
20 simple sentences to be dictated to pupils by the teacher - years 3 and 4
This resource contains 20 simple sentences that can be dictated to pupils
( Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.)
I have included words from the common exception list as well as some other SPaG items from the year 3 and 4 curriculum.
Curriculum links:
- Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.
- Spell further homophones.
- Spell words that are often misspelt (year 3 /4 common exception words).
- Use further prefixes and understand how to add them
- Use further suffixes and understand how to add them
- Use the correct form of ‘a’ or ‘an’
- Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
- Place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals e.g. girls’, boys’ and in words with irregular plurals e.g. children’s.
I hope you find this useful.
Your feedback is always welcome x

5 SPaG question strips for years 3 and 4 (set 1)
This resource contains 5 question strips linked to the year 3 and 4 SPaG curriculum.
Curriculum links:
- Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.
- Spell further homophones.
- Spell words that are often misspelt (year 3 /4 common exception words).
- Use further prefixes and understand how to add them
- Use further suffixes and understand how to add them
- Use the correct form of ‘a’ or ‘an’
- Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
- Place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals e.g. girls’, boys’ and in words with irregular plurals e.g. children’s.
I hope you find this useful.
Your feedback is always welcome x
Images sourced from https://wpclipart.com/index.html

5 SPaG question strips - year 3 and 4 (set 4)
This resource contains 5 question strips linked to the year 3 and 4 SPaG curriculum.
Curriculum links:
- Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.
- Spell further homophones.
- Spell words that are often misspelt (year 3 /4 common exception words).
- Use further prefixes and understand how to add them
- Use further suffixes and understand how to add them
- Use the correct form of ‘a’ or ‘an’
- Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
- Place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals e.g. girls’, boys’ and in words with irregular plurals e.g. children’s.
I hope you find this useful.
Your feedback is always welcome x
Images sourced from https://wpclipart.com/index.html

5 SPaG question strips - year 3 and 4 (set 3)
This resource contains 5 question strips linked to the year 3 and 4 SPaG curriculum.
Curriculum links:
- Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.
- Spell further homophones.
- Spell words that are often misspelt (year 3 /4 common exception words).
- Use further prefixes and understand how to add them
- Use further suffixes and understand how to add them
- Use the correct form of ‘a’ or ‘an’
- Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
- Place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals e.g. girls’, boys’ and in words with irregular plurals e.g. children’s.
I hope you find this useful.
Your feedback is always welcome x
Images sourced from https://wpclipart.com/index.html

5 SPaG question strips with dictation sentence - year 3 and 4 (set 2)
This resource contains 5 question strips linked to the year 3 and 4 SPaG curriculum.
Curriculum links:
- Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.
- Spell further homophones.
- Spell words that are often misspelt (year 3 /4 common exception words).
- Use further prefixes and understand how to add them
- Use further suffixes and understand how to add them
- Use the correct form of ‘a’ or ‘an’
- Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
- Place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals e.g. girls’, boys’ and in words with irregular plurals e.g. children’s.
I hope you find this useful.
Your feedback is always welcome x
Images sourced from https://wpclipart.com/index.html

20 SPaG question strips linked to year 3 and 4 curriculum
This resource contains 20 question strips linked to the year 3 and 4 SPaG curriculum.
A list of 20 simple sentences for dictation is also included.
Curriculum links:
- Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.
- Spell further homophones.
- Spell words that are often misspelt (year 3 /4 common exception words).
- Use further prefixes and understand how to add them
- Use further suffixes and understand how to add them
- Use the correct form of ‘a’ or ‘an’
- Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
- Place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals e.g. girls’, boys’ and in words with irregular plurals e.g. children’s.
I hope you find this useful.
Your feedback is always welcome x
Images sourced from https://wpclipart.com/index.html