Revision guide/notes that covers all the topics on the BTEC L3 - Unit 1 - Respiratory System
This resource can be used alongside the revision workbook (it gives all the information needed to fill in the workbook and answer the apply your knowledge section.
Also includes an 80-mark end of topic test on the Respiratory system
Tick list of all the topics covered so you can track your understanding pre/post revision
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.2 Socio-cultural influences and wellbeing in physical activity and sport
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 2 structure strips as a bundle
6 mark Long answer question using structure strip
Physical Factors Affecting Performance
Short term effect of exercise - redistribution of blood
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Component 01 structure strips as a bundle
A video on open and closed skills
Video last 14 minutes
Gives examples of open and closed skills
Gives the characteristics of open and closed skills
Explains the characteristics
Include a classification of skills worksheet
Includes a apply your knowledge worksheet
A more interactive way of learning!
Btec Sport Level 3
Unit 1
Complete PowerPoint
D1 The structure of the cardiovascular system
D2 The functions of the cardiovascular system
D3 Nervous control of the cardiac cycle
D4 Responses of the cardiovascular system to a single sport or exercise session
D5 Adaptations of the cardiovascular system to exercise
D6 Additional factors affecting the cardiovascular system
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Conemporary Issues In Sport (R184)
Complete Revision Guide
Includes notes that are concise on all the topics. Also includes subject contact taken from the syllabus. This is a handy tool to revise for the exam
Topic 1 - Issues which affect participation in sport
Topic 2 - The role of sport in promoting values
Topic 3 - Implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
Topic 4 - : The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
Topic 5 - The use of technology in sport
Ideally this should be used along side the student work booklet or powerPoint
A total of 10 Knowledge Organisers for GCSE PE OCR (9-1)
A handy revision tool that can be used in a variety of ways
They can be enlarged onto A3 and laminated so they can be used over and over again
Contains all subject areas from component 02 including:
• 2.1 Socio-cultural influences
• 2.1.a. Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activities and sports
• 2.1.b. Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
• 2.1.c. Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
• 2.2 Sports psychology
• 2.3 Health, fitness and well-being
These are the updated knowledge organisers that come with the original word document (so they can be edited) and also a PDF file to avoid any formatting issues
GCSE PE Edexcel
Powerpoints that covers all the following topics from Component 2
Physical, emotional and social health, fitness and well-being
Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle
Energy use, diet, nutrition & hydration
The use of goal setting and SMART targets to improve and optimise performance
Guidance and feedback on performance
Mental preparation for performance
Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activity and sport
Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
End of topic test
Topic 1
Cointemporary issues (R184)
Covers everything in Topic 1 - Issues that affect participation in sport
User groups
Possible barriers
Possible barrier solutions
Factors which can positively and negatively impact upon the popularity of sport in the UK
Emerging/new sports in the UK
Total of 60 marks
Good for revision!
Complete Revision and Homework booklets for Component 2
revision notes for all of component 2
Homework topics to fill in
Lots of Apply your knowledge sections
End of topic tests
Revision tick lists
6 mark Long answer question using structure scripts
A massive bundle of structure strips on the whole of OCR Component 01 (Physical Factors Affecting Performance)
Covers each and every subject content from component 01
Can be put into a booklet for revising Extended question answers
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
Pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
Key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from OCR mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
9 mark Long answer question using structure scripts
A massive 30 structure strips on the whole of component 2 (Health and Performance)
Covers each and every subject content of Component 2
Can be put into a booklet for revising Extended question answers
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from Edexcel mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Complete paper 2 Knowledge organisers/revision mats for GCSE PE AQA
16 in total
Handy revision tools that can be used in a variety of ways
They should be enlarged onto A3 and laminated so they can be used over and over again
Additional PDF files are included to the originals to avoid any formatting issues
6 mark Long answer question using a structure strip
A massive bundle of structure strips on the whole of OCR Component 02 (Socio-Cultural Issues and Sports Psychology)
Covers each and every subject content from component 02
Can be put into a booklet for revising Extended question answers
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
Pupils use the strip to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
Key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from OCR mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own strip
Component 01 structure strips can be seen here:
Sports Studies (R187) Increasing awareness of outdoor adventurous activities
Complete Work booklet
Booklet has all the information that you will need to help with the assignment
Topic Area 1: Provision for different types of outdoor and adventurous activities in the UK
Topic Area 2: Equipment, clothing and safety aspects of participating in outdoor and adventurous activities
Topic Area 3: Plan for and be able to participate in an outdoor and adventurous activity
Topic Area 4: Evaluate participation in an outdoor & adventurous activity
Can be used along side the PowerPoint
A Christmas quiz bundle!
PowerPoint Quizzes on Christmas Themes
Santa Who
Christmas Music
Christmas Films
Christmas General Knowledge
Who’s on Santa’s Knee
Who’s Santa Spying on
Santa’s Magnifying Glass
Observation Round
Flying Over Landmarks
Computer Games
Fancy Dress
Emoji Christmas Songs
Emoji Dingbats
Star Wars Characters
No need to do anything, just click on the powerPoint and it plays automatically with the music
Click again at the end to see the answers
This can be used together to make a multi round quiz (whole lesson)
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Performance and leadership in sporting activities (R185)
Complete PowerPoint (85 Slides)
The powerPoint Contains all the information student need to cover from the syllabus and to write their assignment
The PowPoint contains tasks to reinforce learning and understanding
Ideally this should be used along side the student work booklet