Business and finance

Homework Sheet (Vodafone)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

Homework Sheet (UK Coal)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

Homework Sheet (Kraft Foods)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

John Lewis - Bricks vs Clicks - Episode 3
Worksheet to go with the third episode of the TV series aired in March 2010.
A sheet for all three episodes are here - search for the others - and copy the programmes from iplayer while you can!

Homework Sheet (Vauxhall Motors)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others. Also related video clip of Peter Mandelson, Labour MP and (then) Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009]

John Lewis - Coping with the Recession - Episode 1
Worksheet to go with the first episode of the TV series aired in March 2010.
A sheet for all three episodes are here - search for the others - and copy the programmes from iplayer while you can!

BTEC Business L2 Course intro (.swf & worksheet)
The answers for the worksheet are to be found in the presentation. I have the presentation on the MLE so pupils can scroll view it at their own pace.
Good for introductory lesson at start of course.
Aimed at pupils doing L2 BTEC Business Extended Certificate - 2010 spec.

Homework Sheet (Royal Mail & News Corp)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

What makes Kanya King an entrepreneur?
Worksheet to use with the audio file from BBC i-player - radio interview with Kanya King lasting just over 15 mins - where she discusses how she started off in business.

Mary Portas - Value Fashion Chain Stores
Worksheet (print back-to-back) to accompany Channel 4 TV programme focussing on customer service.

Mary Portas ~ Customer Service in Furniture Chains
Worksheet (print back-to-back) to accompany Channel 4 TV programme aired on 26th January 2011 focussing on customer service.

Mary Portas ~ Customer Service & Estate Agents
Worksheet (print back-to-back) to accompany Channel 4 TV programme aired on 9th February focussing on customer service & estate agents. Record it while you can from 4OD.

Mary Portas ~ Customer Service & Mobile Phone Shops
Worksheet (print back-to-back) to accompany Channel 4 TV programme aired on 2nd February 2011 focussing on customer service.