Two wordmat/poster/explanation slides which are for students learning about the passé composé in French.
Poster 1 - how to form the passé composé with avoir and être
Poster 2 - A list of verbs which take être with the acronym DRMRSVANDERTRAMP
It could be printed double-sided so students have the être verbs on the back.
I hope you enjoy! Please leave a positive review for my product, and check out my other resources:
Two ready-to-use categorising worksheets to revise the passé composé in French.
Answers included!
Enjoy! Please leave me a positive review if you like my resource!
Get students out of their seats with this self-correcting scavnger hunt! It helps to revise the passé composé, and includes verbs with être and avoir, as well as irregular verbs.
Simply print the cards out, place them around the classroom, and give each student their own copy of the student worksheet. Students have to answer questions to fill in their sheet!
Enjoy! Please leave me a positive review if you like this resource.
These worksheets are great for students who are learning about Free Time activities in French, especially under topics such as 'Mes Passe-Temps, ‘Mes Loisirs’ or 'Mon Temps Libre, including sub-topics such as sport, music and other hobbies. They would also be ideal for a homework task!
It focuses on the present tense only, so is ideal for students who know the basic verbs to do with free time. The answer sheets are included.
Two ready-to-use categorising worksheets to revise the topic of Free Time. They could be used to teach or consolidate topics such as ‘Mes Loisirs’, ‘Mes Passe-Temps’ or topics like sport and music. Just print and go!
Included in this bundle:
Cut & Paste Activity Worksheet
12 Scavenger Hunt Cards & Student Worksheet
2 Categorising Worksheets
2 Wordsearches
3 Activity worksheets - ideal for in-class or home-learning
All answer sheets are included!
Bought individually this would cost £4.75 - so save 75p!
3 ready-to-use activity worksheets to help practise the French passé composé.
They include regular and irregular verbs, as well as verbs which take avoir or etre.
Activities include:
-reading comprehension
-mini wordsearch
-gap-fill task
Hope you enjoy!
These two bookmarks are an excellent resource for students completing the longer writing tasks for French at GCSE level.
They are not accredited by AQA, but they have been designed with the mark schemes in mind, to help students achieve the top tier marks.
I hope you find them useful!
Please leave a positive review of them if you do :)
A ready-to-use wordsearch for students who are learning about the passé composé in French!
Please leave a positive review if you like this resource :)
All resources are aimed at teaching and revising the passé composé tense in French!
Included in this bundle are:
Cut and Paste Activity
3 Activity worksheets
2 Categorising Worksheets
A scavenger hunt with student worksheet
2 wordmats/posters explain passé composé formation and a list of the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs
A wordsearch
I hope you enjoy!
Two ready-to-use activity worksheets to practise the present tense in French!
Answers sheets included.
I hope you enjoy! Please leave me a positive review if you do!
A printable wordmat which is ideal to help students speak or write about Free Time in French! Suitable for topics such as ‘Mes Loisirs’ and ‘Mes Passe-temps’, or for learning about hobbies such as sport and music.
Hope you enjoy!
Get students out of their seats with this classroom scavenger hunt!
Perfect for students learning about Free Time Activities in French, so great for topics such as ‘Mes Loisirs’ and ‘Mes Passe Temps’.
Simply print the cards out, place them around the classroom, and give each student their own copy of the student worksheet. Students have to answer questions to fill in their sheet!
Enjoy! Please leave me a positive review if you like this resource.
A ready-to-use cut & paste activity for students learning about Free Time Activities in French! Could be used for topics such as ‘Mes Loisirs’ and ‘Mes Passe-Temps’ or smaller topics like sport or music.
A ready-to-use cut & paste worksheet to help students who are learning about the passé composé or past tense in French!
I hope you enjoy! Please leave me a positive review if you do :)
Please check out some of my other products!