Find the path
Colour by number
Game on Paste Simple Tense
Passive voice in Simple Tenses. Activities.
This presentation includes following activities:
Grammar rules
Revision of Participles
Matching activity
Rewrite the sentences from Active to Passive
Make the sentences
Make the questions for the highlighted words.
Guess the famous person