I love maths and creating maths resources that fun, simple and engaged to encourage my students enjoy Maths. My passion is to create resources that encourage kids to love maths and to help teachers to prep their maths classes with a little time consuming. 😊
I love maths and creating maths resources that fun, simple and engaged to encourage my students enjoy Maths. My passion is to create resources that encourage kids to love maths and to help teachers to prep their maths classes with a little time consuming. 😊
Christmas Colouring page - FREEBIE
A fun classroom activity to practise the order of mathematical operations.
Students practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers using BODMAS or PEMDAS rules and colouring the page.
The answer key is also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Apply the order of operations to perform calculations involving more than one operation.
Also suitable for Australian Curriculum
Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers (ACMNA123)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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2024 Yearly Planner Freebie for my fellow teachers and their students.
Two sizes of yearly planners in colours and grayscale:
A4 size: 29.7 cm x 21 cm
Letter size: 27.9 cm x 21.6 cm
Thank you for visiting my shop.
Wishing you all happy teaching!
CAS Take on Maths Resources:
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Visit my shop :)
Back to school Freebie :)
Identifying Significant Figures:
4 tasks (40 questions) for students to practise about significant figures:
Determine the number of significant figures for the given numbers.
Short answer questions to check students’ understanding of significant figures.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 8th to 10th
Geometry Resources:
Trapezium Area: Lesson Notes + Worksheets + Answers
Solving Trapezium Problems
Math Manipulatives Part 1 flipbook about the Trapezium Area
Geometry | The Angle Sum of a Triangle | Printable Activity
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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A fun classroom activity to practise converting fractions, decimals & percentages.
Students connect the fractions, decimals and percentages that have the same value and colouring the page.
The answer key is also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions (ACMNA157)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Pythagoras Theorem
Measurement and Geometry
Visit my shop :)
I designed these calendars for my fellow teachers and their students.
There are two styles: colors and grayscale.
Steps to make a lovely calendar:
Print the page
Punch hole
Give a nice ribbon
Have a lovely Christmas :)
This resources is designed for students’ scaffolded note about angles properties and naming angles.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 5th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
• identify the ‘arms’ and ‘vertex’ of an angle
• Learn to name an angle in four different ways
More Resources
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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This resource contains two worksheets of Make numbers. Students use the mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to make the target numbers: 5 and 15.
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Grades: 3rd - 8th
More Resources
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Adding Like Fractions:
2 Tasks in 1 page for students to practise adding like fractions (same denominators) then express the answers in simplest fractions and color the diagrams to show the answers.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 7th
**Learning Outcomes: **
• Adding like fractions (Same denominators)
• Writing fractions in their simplest form.
• Colour the given diagrams to show the fractions.
Other Resources about Fractions:
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Subtracting Like Fractions:
2 Tasks in 1 page for students to practise subtracting like fractions (same denominators) then express the answers in simplest fractions and color the diagrams to show the answers.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 7th
**Learning Outcomes: **
• Subtracting like fractions (Same denominators)
• Writing fractions in their simplest form.
• Using diagrams to demonstrate fractions.
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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This resource contains worksheets and answers about rounding multi-digit numbers to the nearest any place value.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner
Grades: 5th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
• Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest whole number, 10, 100, 1000 or up to million.
Also suitable for Australian Curriculum
Round decimals to a specified number of decimal places (ACMNA156)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions:
4 Tasks in 2 pages for students to practise adding and subtracting like fractions (same denominators) then express the answers in simplest fractions.
They also use the given diagrams to show the answers by dividing the diagrams into equal parts and colouring the diagrams.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 4th to 7th
Learning Outcomes:
Adding and Subtracting like fractions (Same denominators)
Writing fractions in their simplest form.
Using diagrams to demonstrate fractions.
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
Visit my shop :)
Math Challenge Activity- to keep your learners engaged, thinking critically and making connections to 2D shapes.
This activity requires learners to determine the area of a shape based on the given dimensions. It also encourages them to think creatively and come up with mathematical strategies to solve unknown lengths.
The aim of this activity is to:
Increase their fluency and confidence in geometry and measurements
Develop understanding of a variety of 2D shapes in real life problems.
In this activity, students will practice finding the area of a composite
(irregular) figure involving a rectangle, a triangle and semi-circles.
Step-by-step solutions are also included.
Grades: 6th to 9th
Learning Outcomes:
Establish the formulas for the areas of rectangles, triangles and
parallelograms, and use them in problem-solving.
Solve problems involving the area of circles.
Calculate the area of the composite shape.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate areas of composite shapes (ACMMG216)
Critical Thinking Problems:
Area of Composite Shape-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 1
Area of Composite Shape-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 2
Area of 2D Shapes-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 3
Math Challenge Activity- to keep your learners engaged, thinking critically and making connections to 2D shapes. This activity requires learners to
Determine which shape has complete dimensions to calculate its area
Calculate the area of the other shapes including their type.
Find the exact value of each pronumeral.
The activity encourages them to think creatively and come up with mathematical strategies to solve unknown lengths.
The aims of this activity are to:
Increase their fluency and confidence in geometry and measurements
Develop understanding of a variety of problems with 2D shapes.
Step-by-step solutions are also included.
Grades: 6th to 9th
Learning Outcomes:
Solve problems involving the area of 2D Shapes.
Find the unknown lengths (Critical Thinking)
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms, and use these in problem-solving (ACMMG159)
Critical Thinking Problems:
Area of Composite Shape-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 1
Area of Composite Shape-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 2
Area of 2D Shapes-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 3
Math Challenge Activity- to keep your learners engaged, thinking critically and making connections to 2D shapes.
This activity requires learners to determine the area of circles and squares based on the given dimensions. It also encourages them to think creatively and come up with mathematical strategies to solve unknown lengths and compare the areas of circles and squares and shaded parts.
The aim of this activity is to:
Increase their fluency and confidence in geometry and measurements
Develop understanding of a variety of problems with 2D shapes.
Step-by-step solutions are also included.
Grades: 6th to 9th
Learning Outcomes:
Solve problems involving the area of circles and squares.
Calculate the area of composite shapes.
Determine the ratio of square area to circle area.
Determine the ratio of shaded areas.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate areas of composite shapes (ACMMG216)
Critical Thinking Problems:
Area of Composite Shape-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 1
Area of Composite Shape-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 2
Area of 2D Shapes-Critical thinking Activity-Math Challenge 3
about multi-stage event probability and step by step solution in two different ways (methods).
Students think critically to solve the “Probability of Winning Both Games” question. This challenge question requires students to use their knowledge & understanding of probability concepts and to come up with mathematical strategies to solve the problem.
Learning Outcomes:
• Use arrays or tree diagrams to determine the outcomes and the probabilities for multi-stage events.
• Understand events using the language of ‘equally likely’, ‘at least’, etc.
• Use complementary event to determine the probabilities associated with simple games.
• Use & solve a quadratic equation form that related to the probability of multi-stage events.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum
Identify complementary events and use the sum of probabilities to solve problems (ACMSP204)
Describe events using language of ‘at least’, exclusive ‘or’ (A or B but not both), inclusive ‘or’ (A or B or both) and ‘and’. (ACMSP205)
Describe the results of two- and three-step chance experiments, both with and without replacement, assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities of events. Investigate the concept of independence (ACMSP246)
Simple probabilities: construct a sample space for an experiment (ACMEM154)
Use a sample space to determine the probability of outcomes for an experiment (ACMEM155)
Use arrays or tree diagrams to determine the outcomes and the probabilities for experiments. (ACMEM156)
Probability applications: determine the probabilities associated with simple games (ACMEM157)
Scaffolded Note about how to calculate wages and salaries for various time periods and overtime.
Grades: 9th to 12th
Learning Outcomes:
Calculate earnings from wages and salaries for various time periods, including increased rates for overtime.
Find the equivalent number of hours worked at normal pay.
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Calculate weekly or monthly wage from an annual salary, wages from an hourly rate (ACMGM002)
More Resources
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
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COLOURING AND MATCHING ACTIVITY to practise converting units of time.
The instruction page and answer keys are also included.
Grades:3rd to 7th
Learning Outcomes:
Convert between units of time and recall time facts, eg 60 seconds = 1 minute, 60 minutes = 1 hour, 24 hours = 1 day.
Explain the relationship between the size of a unit and the number of units needed, eg fewer hours than minutes will be needed to measure the same duration of time (Communicating, Reasoning).
Also comply with Australian Curriculum:
Performs calculations of time that involve mixed units and interprets time zones (MA4-15MG).
Convert between units of time (ACMMG085).
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
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Consumer Math - Discount on Discounted Price Activity
Students apply strategies and work mathematically to calculate the amount paid after two consecutive discounts are applied.
Before students complete the tasks, the teacher and students complete the example question on page 1.
Key Learning:
Calculating the amount paid after two consecutive discounts are applied
Calculate the amount saved by paying cash.
Compare two consecutive discounts and a single discount (the sum of two consecutive discounts) on the original price.
The activity comes in 2 styles.
Style 1: Cover, fill in the blank example and tasks.
Style 2: Cover, filled (completed) example and tasks.
Total pages for each set: 8 pages
Easy classroom preparation: Just print and glue each page in students’ notebooks or staple all pages together to make a flipbook. Solutions are also included.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
Grades: 5th to 9th
Australian Curriculum:
Solve financial problems involving purchasing goods (MA4-6NA)
Apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems (MA4-2WM)
Calculate a percentage of a given amount (ACMEM011)
Determine the overall change in a quantity following repeated percentage changes; for example, an increase of 10% followed by a decrease of 10% (ACMEM063)
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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Fun activities to learn fractions with colouring pages
**Adding & Subtracting Unlike Fractions: **
2 Fraction Mazes with 44 questions for students to practise adding & subtracting unlike fractions (Different denominators) then express the answers in simplest fractions.
The resource is in Printable (pdf) and PowerPoint Slides
Teaching Ideas:
Students work individually or in pairs to complete the fraction mazes then they swap their page with their friend or another pair to check the answers.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
**Grades: **5th to 8th
Learning Outcomes:
Adding and subtracting unlike fractions (Different denominators)
Writing fractions in their simplest form.
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
Visit my shop :)
Fun activities to learn fractions with colouring pages
**Adding Unlike Fractions: **
2 Fraction Mazes with 44 questions for students to practise adding unlike fractions (Different denominators) then express the answers in simplest fractions.
The resource is in Printable (pdf) and PowerPoint Slides
Teaching Ideas:
Students work individually or in pairs to complete the fraction mazes then they swap their page with their friend or another pair to check the answers.
Level of Difficulty: Beginner (Easy)
**Grades: **5th to 8th
Learning Outcome:
Adding unlike fractions (Different denominators)
Writing fractions in their simplest form.
More Resources:
Colouring Pages
Fun Activity
Times Table
Significant Figures
Consumer Maths
Financial Maths
Measurement and Geometry
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