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GCSE 1-9 Ratio Problems & Algebra
A set of lessons designed for the new curriculum around the use of ratio in coordinate geometry and algebraic fractional equations.

GCSE 1-9 Higher GCSE Fortnightly skills assessment
Based on the new curriculum I have mapped backwards from Grade 8 topics down to grade 1 and designed these fortnightly skills tests to be done with my classes. These form the basis of all my homework's (linked to mathswatch) and starter activities/revision sessions. I have attached the spreadsheets that produce instant feedback for the pupils to stick into their books/to revise from.

GCSE 1-9 Ratio & Bar Modelling Lessons
I have created a series of lessons designed to help pupils cope with wordy ratio problems using the Singaporean bar modelling method.

GCSE 1-9 Reverse Fractions of Amounts using bar modelling
I created a lesson to help foundation pupils access reverse fractions of amounts problems generally using the Singaporean bar modelling method.

GCSE 1-9 Pythagoras lessons
A set of lessons on Pythagoras designed to help scaffold pupils with the way Pythagoras is being disguised in a variety of problems.

GCSE 1-9 Higher Revision Catchphrase
A quick revision of 9 topics either for a starter or a plenary in the build up to exams.
A fun game to enthuse and engage in the run up to the exams.

Rearranging formula
Rearranging formula lesson based on the balancing method with whiteboard checks. For middle to upper ability pupils at KS3 & KS4

Pointless revision - Equations (D)
This is a revision game for GCSE pupils based on basic equations on the Foundation and Higher exam. Teams aim to get the lowest score similar to the tv show.

GCSE 1-9 Foundation Negatives & Substitution Revision
Designed around a set of questions from the new style of exam, I have produced a graduated set of revision slides to help scaffold the pupils into answering the questions at the end. The 'do now' at the beginning of the lesson is created around my set of 1-9 exams that run from year 7 through to year 11.

GCSE Foundation 1-9 Percentages & Interest Revision
Designed around a set of questions from the new style of exam, I have produced a graduated set of revision slides to help scaffold the pupils into answering the questions at the end. The 'do now' at the beginning of the lesson is created around my set of 1-9 exams that run from year 7 through to year 11.

GCSE 1-9 Foundation Fractions Of Amounts Revision
Designed around a set of questions from the new style of exam, I have produced a graduated set of revision slides to help scaffold the pupils into answering the questions at the end. The 'do now' at the beginning of the lesson is created around my set of 1-9 exams that run from year 7 through to year 11.

GCSE 1-9 Foundation Ratio Revision
Designed around a set of questions from the new style of exam, I have produced a graduated set of revision slides to help scaffold the pupils into answering the questions at the end. The 'do now' at the beginning of the lesson is created around my set of 1-9 exams that run from year 7 through to year 11.

GCSE 1-9 Foundation Estimation Revision
Designed around a set of questions from the new style of exam, I have produced a graduated set of revision slides to help scaffold the pupils into answering the questions at the end. The 'do now' at the beginning of the lesson is created around my set of 1-9 exams that run from year 7 through to year 11.

GCSE 1-9 Foundation Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Revision
Designed around a set of questions from the new style of exam, I have produced a graduated set of revision slides to help scaffold the pupils into answering the questions at the end. The 'do now' at the beginning of the lesson is created around my set of 1-9 exams that run from year 7 through to year 11.

GCSE 1-9 Foundation 4 Operations, Decimals & Money Revision
Designed around a set of questions from the new style of exam, I have produced a graduated set of revision slides to help scaffold the pupils into answering the questions at the end. The 'do now' at the beginning of the lesson is created around my set of 1-9 exams that run from year 7 through to year 11.

Reverse Percentages
A set of powerpoint lessons aimed at preparing students for GCSE questions and problems on reverse percentages. They are mastery style with interleaving in mind.

GCSE 1-9 Generating expressions involving volume and surface area
A set of 2 lessons designed to revise surface area and volume of prisms and cones/spheres as well as how this could involve generating expressions and rearranging formula

Interest & Depreciation
A set of powerpoint lessons aimed at preparing students for Higher GCSE questions and problems on interest, depreciation & decay. They are mastery style with interleaving in mind.

Mixed fractions application lesson
A lesson to extend pupils knowledge of the four operations with fractions and mixed fractions.

Multiple Ratios
A set of ratio lessons based on the new style GCSE 1-9 ratio problems. Mastery style with interleaving.