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AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - L2 Categories of Place (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - L2 Categories of Place (Lesson + Resources)

Lesson 2 of the scheme - Categories place made for AQA Changing places unit: KEY IDEA 2.3 Lesson Retrieval from L1 (What is place?) How can the media etc define our sense of place? How can the media develop an “us” and “them?” What are the near and far places? How do people’s opinions of place differ? Does the media play a role? Homework - David Houle Ted Talk PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets - Modelled work.
AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - L1 What is place? (Lesson + Resources)

AQA A-LEVEL Changing Places - L1 What is place? (Lesson + Resources)

Whole lesson on the introduction to “what is place?” for AQA Changing places unit: KEY IDEA 2.2 Introduction to the course and Cornell note taking (expectation of my year) What is place – how is it developed? who is included/excluded? 3 ideas of place - Location, Locale and Sense of Place. How do people’s opinions of place differ? Insider vs Outsider - what are they and can they ever be good? Personalised HWK. PowerPoint - Lesson - Worksheets.
AQA GCSE Resource Management - Complete Scheme

AQA GCSE Resource Management - Complete Scheme

7 Resources
AQA Challenges to the human Environment - Resource Management. This has emphasis on the water optional element - however can be adapted for food or energy. L1 - Introduction to Resource Management L2 - UK Food L3 - UK Water L4 - Global Water L5 - UK Energy L6 - Sustainable Water Small Scale L7 - Sustainable Water Large Scale
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Sustainable Water Lesotho Large Scale  (Complete Lesson)

AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Sustainable Water Lesotho Large Scale (Complete Lesson)

AQA Challenges to the Human Environment This is the 7th lesson on the Resources management unit - looking at sustainable water usage on a large scale for the Lesotho Dam. Review of last learning IT TASK - researching 4 different methods for sustainable water usage RESEARCH - Large scale water conservation Lesotho Highland water Project CASE STUDY - Lesotho Highland water Project Exam Question including structure. HWK - Revision Checklist Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Sustainable Water Usage (Complete Lesson)

AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Sustainable Water Usage (Complete Lesson)

AQA Challenges to the Human Environment This is the 6th lesson on the Resources management unit - looking at sustainable water usage (could be adapted for Energy or food). Decision making starter. Sustainability recap - and local efforts Exam Question including structure. Photo Analysis task CASE STUDY - Wakel River Basin (including modeled notes) Exam Question including structure. Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.


AQA Challenges to the Human Environment This is the 5th lesson on the Resources management unit - looking at Energy usage in the UK, how it’s changed and the impacts involved. Review of learning. Quiz recap starter. Keywords e.g. Water stress Practical demonstration of energy usage with Jelly beans Graph analysis Positives and negatives of resources Exam Question - with structure (use of graph). Fracking HWK task Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Global Water Consumption (Complete Lesson)

AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Global Water Consumption (Complete Lesson)

AQA Challenges to the Human Environment This is the 4th lesson on the Introduction to the Resources management unit - looking at Global water and why/how there are inequalities. Review of learning. Photo analysis task. Keywords e.g. Water stress Analysis of graphs of consumption AO2 - Chains of Consequence task Human and physical factors classification Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.


AQA Challenges to the Human Environment This is the 3rd lesson on the Introduction to the Resources management unit - looking at UK Water and how consumption has changed. Timeline activity - how’s water consumption changed. Skill tasks - choropleth on consumption and rainfall. Exam q - with structure help How is water polluted? Effects HWK - keywords task Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - UK Food Consumption (Complete Lesson)

AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - UK Food Consumption (Complete Lesson)

AQA Challenges to the Human Environment This is the 2nd lesson on the Introduction to the Resources management unit - looking at UK food and how consumption has changed. Practical session using biscuits to demonstrate. Timeline activity - how’s consumption changed. Food miles - associated issues Organic Food comprehension task. Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Introduction to Resources (Complete Lesson)

AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Introduction to Resources (Complete Lesson)

AQA Challenges to the Human Environment This is the 1st lesson on the Introduction to the Resources management unit - looking at what is a resources and how they are distributed. Introduction tasks Skill tasks - distribution description (with help) Skill tasks - describe patterns found on a choropleth Introduce resources inequalities - why and what effect? Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA GCSE Urban Issues - UK HIC CIty (London) Scheme.

AQA GCSE Urban Issues - UK HIC CIty (London) Scheme.

7 Resources
Lessons and resources for the UK part of AQA Paper 2 Challenges to the Human Environment. For 100 minutes lessons but easily adapted. **Urban issues ** L1 = UK Population Distribution L2 - London Introduction L3 - London Opportunities L4 - London Challenges L5 - Improving London (Olympics) L6 - Sustainable London (BEDzed) L7 - Assessment
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L6 UK Sustainable Urban Living BEDZED (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L6 UK Sustainable Urban Living BEDZED (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 6th lesson London and the UK looking at how HIC cities can make themselves sustainable - with reference to BEDZED… Review of last lesson’s learning. Recap Sustainability and the sustainable features. IT research task - using the PP and IT task how is London trying to make itself sustainable. CASE STUDY - BEDzed researchw ith various links and clips to fill in a case study note sheet. 9 Mark question and Structure Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities - Exam q.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L5 UK Olympics improving London (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L5 UK Olympics improving London (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 5th lesson London and the Olympics and how it has/ hasn’t improved the life of London’s population. Review of last lesson’s learning. Skill - describe the location… CASE STUDY - Gathering information off videos and Info sheets about the Olympics and their legacy. AO2 - Chains of Consequence task. CARD SORT - positive and negative opinions (Social, Economic and Environmental). 9 Mark question and Structure Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities - Exam q.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L4 UK London Challenges and negatives (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L4 UK London Challenges and negatives (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 4th lesson London and the UK looking at the Challenges people face when living in London - and what impact this has. Review of last lesson’s learning. Classification of challenges - Social, Economic and Environmental. Choropleth analysis and comparison - what’s the trends? Diamond 9 ranking task - AO3 skill. 9 mark question - whith plan, structure and Mark scheme. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities - Exam q.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L3 UK London Opportunities and positives (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L3 UK London Opportunities and positives (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 3rd lesson London and the UK looking at the opportunities people can get from Living in London. Review of last lesson’s learning. Skills graph analysis CASE STUDY - note taking on opportunities in London. Venn diagram - are they social, economic or environmental? 6 mark differentiated question - with Mark scheme and structure. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L2 UK London Introduction (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L2 UK London Introduction (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 2nd lesson London and the UK looking at how the population of London is made up and its links. Review of Last lesson’s learning. Skills Choropleth and analysis - with modeled Choropleth. CASE STUDY - note taking on links to London CARD SORT - London links. AO3 ranking task - which are the most important links and why, Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L1 UK Population Distribution  (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L1 UK Population Distribution (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 1st lesson London and the UK looking at how the UK is populated and what impact this has. Skills based questions e.g. distribution of the UK population Keywords and definitions Why is a large population good/bad? What is a Green/Brownfield site - positives and negatives associated. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities.
AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - Development Scheme.

AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - Development Scheme.

10 Resources
All lessons, resources, and mid unit decision making for Development AQA Paper 2 Challenges to the Human Environment. For 100 minutes lessons but easily adapted. **Changing Economic World ** L1 - Measuring Development. L2 - Development Rankings L3 - Reasons for Uneven Development L4 - Consequences of Uneven Development L5 - Demographic Transition Model L6 - Reducing the Gap L7 - Aid L8 - Goat Aid Decision Making Exercise L9 - India as a NEE L10 - India Aid Example
AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - Complete Scheme.

AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - Complete Scheme.

15 Resources
All lessons, resources, and assessments for AQA Paper 2 Challenges to the Human Environment. For 100 minutes lessons but easily adapted. **Changing Economic World ** L1 - Measuring Development. L2 - Development Rankings L3 - Reasons for Uneven Development L4 - Consequences of Uneven Development L5 - Demographic Transition Model L6 - Reducing the Gap L7 - Aid L8 - Goat Aid Decision Making Exercise L9 - India as a NEE L10 - India Aid Example L11 - UK HIC Economic Structure L12 - UK Industries and Sustainability L13 - Growth and Decline of UK areas L14 - North South Divide L15 - UK and Wider Links L16 - Assessment 45 marks (Lesson and Feedback included)
AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - UK Scheme.

AQA GCSE Changing Economic World - UK Scheme.

5 Resources
Lessons and resources for the UK part of AQA Paper 2 Challenges to the Human Environment. For 100 minutes lessons but easily adapted. L11 - UK HIC Economic Structure L12 - UK Industries and Sustainability L13 - Growth and Decline of UK areas L14 - North South Divide L15 - UK and Wider Links