
The Red Room
A week’s worth of lessons on ‘The Red Room’ with AQA English Language Paper 1 style reading questions.

The Monkey's Paw
A week’s worth of lessons on ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ with AQA English Langauge type questions.

Gothic creative writing
This scheme of work is written for KS3 with the view that it will introduce students to all of the skills they need for AQA Language Paper 1: creative writing. There are weekly reading homework tasks with a clear focus for each week. Each week looks at a specific aspect of creative writing, such as creating characters, settings, and creating tension.

Of Mice and Men for AQA English Language
I have written this scheme of work with AQA English Language Paper 1 in mind. Each lesson will focus on an aspect of Language, such as the use of structural devices in Chapter Four, evaluation questions based on the end of the novel, and language questions based on characters and settings throughout. There are practice and final assessments included, which are AQA English Language Paper 1 style.

Creative Writing Activity Pack
A series of slides that covers the following:
How to avoid cliche,
using colour,
using images to inspire writing,
creating characters,
using figurative language,
creating tension,
describing settings,
focussing on small details,
varying your sentences,
varying your punctuation.

Much Ado About Nothing Complete Scheme of Work
Includes opportunities for speaking and listening, drama, creative writing, with all of the skills broken down and modelled.

Macbeth - three model paragraphs Band 3, 4, and 5.
The same point and quote written about in three different ways. Pupils highlight the differences to see what makes a top grade response.

London by William Blake
A whole lesson in which pupils think independently about the connotations of vocabulary in William Blakes's London. Included: model response, self assessment, contextual information.

Gothic/Ghost Story Vocabulary
Lots of words to help students write their own Gothic/ghost story.
Includes ambitious vocabulary such as 'lugubrious' to push higher attaining students and encourage students to think carefully about their vocabulary choices.

An Introduction to Shakespeare
Includes: visual information on his life and times, the workings of Tudor/Jacobean theatre, and how to get to grips with Shakespeare's language.

Unseen Poetry SoW, sample questions, model answers, and other resources
This is for EDUQAS, but mark schemes etc can easily be adapted for other exam boards. There are lots of practise questions, a few model answers, a resource showing the steps to answering a response, assessment materials, and a few handy hints.

10 common literacy errors
10 common literacy errors with an explanation of why they are made, and the correct response for each.

Vocabulary to describe character
A two sided sheet full of interesting words to describe characters. Useful for creative writing and improving vocabulary.

How to analyse a non-fiction text
A handy 2 page worksheet taking pupils through the steps of analysing any non-fiction text.

Eduqas/WJEC English Language and English Literature pupil friendly guides to the course
A pupil friendly guide to the course, with example question types, model answers, pupil friendly mark schemes, and tips on how to answer each question.

Eduqas/WJEC English assessment feedback sheets
Make marking easier by using these tick sheets. You do not need to write down what they have done well, just tick. Pupils can even write their own E.B.Is once their work has been returned.

143 Dingbats (fun word games)
143 word games with answers. Useful to put a couple up at the start of a lesson to get pupils settling down and engaged, or as fun little 'fillers'.

A Christmas Carol Complete Sow for 2015 onward exams
Designed for the new Eduqas/WJEC exams from 2015, but could be adapted easily for AQA, this scheme includes lesson by lesson resources, lots of example assessments, model answers, homework tasks, creative writing tasks, links to non-fiction and poetry and wider reading.