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Bullying anti-bullying full lesson video activities, quizzes!

Bullying anti-bullying full lesson video activities, quizzes!

Be prepared for anti-bullying week. This is a great resource which all ages will enjoy! I added many fun quizzes and activities with videos! There is a starter, a challenge, extension and a planery! What else do you need. Self-explanatory, just play the slides, no prep needed!!
Days of the week with science and history about key dates

Days of the week with science and history about key dates

This resource is fantastic if you want to include history and science in your lesson. I will explain how the French days copy the names of the planets. I will also ask kids to write key history dates from English to French. There will be a history video about Oradour-sur-Glane.
A powerpoint and a word version of a long writing on passe-temps, cinema, sports, weekend GCSE A lev

A powerpoint and a word version of a long writing on passe-temps, cinema, sports, weekend GCSE A lev

This is a writing I put together for my students. It is long and answers to the following questions: -Es-tu sportive? -Qu’est ce que tu aimes regarder à la télé, qu’est ce que tu as regardé récemment et qu’est ce que tu vas regarder ce soir? -Est-ce-que tu vas souvent au cinéma et parle-moi d’un film que tu as vu récemment. -Quelle technologie utilises-tu et qu’est ce que tu en penses? -Qu-est-ce-que tu as fait le weekend dernier et que vas-tu faire le weekend prochain? Contains all the tenses for the new GCSES and also A'levels. Enjoy!
Game AQA 11, speaking, grammar, translation resources on "Me, my family and friends" and "Technolo".

Game AQA 11, speaking, grammar, translation resources on "Me, my family and friends" and "Technolo".

This resource is just perfect to spice up things in the classroom with your year 11! I put a selection of speaking questions, grammar and translations in a game format, all colour coded with an extra blank sheet for the answers. Students will need a dice or pick a colour with their eyes shut or maybe put their finger on the sheet, be imaginative regarding how you wish to do this! I may allocate numbers to my students: You answer 1-5, your partner answers 6-10 etc… The dice will be the best option to make the lesson entertaining! My games (4 different ones) cover two sections: Me, my family and friends and Technology. All the answers are in the book! I hope you will love this resource! It took me quite a long time to put it together!