This resource is the first stage teaching of MOONLIGHT. I have focused on the assumption that students are grounded in the language of film.
Ideology is over 2 PPTS - an includes a clip from BAD BOYS 4 [ 2024] as it is set in Miami and shows a contrast of hyper masculinity!
PPTS 1- 3 are in teaching and viewing order There PPTS on Chiron/Black and Juan, Cinamotography, theory, the film playlist ( sound is linked on ideology] and a genreic film screening template which I print on A3 - two copies per student, a PPT in theory linked to MOONLIGHT
This will be added to maybe, after September 2024, and if you see something added , please message me if you can not access for free after your first purchase!
This is a whole introduction unit for All About Eve - targeting Eduqas and WJEC :
It does assume two things: one the teacher has some experience in teaching film and the language of film for GCE. and that the student has already had some basic film language taught
Of the new films, this really is one of the easiest that is going to write up well. As Old Hollywood, it’s a bit of a gift, using stardom, studio power, it’s Academy Award status, the cinematography and performance, costume and of course, dialogue
PPTS, work book and essay template
I have been teaching Pans Lab., since 2008 and there are heap of resources out there: this is suitable for IB or A Level - I have used fo both. It is MY take on how to teach it, over 20 hours including film viewing. Th resources require teacher guidance, except the one PPT of pre viewing - this is my curated guide for students to work through by themselves before any teaching/viewing of the film! I have updated it October 2021 - if there are broken links please let me know!
The remaining PPTS - are for one guided teaching and vewing, one for cinematography, and one for revision pre exam - so four in total.
The work book is word doc and editable: and the word template doc is for PETAL structure paragraphs to build a structured essay for film.
Do check back as I am compiling a resource PPT - eg magazines and exam questions - I have the 2021 UK Autumn papers and will be paraphrasing from and you can down load that when it is available!
This is a teacher led - or student led work through on what is likely to be , or not be the central poem in the Summer 2024 series
It also has a short refresher on Garland and Weir, as female poets, not yet chosen as central poems, and I am NOT suggesting they will as my crystal ball is quite cloudy on this
But it does help the students reduce the selection of poems to 10 more likely candidates and help them chose from those not likely under the rules to be used again, to prepare.
Looking back, so many thought My Last Duchess was too long, not tiered etc, and how wrong was that?
This PPT merely reviews the maths - and with Poppies and Kamikaze - how to use very short quotes - dip into the language features.
It is not an exhaustive resource - more a filler last push or homework revision
UPDATED March 2024 addition Gender (and disabliity) passing
If you have bought this earlier and can not access the NEW additional PPT message me - an addition is a PPT of 2-3 lessons including essay topics, extended writing and short reseach task making explicit connection to the Bible from the text
Resouce 1 This has a 55 slide PPT which introduces the novel - it is structured in sections and a teacher could use sections in any order
It also contains four slides of guided reading questions which will help students read the novel and allow teachers to check progress
Some theories are introduced eg Afrofurturism queer theory
There are discussion breaks throughout, and suggested essay tasks which a teacher can choose to make in to long/short writing - or pair share brainstorming
This is provided on the assumption that if you are teaching this novel you know it :)
resource 2 This is a selection of excerpts and introduces extension ideas of Nihilism and Kant
This is a work book for Film studies - as the film has a high restricted rating, it is assumed this film is done in a Year 13 class after a year of film study - so this DOES NOT go over film language as it is assumed students have already been taught basics.
The workbook is structured to explore auteur: Tarantino as the Director and, as Music sound track auteur which has become his trademark. It looks at trademark shots such as the trunk shot - the elliptical narrative, the role of discombobulated dialogue, the casting
The work book could be use as part of a remote learning scheme, but would be better suited to explicit guided viewing. The role of how differently audiences react, hyper reality, binary theory is covered in questions students should respond to.
The poems are for AQA Crime
They are for teachers who know how to teach poetry at KS5 and they are sectioned to work through in an order building knowledge
Browning then Wilde than Crabbe
These PPTS do NOT focus on low level line by line analysis but link to higher order thought - deep links to the AO’s : if students do not write to the AOs they get lower marks. Teachers are advised to review these - this is not self paced work, not suitable to post as work from home - more suitable for students who want and work towards A* A B or a higher C
This is a 20 slide PPT suitable of AS Level revision wit a focus on:
types of poetic style in the tale
It has 7 questions that if answered in paragprahs will consolidate learning
This is NOT an introduction PPT - it is REVISION
This is a revision lesson, not an introduction lesson, which focuses on what if LONDON is the main poem for Power and Conflict in 2022?
Or if you want to use LONDON for the conrast/compare poem!
The PPT takes through ideas for students who have heard of pathos and logos for example, it has four practise questions, it condenses quotes to the main quotes, and easiest high level techniques.
It has a comparogram slide for the students to self select what would work with LONDON ( and you can adapt that for any of the 15 poems!)
Working through the PPT excluding the exam question practise would suit 60 to 90 minute lesson
It also has a no jargon breakdown of the AOs
This contains two PPTS revised as at February 2023 - one is a general revision to compare and contrast the set texts from Mars and Beyonce and the second PPT is a an in depth refresher on Mars uptown funk
Neither need teacher support - but if teacher led would take 2-3 lessons to work through
There are some exam style questions - with guidance on ’ get to the point’ style answers, stongly focussed on there are no points in waffle!
There are slides with core vocab refreshers.
This is single lesson - or home learning - final prep for GCSE. It is directed to students who are aware that essays by rote, memory will and are being marked down in the UK GCSE exams - across all examining boards.
This PPT is for students aiming above a 5 - who can consider safe, but bolder ideas about Lady Macbeth.
It poses some accessible ideas, a sample essay writing but the emphasis is to challenge outdated and pedestrian ideas about Lady Macbeth.
This PPT should challenge students to place her:
in context
to a contemporary reader/audience
to understand her limits as wife/ schemer
to use single word quotes to explain
to prepare for any question on her
This is a student workbook which allows them to view and make notes and explore in depth the ‘britishness’ of the film
The work would/should occupy about 8-10 lessons
I print it single sided and encourage them to build on the reverse pages there on own ideas and story boards so it become a solid revision tool for them
This is workbook for Winters Bone suitable for Eduqas A Level new curriculum 2018+
addition to resource revision also for AS exams 2023
addition to resourcce revision PPT Feb 2021
This approximately 32+ pages - it is best used by being printed in colour.
It has quite a bit of technical teaching for film - eg 3pt lighting, camera shot, costume. It is assumed that this film might be at the beginning of teaching A Level film and therfore introduces more techinical language.
However, the prupose is to teach spectatorship and the work book is geared towards the Eduqas ( WJEC) a level
A condition of purchase of thi resource is that it will not be shared on-line. It is supplied in word foramt so that you can personalise it.
This is work book intended for A Level students ( film study) using the current curriculum for Eduqas (WJEC) board with the first exams 2019.
( I think it is impossible to teach spectatorship witihout acknowledging casting choices in light of#blacklives matter and the wake of #metoo)
Update includes an extra page towards the end on more sound information
The resource focuses on Spectatorship, but assumes that some spectatorship has already been taught. As this film has attaracted over 50!! PHD thesis - I have got this down to what I think is a manageable 25 pages ( just under 6,500 words) with some student interaction, but all the interaction comes back to what will be the key question focus for the 2019 - 2021 exams with this film - spectatorship.
The key scenes I have targeted are the coin toss, and the motel scene post Moss death, with sections on camera, lighting, costumes, and of course the Coen’s and Deakin.
There are many themes one could chose - I have included Nihilism, religion , ageing, law and order, as they seem the most obvious and will I hope write up well in the exams. I have not done much focus on the acting because I have assumed that any teacher would easily identify that its realism, and method with the main three!
I have left this as a word document - so you can alter adapt and personalise as you wish - or not if you choose - but I do ask that you do not distrubute this online.
This is a collection of resources compiled over the past 15 years!
They are a combination of teacher led, homework, group work, suiting lower to higher level groups.
Some is very much stand alone lessons, and they are resources I dip in and out of yearly, updating and changing as cohorts bring new challenges or ideas.
Macbeth has been my old friend since my A Level days, in another century - I hope you find something in here useful!
This is for students studying THE BIG ISSUE [TBI]
It includes references to the Sgt Pepper cover used in the 2021 November exam series.
PPTs cover TBI going digital and the impact of covid
Issue practise with Marcus Rushford
Digital impact and key word practise: bricolage homage
Theorist used Clay Shirkey
This is a stand alone lesson - it would take 2-3 hours to complete - it could be set for online, or if a student feels they need more than they have been taught - this is what revision should look like and could be done collaboratively online
It is is best teacher led and requires a teacher to have a sound knowledge of the play
Contains essay task - suitable for OCR but this will work with any A level board
This is only suitable as a revision lesson for An Inspector Calls
It highlights easy to learn quotes , and has a plenary task for Eva/Daisy
It is a lesson I have tweaked over the years and is especially suitable for students struggling with key ideas about the main characters.
I put the OCR marksheets into a word doc so I could play around with it more easily
Eg student name - insert a detailed feedback after the level is awarded
Comes from the board obviously - I put in bold what I think are the key words when marking
Feedback most welcome
This is a quick half lesson worksheet for AQA power and conflict Agard’s poem
The worksheet reminds students to focus on key quotes - refresh analysis and to re-consider context. It is not a first wave introduction to the poem!
The worksheet refers to a short youtube clip about ingrained racism ( Taikai Waititi’s parody 2 minutes long) to help students to connect to higher order ideas about humour being used to deflect serious issues