A PowerPoint that goes through the age old question of who is smarter - Boys or Girls?
The PowerPoint walks the students through the steps of calculating the means, then the standard deviations, what standard deviation means, performing the T-Test and then finally interpreting the result using the critical value.
Front Covers for CPACs 1-9 of the new SNAB course. Each front cover has the skills that are being assessed with each practical as well as space for feedback.
Our moderator, who was accompanied by the Chief Examiner (moderating the moderator) was very complimentary of how we gave the feedback using these sheets.
SNAB 2016 Topic 5 Climate Change Studies - a set of three lessons covering long datasets, pollen grain analysis (palynology), and tree ring analysis (dendochronology).
Page by page breakdown of key words, key concepts (with links to A2 and AS textbook pages and some explanation of science behind each concept) and questions related to each page.
There are 25 pages of notes and guidance, with over 200 words defined, and hundreds of potential questions for your students to attempt. Each page also has the relevant science explained, with links to to the matching pages in the AS and A2 textbooks.
A set of 47 flash cards (print double sided and flip on long edge) that covers the following topics:
Acrosome Reaction
Action potential
Bacterial growth stages
Blood Clotting
Brain Parts
Calvin Cycle
Cell Organelles
CFTR – not functioning
CFTR – too dry
CFTR – too wet
Clonal Selection
DNA Replication
DNA Folding
Electron Transport Chain
Gel Electrophoresis
HIV - Other
Krebs Cycle
Link Reaction
Muscle Movement
Non-Specific Immune Response
Propagation along an axon
Protein Folding
Resting potential
Rod in dark
Rod in light
T Helper Activation
T Killer Activation
A presentation alongside a couple of exercises to teach the Hardy-Weinburg Equation from the SNAB 2016 syllabus.
Students will first of be introduced to the equation and use it to calculate allele frequencies to do with Goblin ears. Then they can use the survey to collect data from the class or around school, and then calculate allele frequencies regarding 1) abliity to smell Freesias, 2) attached vs unatached earlobes, 3) if they can taste PTC or not and 4) ability to roll your tongue.
There is then a further activity looking a fish colours.