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Carolinemcleggan5's Shop

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In this shop you will find Geography resources for KS3, KS4 an KS5. I have created some IBDP resources for Geography which took hours. These lessons are generally 10 lessons in 1 PPT with all activities, PPTs, worksheets, model answers.. The Majority of the work that I have uploaded is for KS3 but I will hopefully be able to add A Level lessons on by the end of the year. I have also created some 'lighting fires lessons' which aim to engage learners as well as 'literacy based lessons'.




In this shop you will find Geography resources for KS3, KS4 an KS5. I have created some IBDP resources for Geography which took hours. These lessons are generally 10 lessons in 1 PPT with all activities, PPTs, worksheets, model answers.. The Majority of the work that I have uploaded is for KS3 but I will hopefully be able to add A Level lessons on by the end of the year. I have also created some 'lighting fires lessons' which aim to engage learners as well as 'literacy based lessons'.
Global warming and the causes (human and physical)

Global warming and the causes (human and physical)

Global warming and the causes (human and physical) Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: use sources to describe the changes in climate over time WALT: identify the causes of climate change Differentiation option 1 or option 2 (challenge) self differentiation opportunities. The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paperclip) on the SNB.
renewable energy

renewable energy

This allows students to name, research and evaluate types of renewable energy and to create an informative action plan as to which renewable energy China should move to and why. Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: research, justify and sell an idea be persuasive using facts Self assessment opportunities as well as an assessment opportunity with success criteria. The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paper clip) on the SNB.
Rio a world city

Rio a world city

Rio a world city. WALT: suggest the criteria of a world city, describe why Rio is a world city. This lesson allows students to define, describe and map world cities with an emphasis on Rio. There is a differentiated map on for the less able and a differentiated list of world cities to locate with various levels of challenge. There is also a slide modelling what students are being asked to complete. The main lesson is in Smart notebook and resources are in PPT and PDF.
Lighting fires geography lesson- Hurricaines

Lighting fires geography lesson- Hurricaines

Lighting fires geography lesson- Hurricanes This lesson has been created to engage and inspire students love of geography. The main lesson is in Smart note book. All resources are in PPT. Learning objective/WALT (we are learning to): WALT: make justified geographical decisions I have included knowledge checks and a group work decision making task.
Solution to water shortages-speech and language day.

Solution to water shortages-speech and language day.

Solution to water shortages-speech and language day. Main lesson is in smart notebook Strong oracy focus with set roles such as builder, clarifier, instigator… The use of group work and development indicators is a strong focus. Heavily differentiated with writing frames, examples, different roles, organisation of ideas grid…
The effects of global warming

The effects of global warming

The effects of global warming Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: examine the effects of a global environmental hazard This lesson allows studnets to understand some of the effects of global warming. The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paper clip) on the SNB. This lesson is differentiated using option 1 or option 2 (challenge) self differentiation opportunities.
Brazil assessment thematic and detailed mark scheme and feedback lesson

Brazil assessment thematic and detailed mark scheme and feedback lesson

Brazil assessment thematic and detailed mark scheme and feedback lesson Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: apply knowledge in exam conditions This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunity as well as and assessment opportunity with success criteria. The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paper clip) on the SNB.
Paper 1 Section A Hazards revision lesson and tips including leveled responses

Paper 1 Section A Hazards revision lesson and tips including leveled responses

This is an AQA Paper 1 Section A revision resource for natural hazards exam tips and practice. This lesson has hints and tips of how to claw up to level 3. There are case study revision notes and animations. The objective of this lesson is to prepare for Paper 1 Section A by identifying and retrieving content, applying knowledge to exam questions and working out how to make marginal gains . Level 1-Level 3 tips.
Climate change and tropical storms

Climate change and tropical storms

Climate change and tropical storms Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: To examine how climate change influences storms This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunities. The use of the AQA GCSE Geography Oxford book should/could be used in conjunction with this lesson.
Paper 2 Human 1-9 AQA Geography revision booster

Paper 2 Human 1-9 AQA Geography revision booster

This is a revision booster lesson for AQA GCSE students. It has examiners tips, case studies and skills. I used this with my year 11s on the lead up to the exams and they loved it. They found it REALLY helpful. You could print it as a revision guide, go through it with students to check understanding, print every other page for students to fill in as you go through the PPT…
Pre-release Geography 2019 tropical rainforests

Pre-release Geography 2019 tropical rainforests

This is a whole lesson including resources to get student familiar with the GCSE Geography 2019 pre-release on tropical rainforests in Peru. This is for 2019 students who are preparing for paper 3. As the pre-release is on tropical rainforests the lesson is also a good revision tool for Paper 1 section B also. The lessons has knowledge checks based on the pre-release, comprehension questions, typical paper 3 exam questions, some WILF criteria (what I am Looking for) and clear and easy to use lesson powerpoint and word document. Lesson uses TEEP language e.g. prepare for learning, construct meaning, presenting new information, review… Start with students flicking through the pre-release 2019, then complete the quick knowledge check (prepare for learning activity) and review. Go over presenting new information slides including exam tips. Finally allow students to work through the comprehension and exam practice questions or do this same task with your students as a walking talking mock.
Revision for paper 1 physical AQA 1-9 GCSE

Revision for paper 1 physical AQA 1-9 GCSE

This is a revision booster lesson for AQA GCSE students. It has examiners tips, case studies and skills. I used this with my year 11s on the lead up to the exams and they loved it. They found it REALLY helpful. You could print it as a revision guide, go through it with students to check understanding, print every other page for students to fill in as you go through the PPT…
Reflective editing global warming

Reflective editing global warming

Reflective editing global warming This lesson uses reflective editing as a literacy tool to improve students academic writing. Lots of modeling. My students really benefited from this lesson and their final piece was great. They even used the success criteria to peer mark. Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: To use reflective editing to improve academic writing. The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paper clip) on the SNB.
IBDP Geography Option G: Urban environments

IBDP Geography Option G: Urban environments

This is for 6th form IBDP Geopgraphy teachers. This is a group of 8-10 lessons in one PPT with resources. You will need to Oxford course companion booklet and a copy of Geography and integrated approach by David Waugh. All other resources, worksheets, activities can be found in the powerpoint or documents included in this purchase. These group of lessons cover section 1- the varierty of Urban environments including: The characteristics and distribution of urban places, populations and economic activities Characteristics of urban places, including site, function, land use, hierarchy of settlement (including megacities) and growth process (planned or spontaneous) Factors affecting the pattern of urban economic activities (retail, commercial, industrial), including physical factors, land values, proximity to a central business district (CBD) and planningland use, site, function There are also part of section 2 Changing urban systems including: Urbanization, natural increase and centripetal population movements, including rural–urban migration in industrializing cities, and inner city gentrification in postindustrial cities Centrifugal population movements, including suburbanization and counterurbanization Finally, there are fieldwork oppertunties built into lessons that can be adapted for different urban areas.
AQA GCSE Human paper 2 revision and assessment feedback

AQA GCSE Human paper 2 revision and assessment feedback

This autumn my year 11s sat the 2019 human paper as a mock exam. My lessons are TEEP style with We Are Learning to (WALT) learning objectives. I planned a structured revision lesson for section A, B and Section C with the focus on water Q5 for the section C option. One lesson is revision based with targeted retrieval practice questions. I have planned this for the use with the Hodder textbook. However, you could change the page number for another textbook or a revision guide. I have marked all of my papers and then created a feedback lesson on the questions that my students found difficult as well as questions which had common mistakes based on the 2019 examiners report. This feedback includes a Student reflection sheet for each question. In the PPT are common mistakes and what the examiner was looking for. I have also created stella model answers for students to use when reflecting on their questions later, also attached. Enjoy :)
AQA A level urban waste

AQA A level urban waste

This is a fully resourced lesson TEEP style lesson. There is a lot of exam practice within with knowledge checks. The main parts of the lesson include…the different types of waste, an evaluation of incineration vs landfill and lots of exam practice opportunities. Suggested resources other than those withing include AS/A level Hodder textbook A/S/A level Cambridge textbook To address this part of the SPECIFICATION: Urban waste and its disposal Urban physical waste generation: sources of waste - industrial and commercial activity, personal consumption. Relation of waste components and waste streams to economic characteristics, lifestyles and attitudes. The environmental impacts of alternative approaches to waste disposal: unregulated, recycling, recovery, incineration, burial, submergence and trade. Comparison of incineration and landfill approaches to waste disposal in relation to a specified urban area.
Global warming assessment and markschemes

Global warming assessment and markschemes

Global warming assessment and assessment feedback lessons including detailed leveled answers. Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: Demonstrate prior knowledge and understanding in exam conditions This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunity as well as and assessment opportunity with success criteria. The main lesson is on Smart Notebook and resources are in PPT format or word. Resources for the lesson saved in the attachment section (paper clip) on the SNB.
Paper 2 section  C resource management water- Small and large scale management schemes

Paper 2 section C resource management water- Small and large scale management schemes

Paper 2 section C resource management water- Small and large scale management schemes This lesson is for GCSE 1-9 Geography students who are using water as their option for paper 2 section C. Learning objective/WALT (We are learning to): WALT: Explain and evaluate the costs and benefits of large-scale water management schemes in the developed world and the developing world WALT: Explain and evaluate the role of named small-scale intermediate technology solutions in the developing world There are 3 case studies within. This lesson has knowledge checks with a self assessment opportunity as well as assessment opportunities with success criteria and a stella model answer. I have also included practice of the paper 3 issues investigation for practice as well using the paper 3. All resources are included in the PPT or the second resource attached. The last pages are ‘fill out student sheets’ if you are running short on time.
Batch of coasts revision lessons for landforms of erosion & deposition as well as coastal managment

Batch of coasts revision lessons for landforms of erosion & deposition as well as coastal managment

AQA GCSE Geography Section C Question 3coasts. Batch of coasts revision lessons for landforms of erosion & deposition as well as coastal managment Examples of questions Sequencing activities Appilcation of understanding using exam questions Range of landforms of erosion and deposition TEEP langage throughout. Would be good if you have the CGP revision guides too but normal textbooks will do. Most info is in the PPT but an extra resource such as a revision guide or tectbook can help studnets to be more independent.