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Buttababez's Shop

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I have been a primary school teacher for 14 years both in the UK and internationally. I am taking a break from education, so I thought it was about time to put some of the resources I have created to good use (again). I have an abundance of resources so keep a look out as I will be adding them gradually. Thanks for checking out my shop!




I have been a primary school teacher for 14 years both in the UK and internationally. I am taking a break from education, so I thought it was about time to put some of the resources I have created to good use (again). I have an abundance of resources so keep a look out as I will be adding them gradually. Thanks for checking out my shop!
Measuring with handspan

Measuring with handspan

A very simple sheet I used with my ESL Kinder/Reception class. Children estimate then use their hand span to measure different classroom objects. They record in the table. A quick and easy resource to use as an introduction or independent activity.
Design a game template

Design a game template

A template that children can use to design their own game using a magnet. I used this resource as part of the science springs and magnets unit with Year 3, but this is easily transferable to other year groups.
Temporal word/Time connective review

Temporal word/Time connective review

A warm up activity to briefly assess understanding or knowledge gained. Children circle the time connectives/temporal words or phrases, from a selection given. Children then add their own examples below. I used this with Grade 1 but can be used from reception/Kinder up to 3, as an introductory or end of unit quick assessment.
The capacity challenge

The capacity challenge

This activity was used as part of a measures workshop I taught in Grade 1. On the table were different labelled containers and in the middle of the table was a large basin of water with a plastic cup inside. The idea was to observe the children’s mathematical thinking and problem solving skills throwing in questions now and then to support their autonomy. A really nice workshop - great and simple activity.
Graph story

Graph story

I used this resource with a year 3/4 class when introducing the concept of line graphs. This is a great way to get the children to understand trends before actually having to plot or read graphs. The children create their own ‘graph story’ by looking at the data and coming up with a feasible explanation of what might have happened to create the data. Comparing ideas was also fun!
Cause and effect sort

Cause and effect sort

This is a cut and paste activity. Children will be given colour coded cause and effect sentences, which they should unscramble and paste in their books. Children will then shade the cause in one colour and the effect in another. I had the sentences pre-cut and in envelopes (1 set for each child). As the sentences are colour coded this worked well and also gave the children a chance to revise their knowledge of sentences e.g. starting with a capital etc. This activity was used for a LA group in Year 3 but could be used in many different ways, including pre_assessment of cause and effect, or end of unit assessment. The children really enjoyed the activity.
Progressive multiplication worksheet

Progressive multiplication worksheet

A worksheet consisting of a range of multiplication sums which require different mental strategies in order to solve. Strategies include inverse, multiplying by 10, partitioning and compensation. A resource that was used for higher ability independent math work in Year 3. Could be used for focused group teaching or lower abilities in Years 4 and up. This could also be given as pre or post unit assessments.
Problem solving pictures

Problem solving pictures

A simple resource I created for ESL children. Children need to cut and paste the solution to the problem. All in picture format. Children can then talk through the pictures. I made this because all examples I found were in written format and beyond the level of my children.
Letters of the alphabet and their sounds

Letters of the alphabet and their sounds

Some sheets I used with a K5 class at the beginning of the year. Used to revise the letters of the alphabet and initial letter sounds. Could be used with 1st Grade/Year 1 lower ability children or ESL children. Good also as a formative assessment.
Estimating with capacity

Estimating with capacity

A simple sheet I used in Kindergarten (ESL children) where they had to estimate which container would have the biggest/smallest capacity, then measure by counting cups of water to fill each container. A fun activity to reinforce capacity.
Getting to Know You!

Getting to Know You!

This is a back to school/New school year activity to promote talk and collaboration. The aim is that students go around and talk to other members of the class in order to find someone to fit each category. There are 2 differentiated versions - both editable.
Miss D's Guide to Napier's Rod

Miss D's Guide to Napier's Rod

A PowerPoint presentation I designed to introduce Napier’s Rod as a multiplication strategy. Could be used as homework help or support for parents. A good and quick revision aid that can be edited.
Create a character

Create a character

Children will use this frame to help them develop ideas about a new character. I used this after the children created characters using the ‘draw, fold and switch’ method. They stuck their characters onto the sheet and then wrote details about the character they had created. There are 3 different versions of the sheet - a really fun way to promote creative, detailed writing.
Informal letter sort

Informal letter sort

2 differentiated informal letters for the children to cut out, sort and stick into the correct format. Great revision or initial assessment of understanding.