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Exit Ticket - Chain Rule

Exit Ticket - Chain Rule

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students.
Exit Ticket - Product of Primes

Exit Ticket - Product of Primes

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students.
Exit Tickets - Equations with brackets

Exit Tickets - Equations with brackets

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students.
Exit Ticket - Upper and Lower Bounds

Exit Ticket - Upper and Lower Bounds

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students.
Solving Equations (Hard) with Answers

Solving Equations (Hard) with Answers

Made to encourage my Year 8's to answer in fraction form. Goes through 2 step right through to fractions on both sides. Challenge section of factorising quadratics in the middle. (I would change this if you haven't covered it!) Answers on the second page.
Exit Ticket - Straight Line Graphs

Exit Ticket - Straight Line Graphs

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students.
Exit Ticket - Straight and Perpendicular Lines

Exit Ticket - Straight and Perpendicular Lines

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students.
Exit Ticket - Equation of a straight line with answers

Exit Ticket - Equation of a straight line with answers

I give this to the students (printed in A4 or A5 depending on how much room they need) at the end of the lesson to assess an overview of the lesson. I mark it as soon as I can (ha) and it allows me to spot any misconceptions. The last question is a challenge one to push the most able students.