I love maths and creating maths resources that fun, simple and engaged to encourage my students enjoy Maths. My passion is to create resources that encourage kids to love maths and to help teachers to prep their maths classes with a little time consuming. 😊
I love maths and creating maths resources that fun, simple and engaged to encourage my students enjoy Maths. My passion is to create resources that encourage kids to love maths and to help teachers to prep their maths classes with a little time consuming. 😊
Surds (Radicals) Activity to practise simplifying, comparing and arranging surds.
Surds worksheets and colouring pages to practise surds in a fun way.
6 tasks plus solutions
Easy classroom preparation: Just print then fold the pages.
Skills Level: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 8th to 12th
Learning Outcomes:
Simplifying surds (Writing surds in simplest form).
Comparing surds.
Arranging surds.
There are two versions: American English and British (Australian) English.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Define rational and irrational numbers and perform operations with surds (ACMNA264)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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A video, PowerPoint & worksheets to practise times table 1 × 1 to 10 × 12.
The Times table drills with two versions: with timer and without timer.
The bundle includes:
Times Tables 1 to 12 Video & PowerPoint
Times Tables 1 to 12 Worksheets
Grades: 2nd to 5th
Learning Outcomes:
Practise multiplication facts 1 × 1 to 10 × 12.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts (ACMNA075)
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Scaffolded Note about how to calculate wages and salaries for various time periods and overtime.
Grades: 9th to 12th
Learning Outcomes:
Calculate earnings from wages and salaries for various time periods, including increased rates for overtime.
Find the equivalent number of hours worked at normal pay.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate weekly or monthly wage from an annual salary, wages from an hourly rate (ACMGM002)
More Resources
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
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A video lesson (about 8 minutes) to learn the introduction to Pythagoras’ Theorem.
The Video Lesson shows step by step how the Pythagoras’s Theorem works for right angled triangles.
Grades: 8th to 10th
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle
• Understand the relationship between the side lengths of a right-angled triangle
• Understand Pythagoras’ theorem for right-angled triangles
• Use Pythagoras Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse given the other two sides
• Use Pythagoras Theorem to find a side of a right-angled triangle given one side and the hypotenuse
Teaching Idea:
Teacher explains the Pythagoras’ Theorem using the video lesson (about 8 minutes)
Alternative way:
students just watch the video lesson.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles (ACMMG222)
Apply Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems (ACMEM116)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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Pythagoras’ Theorem workbook (Notes, worksheets & activity) to learn about Pythagoras’ Theorem and using Pythagoras’ Theorem to find the length of an unknown side in a right-angled triangle.
The workbook comes in 2 styles.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes, worksheets and activity.
Style 2: Cover, completed notes, worksheets and activity.
Total pages in each workbook: 15
Easy classroom preparation:
Just print and staple all pages together to make a workbook.
Solutions for the worksheets are also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 8th to 11th
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle
• Understand the relationship between the side lengths of a right-angled triangle
• Understand Pythagoras’ Theorem for right-angled triangles
• Use Pythagoras’ Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse given the other two sides
• Use Pythagoras Theorem to find a side of a right-angled triangle given one side and the hypotenuse
• Describe the relationship between the sides of a right-angled triangle (Working Mathematically, Communicating and Reasoning - Critical and Creative Thinking).
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles (ACMMG222)
Apply Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems (ACMEM116)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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Notes, worksheets and homework to practise area of rectangles in a variety of length units (metric system).
The workbook is in 2 styles.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes, worksheets and homework.
Style 2: Cover, completed (filled) notes, worksheets and homework.
Total pages in each workbook: 14
Easy classroom preparation: Just print and staple all pages together.
Also included:
• Teacher notes for whiteboards and transparencies
• Answer keys
Grades: 3rd to 6th
Learning Outcomes:
Explain that the area of a rectangle can be found by multiplying the length by the width.
Calculate the areas of rectangles using familiar metric units.
Establish the relationship between the lengths, widths and areas of rectangles.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate the areas of rectangles using familiar metric units (ACMMG109)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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6 tasks to practise area of rectangles in a variety of length units. (metric system).
Tasks 1 and 2:
Students place a whole number in each box, so the area of each rectangle is true.
Tasks 3 and 4:
Students place a decimal in each box, so the area of each rectangle is true.
Tasks 5 and 6:
Students fill in each box with one of the numbers in the list, so the
area of each rectangle is true.
Also included: Answer keys for tasks 5 & 6.
Grades: 3rd to 6th
Learning Outcomes:
Understand that the area of a rectangle can be found by multiplying the length by the width.
Calculate the areas of rectangles using familiar metric units.
Establish the relationship between the lengths, widths and areas of rectangles.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate the areas of rectangles using familiar metric units (ACMMG109)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
Area and Perimeter
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Right Triangle Trigonometry Workbook - Angles of Elevation & Depression
Scaffolded notes + worksheets + solutions + mini folded notes to learn and practise angles of elevation & depression.
Grades: 9th to 12th
Identify angles of elevation and depression
Interpret diagrams in questions involving angles of elevation and depression (Reasoning).
Connect the alternate angles formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal with angles of elevation and depression (Reasoning).
Solve a variety of practical problems, including those involving angles of elevation and depression, when given a diagram (critical and creative thinking).
There are two styles of workbook.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes and worksheets
Style 2: Cover, completed (filled) notes and worksheets
Total pages in each workbook: 13
Easy classroom preparation:
• For the workbook: just print and staple all pages together to make a book.
• For the mini folded notes: print, fold and glue the pages to make a mini notebook.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Apply trigonometry to solve right-angled triangle problems (ACMMG224)
Solve right-angled triangle problems, including those involving angles-of-elevation-and-depression (ACMMG245)
Review the use of the trigonometric ratios to find the length of an unknown side or the size of an unknown angle in a right-angled triangle (ACMGM034)
Apply the cosine and sine ratios to find unknown angles and sides in right-angled triangles (ACMEM119)
Review sine, cosine and tangent as ratios of side lengths in right-angled triangles (ACMMM028)
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Posters + Student Notes (in Card sizes)
• Colour and black & white posters in 4 sizes: A2, A3, 24in × 18in and 19in × 13in
• Colour and black & white cards in 2 sizes: A4 and letter.
Easy classroom preparation:
Print the preferred dimensions of the poster and cards.
Grades: 9th to 12th
Define the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios for angles in right-angled triangles.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Use similarity to investigate the constancy of the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a given angle in right-angled triangles (ACMMG223)
Review sine, cosine and tangent as ratios of side lengths in right-angled triangles (ACMMM028)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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Two exit tickets for students to review fractions skills and understanding:
Write shaded parts of the given diagram as a fraction.
Locate fractions on number lines.
Understand types of fractions: proper, improper and mixed numerals
Identify and write equivalent fractions
Simplifying fractions
Compare and ordering fractions
Write sequence fractions
Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
Also included: Answer keys
Note: the exit tickets are in PowerPoint format.
Teacher types (inputs) the standards (outcomes) required for their class before printing the exit tickets.
Please read the standards (outcomes) covered in the exit tickets on the description page.
Grades: 3rd to 7th
Comply with KS2 and KS3 Maths: Fractions.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Count by quarters, halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals; locate and represent these fractions on a number line (ACMNA078)
Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts (ACMNA077)
Compare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line (ACMNA102)
Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator (ACMNA103)
Compare fractions with related denominators and locate and represent them on a number line (ACMNA125)
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same or related denominators (ACMNA126)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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Two exit tickets for students to review fractions skills and
Write shaded parts of the given diagram as a fraction.
Locate fractions on number lines.
Understand types of fractions: proper, improper and mixed numerals
Identify and write equivalent fractions
Simplifying fractions
Compare and ordering fractions
Write sequence fractions
Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
Also included: Answer keys
Note: the exit tickets are in PowerPoint format.
Teacher types (inputs) the standards (outcomes) required for their class before printing the exit tickets.
Please read the standards (outcomes) covered in the exit tickets on
the next page.
Grades: 3rd to 7th
Comply with KS2 and KS3 Maths: Fractions.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Count by quarters, halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals; locate and represent these fractions on a number line (ACMNA078)
Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts (ACMNA077)
Compare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line (ACMNA102)
Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator (ACMNA103)
Compare fractions with related denominators and locate and represent them on a number line (ACMNA125)
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same or related denominators (ACMNA126)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
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Student flip-book contents lesson note, worksheets and answer keys about percentages lesson.
make a connection between twenty-five percent and 1/4.
calculate fifty percent of an amount (with diagrams)
calculate fifty percent of money
calculate fifty percent of an amount with unit (such as mass units e.g. kilograms and grams and capacity units e.g. liters and milliliters)
The resource is in two versions: in colors and black and white.
Student flip-book contents lesson note, 4 worksheets and answer keys about percentages lesson.
Learning Outcomes: Students
make a connection between fifty percent and 1/2.
calculate fifty percent of an amount (with diagrams)
calculate fifty percent of money
calculate fifty percent of an amount with unit (such as mass units e.g. kilograms and grams and capacity units e.g. liters and milliliters).
The resource is in two versions: in colors and black and white.
Solving the trapezium problems.
Tasks to practice working mathematically, applying strategies and reasoning to solve trapezium shape problems.
This activity will help students to:
practise working mathematically, applying strategies and reasoning involving 2D shapes.
understand the relationship between shapes and areas.
improve problem-solving skills and understanding of mathematical language and notation.
apply mathematical principles to real-world problems.
Task 1: Trapezium Field
Students solve two trapezium problems (right trapezium and isosceles trapezium).
Task 2: Trapezium Resort
Students solve problems involving trapezium and triangles in a hexagonal field.
Task 3: Trapezium Garden
Students solve problems involving congruent isosceles trapeziums and triangles in a rectangular field.
Total pages in each set: 8
Easy classroom preparation: Just print then glue each page onto students’ notebooks or staple all pages together.
Answer keys are also included.
Skill Level: Easy
Grades: 6th to 9th
Key Learnings:
Demonstrate that the trapezium area is the average length of its parallel sides multiplied by the perpendicular height. A = h/2(a + b)
Apply strategies, reasoning, and explain mathematical relationships to solve trapezium and other 2D shape problems.
Australian Curriculum:
Recognise and explain mathematical relationships using reasoning (MA4-3WM).
Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM)
Communicate and connect mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols (MA4-1WM)
Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms and use these in problem solving (ACMMG159)
Find areas of trapeziums, rhombuses and kites (ACMMG196)
Resources about Trapeziums:
Trapezium Area: Lesson Notes + Worksheets + Answers
Math Manipulatives Part 1 for the Trapezium Area
Math Manipulatives Part 2 for the Trapezium Area
Solving Trapezium Problems
Math Manipulatives Part 2 flipbook about the Trapezium Area
A series of fun activities to practice using different types of 2D shapes to prove and establish the trapezium area formula.
This activity will help students to
practise working mathematically, applying strategies and reasoning involving 2D shapes.
understand the relationship between shapes and areas.
improve problem-solving skills and understanding of mathematical language and notation.
develop critical thinking skills and the ability to identify patterns and
apply mathematical principles to real-world problems.
Task 1:
To find the area of a trapezium using a triangle area.
Task 2:
To find the area of a trapezium using a parallelogram area.
Task 3:
To prove the area of a trapezium is the area sum of a rectangle and a triangle.
Skill Level: Easy
Grades: 6th to 9th
Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate that the trapezium area is the average length of its parallel sides multiplied by the perpendicular height. A = h/2(a + b)
Apply strategies, reasoning and mathematical methods using other two-dimensional shapes to find the trapezium area.
Australian Curriculum:
Manipulate, classify and draw two-dimensional shapes, including equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles and describes their properties (MA3-15MG).
Recognise and explain mathematical relationships using reasoning (MA4-3WM).
Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM)
Communicate and connect mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols (MA4-1WM)
Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms and use these in problem solving (ACMMG159)
Find areas of trapeziums, rhombuses and kites (ACMMG196)
Total pages: 32 (Covers + Tasks + Answers)
Geometry Resources:
Math Manipulatives Part 1 flipbook about the Trapezium Area
Geometry | The Angle Sum of a Triangle | Printable Activity
Consumer Math flipbooks help students learn and understand methods of purchasing goods with cash or on a lay-by plan.
The flipbook comes in 2 styles.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank notes and worksheets
Style 2: Cover, completed notes and worksheets
Total pages in each flipbook: 13
Easy classroom preparation: Just print and glue each page in students’ notebooks or staple all pages together to make a flipbook.
Answer keys and students’ folded notes are also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 5th to 9th
Key learning:
Solve financial problems involving purchasing goods (with cash or a lay-by plan)
Calculate the amount saved by paying cash.
Understand the lay-buy (lay-by) method
Finding the discount or deposit as a percentage of the marked price
Finding the original (market) price
Calculate the lay-buy deposit.
Calculate each instalment on lay-buy.
Australian Curriculum:
Solve financial problems involving purchasing goods (MA4-6NA)
Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM)
Calculate a percentage of a given amount (ACMEM011)
Determine one amount expressed as a percentage of another (ACMEM012)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Consumer Math - Discount on Discounted Price Activity
Students apply strategies and work mathematically to calculate the amount paid after two consecutive discounts are applied.
Before students complete the tasks, the teacher and students complete the example question on page 1.
Key Learning:
Calculating the amount paid after two consecutive discounts are applied
Calculate the amount saved by paying cash.
Compare two consecutive discounts and a single discount (the sum of two consecutive discounts) on the original price.
The activity comes in 2 styles.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank example and tasks.
Style 2: Cover, filled (completed) example and tasks.
Total pages for each set: 8 pages
Easy classroom preparation: Just print and glue each page in students’ notebooks or staple all pages together to make a flipbook. Solutions are also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 5th to 9th
Australian Curriculum:
Solve financial problems involving purchasing goods (MA4-6NA)
Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM)
Calculate a percentage of a given amount (ACMEM011)
Determine the overall change in a quantity following repeated percentage changes; for example, an increase of 10% followed by a decrease of 10% (ACMEM063)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Christmas Colouring page - FREEBIE
A fun classroom activity to practise the order of mathematical operations.
Students practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers using BODMAS or PEMDAS rules and colouring the page.
The answer key is also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Apply the order of operations to perform calculations involving more than one operation.
Also suitable for Australian Curriculum
Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers (ACMNA123)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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This resources is designed for students’ scaffolded note about angles properties and naming angles.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 5th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
• identify the ‘arms’ and ‘vertex’ of an angle
• Learn to name an angle in four different ways
More Resources
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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This resource contains two worksheets of Make numbers. Students use the mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to make the target numbers: 5 and 15.
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Grades: 3rd - 8th
More Resources
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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