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Reactions to Scrooge's Death in A Christmas Carol
A lesson where students look at reactions to death and what it suggests about each of the characters. Students approach the question like an exam question and colour code and self assess their answers in detail.

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5
In this lesson students identify quotations to match point statements in Lady Macbeth's soliloquy and then analyse language in detail to discuss Lady Macbeth's view of Macbeth and Power in their relationship.
Students will:
Identify quotes
Analyse language
Peer Assess
Form an answer
Expand their ideas of context.

A Christmas Carol Context Game and PPT
Introduction to the context of Victorian England. Students will be given a character that relates to a person in Victorian England. As they learn about the context they will learn what might have happened to their character as time goes on. After each bit of information they have to discuss the changes with their partner, infer what might happen next, and fill in their chart that tracks the changes and feelings.
At the end students will analyse context as whole.
Lots of ways to stretch and challenge.
Characters can be repeated.

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3
WALT: Analysing Macbeth and Banquo in Act 1 Scene 3
Includes multiple AFL tasks such as T or F
Stretch and Challenge opportunities (bright sparks)
New language term> Paradox
Analysis activity at the end where students will analyse how the prophecies have affected Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 3

Blood Brothers The Role of the Narrator
Aimed for a high achieving middle set, this lesson takes students through the role of the narrator in the play with quotes and guiding questions that are matched to assessment objectives for students to answer. The lesson culminates in students being given their own extract (3 have been attached) and they need to explore the role of the narrator in the extract through guiding questions for AO1, AO2, and AO3.

The Emigree Analysis Activity
An annotated copy of The Emigree in which students answer guiding questions to understand the language and meaning of the poem. Students are then responsible for enhancing a lower-level paragraph based on the success criteria provided.
Used this with a tricky set 4 with great success (amazing for students who love independent work).

Macbeth: Act 2 Scene 2
In this lesson students will analyse the change in Lady Macbeth:
They will analyse how Lady Macbeth reacts during the murder.
They will further analyse how Lady Macbeth changes from Act 1 Scene 5.
Provides areas for peer and self assessment as well as modelled language analysis.

A Christmas Carol: Fred's Christmas
A full lesson.
Starter: A riddle for students to solve.
Reading and answering questions
Looking through a passage and analysing key language
Writing two PQCA paragraphs
Peer Assessment with criteria
INK your learning slide
Sentence Starters are included.

Macbeth Character Revision Collaboration Activity
Nice lesson for revising characters in Macbeth and how they reflect themes:
Students will have to complete a quick 1-5 questions at the start.
Students will brainstorm about characters in groups with a guided collaboration placemat and share their ideas with the class.
Students will also understand what AQA assessments objectives they will be assessed on and how.

Of Mice and Men Trivia Game
A Jeopardy style trivia game that tests students knowledge of the effect of language, key quotes, themes, plot, and characters.
Incredibly easy to use and edit to meet your needs.
Have played with top set, and mid set and they both enjoyed it!

Macbeth Act 4 Scene 2, Act 4 Scene 3, Act 5 Scene 1
The powerpoint contains a full lesson for the acts and scenes listed in the title:
It contains introduction to subject terminology
True/False quick AFL tasks for comprehension
Characterisation of Lady Macduff, MacDuff and Lady Macbeth
Quote Analysis
Terminology Tasks
PQCA (Point Quote Comment and Analysis) at the end
The only thing you would need to include is how you prefer for things to be self or peer assessed.
I taught this to a Higher Ability Set 4 and they loved it> great paced and it leaves lots of room for stretch and challenge

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 5 &6
Lessons for stated acts above
Lesson includes: Quotation analysis starter
True or False AFL task to consolidate comprehension
Guided reading questions.
Key quotations recap
Exam PQCA practice
Self/Peer Assessment
Was observed with both lessons and received Good with Outstanding features. Good paced lesson that gets kids involved and provides multiple opportunities to show progress and AFL.

Blood Brothers Revision Game
A trivia style game that asks questions on plot, terminology, characters, themes, and significant quotes.
My students loved this and it can be adapted to include more or different questions if needed.

SMART Goals and Progress Tracking
I created for this my classes to create SMART goals and plan out their goals for the year. It has a progress log and reading tracker as well as short term, medium term, and long term goal creation areas as well as reflections. My students love using it throughout the year and its a great way to keep them motivated and on track.

AQA Language Exam Paper 1 Looking For Alaska
Using an extract from John Greens Looking for Alaska, this lesson takes students through Q1, Q2, AND Q3 using model answers, sentence starters and scaffolds. It is a good lesson to refresh students on each question and because it features a very modern text they tend to be more engaged.
Opportunities for PEER ASSESSMENT included as well as a HOMEWORK TASK
This was used for a set 4 but can be moderated for higher and lower sets.

AQA Christmas Carol Trivia Game
An excellent trivia game that helps refresh key themes, quotations, messages, characters, and symbols from A Christmas Carol.
I like to play it in teams of two: I have put answers with it but of course the teacher is free to take other answers if they see fit.
Teams have to work through a series of categories and various levels of difficulty to gain the most points.
My students love this for revision.
I have also used it as 'silent work' where each student picks a category and question and then the entire class must answer on paper silently. At the end we take up the answers and each person gives themselves a score to see how they've done.

Blood Brothers Revision Flipbook
A useful revision flip book that allows students to interact with set tasks that will help jog their memory about key events/context/themes/characters in Blood Brothers.
Flip book is easy to assemble; just print and cut along the lines and then stack and staple.
1st page: Design a cover with images and words that you associate with the play
2nd page: Comprehension questions
3rd page: Comprehension questions continued
4th page: Plot diagram>>students fill out the plot line to help remember key events.
5th page: Context: students answer questions on context and how it relates to the play
6th page: Characters: Students relate characters to themes and then mind map around each character key words that they would associate with them
7th page: Themes: students create a mind map of the themes provided, on the back they insert quotes relating to each them
8th page: Quotation flash cards: students choose 12 key quotes to remember; 3 are already chosen; they must write the quote down and then they can either mind map around the quote or cut out the boxes and use them as flash cards.
Each page provides suggestions on how students can challenge themselves to use the booklet. If you have top sets you can take some of the help away, if you have bottom sets you can differentiate as you see fit.

Christmas Carol and Macbeth Quick Revision
Great revision lesson to refresh concepts of two AQA texts quickly:
Includes CLOZE activities for all the Acts of Macbeth and Staves of a Christmas Carol
True or False theme identification
Character and Theme identification based on key quotations
Quotation identification based on analysis.
Two exam style questions that students would need to provide three points for and three quotes.
Used this for exam revision and intervention> great for mid to bottom sets but can be edited to stretch and challenge top sets.

AQA Poetry Revision Workbook
Note: the current file is set up for POWER AND CONFLICT> you can change this by just changing the titles to LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS and changing the titles of the poems throughout!
A completely editable revision booklet that allows the student to break down the poem into various sections:
1. The importance of title and structure: students are given guiding questions to answer.
2. Developing meaning
3. Imagery and Language Devices
4. Word choice relating to theme
5. Context and themes
6. Practice questions: Students identify the two poems they will be comparing and which theme they will address based on their previous answers> Teachers can fill in these questions for them OR assign them as a weekly homework task.
7. Self Assess> in this section students are expected to fill in a grid of three criteria they want to meet, how they have met it in their answer and how they are going to improve. I have purposely left the criteria blank as it will greatly depend on the skill level of the student.
Note: This booklet can be used alongside teaching the poems instead of revision.

AQA Language Exam Paper 1 Practice Booklet and Anthology
A comprehensive booklet that allows students to study and analyse a variety of texts. It will help prepare them for paper one and has opportunities for self and peer assessment as well as reflection. Excellent revision resource.