These worksheets will assist your students in reviewing their understanding of time by working through the problems matching the written supplied time with the anagogic and digital representations.
Telling the time
Analogic representations
Digital representations
Key concepts related to time (half past, o’clock)
The resource includes:
PDF with puzzles to revise half o’clock/half past/quarter past/quarter to concepts.
External material for the activity:
Laminator (optional)
Laminating sheets (optional)
This resource is also available in Spanish - Diciendo la hora (puzzles)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
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KS2 Maths Crosswords
Divisions and multiplications
This pack includes:
PDF including four different worksheets (multiplications; multiplications, additions and subtractions; divisions; and, mixed multiplications and divisions crosswords)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
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Fractions - Pack of activities
Help your students learn about fractions with these fantastic activities and games.
*identifying fractions
*reperesenting fractions
*pack of activities and games
This pack includes:
Identifying fractions worksheet (template + answer sheet)
Fractions Memory game
Fractions Anchor Chart
Fractions Dominoes (12 pcs) game
Fractions on a number line activity (template + answer sheet + cut outs)
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Types of angles worksheet
Types of angles
Angles measurement
This pack includes:
PDF file (worksheet)
Resource also available in Spanish - Tipos de ángulos
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
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Activity based on the story We’re going on a bear hunt". Each player will have a template and during an amount of time, each player will have to note down how many times can spot a number (0-20) in the classroom.
Numbers (1-20)
Maths Word Wall - Year 2
Maths Word Walls for other year groups (up to year 6) will be coming soon!!
Word Wall
This pack includes:
PDF document with labels ready to print!
This resource isn’t available in Spanish yet. A bit of patience, please. It’s in my 2024 to-do list.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Maths Word Wall - Year 1
Maths Word Walls for other year groups up to year 6 will be coming soon!!
Word Wall
This pack includes:
PDF document with labels ready to print!
This resource isn’t available in Spanish yet. A bit of patience, please. It’s in my 2024 to-do list.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Maths Word Wall Bundle - KS1
Word Wall
Statistics (only for year 2)
This pack includes:
PDF document with labels ready to print!
This resource isn’t available in Spanish yet. A bit of patience, please. It’s in my 2024 to-do list.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Colour by product - Christmas
colour by product
times tables
This resource includes:
PDF which contains 8 Christmas-themed (colour by product) sheets
Help your students master counting to 100 with these differentiated number writing worksheets.
Students will work on counting, number identification and number writing as they fill in the missing numbers on the number charts.
Individual work.
Number identification
Number writing
The resource includes:
Differentiated number writing worksheets (3 levels of difficulty)
**Notes: **
For each level of difficulty, there are charts to fill in up to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Ayuda a tus estudiantes a contar hasta 100 con estas tablas de secuencias numéricas (fácil - medio - dificil)
Mediante esta actividad, estudiantes podrán prácticar conteo, identificación y escritura numérica a la vez que copletan las sucesiones numéricas.
Trabajo individual
Identificación numérica
Escritura numérica
El pack incluye
3 PDF con sucesiones numéricas para completar (3 niveles de dificultad). Para cada nivel, los estudiantes podrán completar sucesiones numéricas hasta 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 y 100.
**Notas: **
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Colour by product (Summer)
Times tables (x2-x9)
This pack includes:
PDF file with worksheets ready to print
This resource is also available in Spanish
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Colour by product (Autumn)
Times tables (x2-x9)
This pack includes:
PDF file with worksheets ready to print
This resource is also available in Spanish
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Colorea con la multiplicación (Otoño)
Tablas de multiplicar (x2-x9)
El pack incluye
Documento PDF con fichas listas para imprimir
Recurso disponible también en inglés.
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar mi producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
¡Estos estupendos posters ayudarán a tus estudiantes a escribir los números del o al 9!
Números 1-9
Rimas fáciles de memorizar en línea a cada a número.
Este recursos incluye 9 posters que muestran cómo escribir los números del 0 al 9 en español a través de rimas simples.
**Notes: **
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - Rhymes to write the numbers
Por el precio de £2 más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Estos puzzles ayudarán a tus estudiantes a revisar su conocimiento sobre la hora a través de resolver los problemas relacionando la hora escrita con sus representaciones digitales y analógicas.
Contenido a trabajar:
Decir la hora.
Representaciones analógicas
Representaciones digitales.
Conceptos relacionados con la hora (en punto/ y media/ y cuarto/ menos cuarto)
El recurso incluye:
PDF con puzzles (y cuarto/ menos cuarto)
PDF con puzzles (y media/ en punto)
Material externo para la actividad:
Plastificadora (opcional)
Láminas para plastificar (opcional)
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - Telling the time (puzzles)
Por el precio de £2 más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
This clip cards will hep your students to practise counting 1 through 20.
To use the clip cards, print the PDF, cut and laminate the clip cards and they will be ready to use. Now you only need pegs hangers or other item to select the corresponding number.
Counting (1-20)
Tally Marks
Clip cards
The resource includes:
PDF with clip cards
This clip cards will hep your students to practise counting 1 through 20.
To use the clip cards, print the PDF, cut and laminate the clip cards and they will be ready to use. Now you only need pegs hangers or other item to select the corresponding number.
Other resources you might be interested in:
Clip cards (Ten frames (1-20)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional €2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
This clip cards will hep your students to practise counting 1 through 20.
This clip cards will hep your students to practise counting 1 through 20.
To use the clip cards, print the PDF, cut and laminate the clip cards and they will be ready to use. Now you only need pegs hangers or other item to select the corresponding number.
Counting (1-20)
Ten frames
Clip cards
The resource includes:
PDF with clip cards (ten frames (1-10))
PDF with clip cards (ten frames (11-20))
To use the clip cards, print the PDF, cut and laminate the clip cards and they will be ready to use. Now you only need pegs hangers or other item to select the corresponding number.
Other resources you might be interested in:
Clip cards (Tally marks) (1-20)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
These wonderful posters will support your students in writing the numbers 0 through 9!
Numbers 1-9
Easy-to-remember rhymes in accordance with each number.
The resource includes 9 posters that show how to write the numbers 0 through 9 in English using simple rhymes.
**Notes: **
This resource is also available in Spanish - Rimas para escribir los números - Posters
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Support your students to skip counting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 with these hundred chart worksheets to complete the chart.
Individual work.
Number identification
Number writing
The resource includes:
PDF with hundred charts to support skip counting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
**Notes: **
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.