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Teaching Art is a feast into a of colour, line, texture, space and shape. By encouraging a visual exploration in my learning I love developing a creative approach to learning in the classroom. By encouraging different techniques and an understanding of art I hope to help students appreciate visual learning more. I hope you enjoy my uploads and can use them. Please contact me if you require any further information.




Teaching Art is a feast into a of colour, line, texture, space and shape. By encouraging a visual exploration in my learning I love developing a creative approach to learning in the classroom. By encouraging different techniques and an understanding of art I hope to help students appreciate visual learning more. I hope you enjoy my uploads and can use them. Please contact me if you require any further information.
Cubism Art No2., Understanding terms in Cubism, analyse and simplify using a celebrity picture.

Cubism Art No2., Understanding terms in Cubism, analyse and simplify using a celebrity picture.

This powerpoint focuses on further gaining an understanding of Cubism and its use of multiple viewpoints. Students analyse Analytical examples of Cubism and write this in their book and refer to different key terms to use in Cubism like, multi-faceted, layering, multi-viewpoints, fragmented, geometric shapes. Terms are given ready to print and examples of analytical works ready to print. Students are also shown how Picasso simplifies and stylises his subjects. There are examples of some celebrity pictures where students need to break this up into geometric shapes and re-collage the shapes on an A4 paper. This is a c omposition to trace and where students will need to paint in a further lesson, compose an outcome to paint and analyse into a cubist analytical painting. Students to gain an understanding of Analytical Cubism and how to fragment a picture into geometric shapes To make a collage of a famous celebrity artist and to complete presentation on Cubism in books. After this task students simplify this collage into a tracing of collage getting ready to paint this into simplified shapes. See Cubist No.3. SUMMARY OF THE FULL PROJECT BELOW This is a series of powerpoints 5 lessons for students to learn to paint a Cubist painting using a celebrity picture and complementary colours. Students to gain an understanding of Analytical Cubism and how to fragment a picture into geometric shapes and then learn to paint it in complementary colours. Students then further develop this into a 3D sculpture and make a construction mobile cutting a copy of the painting into shapes.
Cubism Art, No 5:making a 3D construction sculpture  of analytical Cubism style.

Cubism Art, No 5:making a 3D construction sculpture of analytical Cubism style.

This is part of a set 5 powerpoints on Cubism, painting skills and colour mixing and constructing a 3D sculpture. This attached Powerpoint deals with the development of the 3D sculpture Powerpoint 1 Using a drawing of face break this up into geometric shapes and compose an outcome to paint and analyse a cubist analytical painting and develop and understanding of Cubism Powerpoint 2 Explore a mixing of colours, especially complementary colours and develop an understanding of contrasting colours Powerpoint 3 Practice painting skills and applying paint smoothly Powerpoint 4. Painting skills using a card Poweerpoint 5. Simplify and construct a 3D analytical sculpture from your painting and evaluate your putcome. The powerpoint gives instructions and examples to show how to cut and join this. Firstly pasting on cardboard a copy of the painting and then cutting this up in shapes and building a construction of form as a 3D sculpture This then becomes a construction of a 3D sculpture using cardboard to make a mobile or standing sculpture based on Cubism. To paste painting onto Cardboard Ceareal box and to paint the back of the box To finally construct with glue gun to form a hanging mobile. Evaluation of project This is a series of 5 powerpoints where students to learn to paint a Cubist painting using a celebrity picture and complementary colours. Students to gain an understanding of Analytical Cubism and how to fragment a picture into geometric shapes and then learn to paint it in complementary colours. Develop this into a 3D sculpture and make a construction mobile cutting a copy of the painting into shapes.
Cubism Art No.3 Painting skills, mixing colours and an understanding of complementary colours

Cubism Art No.3 Painting skills, mixing colours and an understanding of complementary colours

Students in Cubism No. 2 have made a collage of a celebrity and in this powerpoint students begin to paint this in the style of the analytical cubist artists. Students use a limited colour scheme like the Cubists and choose two complementary colours. Students are shown how these colours cancel each other and how to create interesting colours through mixing thse colours and adding white and black. There are examples of various complementary outcomes and students are given key terms to use in relation to colour. Degraded colours, tint, shade,…
Cubism Art fact file, No. 1 info on Movement, Analytical and Synthetic, Picasso, Braque and Gris

Cubism Art fact file, No. 1 info on Movement, Analytical and Synthetic, Picasso, Braque and Gris

This explains when Cubism came about, the key facts about the movement and a description of Synthetiic and Analytical Cubism There is firstly a brief summary of the key points about Cubism and examples of the three key artists, Picasso, Braque and Gris. There is a clear explanation of the key points of Cubism and the style. There are examples of Cubist works. Students to copy out key facts about Cubism in their book and discuss the movement in general.
Resources for Art to draw from, relating to song ‘12 days of Xmas’

Resources for Art to draw from, relating to song ‘12 days of Xmas’

There are a number if pictures resourced that relate to the song ‘12 days of Xmas’ Lyrics On the first day of Christmas My true love sent to me A partridge in a pear tree On the second day of Christmas My true love sent to me Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the third day of Christmas My true love sent to me Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the fourth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the fifth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the sixth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Six geese a laying Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the seventh day of Christmas My true love sent to me Seven swans a swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the eighth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Eight maids a milking Seven swans a swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the ninth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Nine ladies dancing Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the tenth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Ten lords a-leaping Nine ladies dancing Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the 11th day of Christmas My true love sent to me I sent 11 pipers piping Ten lords a-leaping Nine ladies dancing Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree On the 12th day of Christmas My true love sent to me 12 drummers drumming Eleven pipers piping Ten lords a-leaping Nine ladies dancing Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings (five golden rings) Four calling birds Three French hens Two turtle-doves And a partridge in a pear tree And a partridge in a pear tree
Art of Aminah Robinson -analyse artist to make fabric collage, linked to bundle/stitching Xmas song

Art of Aminah Robinson -analyse artist to make fabric collage, linked to bundle/stitching Xmas song

This is a powerpoint on Aminah gives a worksheet to analyse this fabric artist. This powerpoint links to two other powerpoints where students make a Xmas collage. Aminah used her artwork to celebrate and memorialize the neighborhood of her childhood – Poindexter Village in Columbus and her journeys to and from her home. In drawings, paintings, sculpture, puppetry and music boxes, she reflected on themes of family and ancestry, and on the grandeur of simple objects and everyday tasks. There are questions on this artist and students make their own Xmas collage linked to a song. (see bundle)
Making a Mandala in Art, a drawing showing basic steps and Research into What is a Mandala?

Making a Mandala in Art, a drawing showing basic steps and Research into What is a Mandala?

A mandala drawing - showing basic steps - to build a patterned line drawing. In this task the students are asked to draw 4 rings using any object they have at home to make the circular rings. Students are then given clear instructions on how to break up the circle and are given examples of patterns to follow. There is also a very good video clip which gives clear guidelines. At the end of the making of the Mandala students are asked to do research into the Mandala and to find out what makes up a mandala. There are questions for students to answer.
Art and Photography project; Looking at my necessities! Questions and Task.

Art and Photography project; Looking at my necessities! Questions and Task.

Students are to first of all look at the artist Gregg Segal and analyse his work and then take a photograph in the style of this artist. There are two tasks to this project: Task 1: Read the text and complete the questions on the artist Gregg Segal Task 2 Make a photograph in the style of Gregg Segal Steps for Success: Make it original and interesting, your animal, dog, space and all the things that make you during quarantine. You do not have to show your face. Develop an understanding of Gregg Segal and answer the questions.
Art history: A short presentation, key points on Pop Art, with Pop artists and Super-Realist Art.

Art history: A short presentation, key points on Pop Art, with Pop artists and Super-Realist Art.

A presentation explaining briefly what is Pop Art with lots of examples of different artists, especially the American Pop Artists. Rauschenberg, Claes Oldenberg, There is one slide on Super-Realism and the work of Chuck Close and the sculptor Duane Hanson. A short detailed outline of Pop Art and Superrealism. There are key examples of artist’s works and characteristics of the art movement.
5 min scheme for Art KS3 Still-life drawing project in a variety of media

5 min scheme for Art KS3 Still-life drawing project in a variety of media

A Still-life project basic one page 5 min scheme with Dirt and Weekly plan. See the Still-life project on TES. This is an overview of acstill-life project which entails drawing in different media a still-life composition. Below are a list of all the lessons. ART THEMES before modern art. What? Modern Art? and Still-life? Composition? Rule of thirds. Organising still life. Paper prepare: Black/brown paper: newspaper/music, Draw Still-life in line. 3 Exploring pencil mark-making techniques. Pencil tonal study of geometric shapes 4 Pop Art discussions – To make a 2D coloured flat shape area of composition 5 Explore with Oil pastel: Using oil pastel detail 6 and 7 Exploring pen mark-making techniques. To draw over a Cubism Collage using a biro pen 8 Exploring Charcoal techniques Drawing on black paper using white chalk/charcoal. Research Artist study on Robert Raushenberg library 10 – Evaluation of still-life drawing project 11, 12 and 13 Mod roc Relief 14. Evaluation This powerpoint is about drawing in charcoal and white chalk on black paper. Students collage a black piece of paper on their paper and then draw a part of their still-life using this technique. The overall Learning Objectives are: To develop my understanding of Art and pre-modern art and the meaning of a Still-life drawing. To develop my observational drawing skills. To create a Still-life drawing learning to draw carefully from observation with a viewfinder To learn how to compose a composition using the rule of thirds and developing an understanding of the Golden Mean AND COMPOSITION PRINCIPLES To develop a further understanding of Pop Art and do a flat colour paper shape detail in your drawing. To develop my knowledge of the elements of art: lines, shape and form To develop techniques in different media in my drawing and to explore markmaking of pen, pencil, oil pastel and charcoal. To practise my observational drawing skills in the following techniques: oil pastel, drawing with a bro pen, using chalk and charcoal To develop my knowledge of Robert Raushenberg (Pop Art) and practise drawing over a light printed surface with pencil. To explore developing a relief surface of an area of my still -life drawing and develop this in mod roc technique
KS3 Art Mod-roc relief sculpture single or group project: Louise Nevelson study

KS3 Art Mod-roc relief sculpture single or group project: Louise Nevelson study

This is the final part of a series of Still-life lessons where students do drawings in different techniques and then make a mod-roc outcome. In this powerpoint the students go to a computer room and do a presentation on the artist LOUISE NEVELSON and then make a mod-roc outcome. Steps are showing how to make the mod-roc relief and criteria for success with this medium. Students then evaluate their mod-roc outcome by doing a tonal drawing of this and reflect on the outcome Computer room research: Louise Nevelson - students write and answer the questions and resource information on this artist. After making the mod-roc students evaluate their mod-roc outcome and do a drawing of your outcome and as a group discuss how they will as a group present their own work like Louise Nevelson. Learning Objectives: To explore developing a relief surface of an area of my still -life drawing and develop this in mod roc technique To build a mod –roc outcome looking at relief techniques To in a group build your Modroc into a standing tower with the rest of the group. Do a study of the artist Louise Nevelson and present her work by doing an artist study of her work. Complete the project by doing an evaluation of their mod-roc relief sculpture and do a pencil drawing of this
Art Monoprint development into cultural collage with tattoo art and Chila Burman

Art Monoprint development into cultural collage with tattoo art and Chila Burman

This is part of the self-identity project. Students firstly do a mindmap questioning and finding out about their own personal identity. Students then do a monoprint and then use cultural images to collage into their monoprint portrait. Then after this there is an extension to this project where students use Chila Burman and draw out a large body and in a group collage into this using tattoo patterns and symbols. The Learning Objectives for this task is: To develop into monoprinting cultural symbols and patterns. Brief study of Chila Burman and looking at her collage work. Cultural awareness of our differences and create interesting patterns and textures and symbols of our culture. Understanding of different styles Looking at a brief understaning of Tattoo art. Appreciation of own patterns and self-identity Collaging: Photographs of everyday items, patterns, favourite clothes, pictures of household items, objects that show own culture and self-identity
Modern Art movement project plan No. 1 with starters and glossary and evaluation.

Modern Art movement project plan No. 1 with starters and glossary and evaluation.

This links to Modern movement project and has activities for starters and a list of activities to take place weekly. It has a Glossary with it for the project. it has an evaluation for project. Also resources for students to understand the movements. There is a separate bundle for the whole project- with all the schemes for each movement with starter activities. But, the outcomes are successful and students enjoy learning about the art movements and making cup-cakes in the various art styles. WEEKLY 1 Discuss Art themes 2 Realistic drawing of a cup-cake and shading skills in book 3 Pop Art – To make a 2D relief cup cake using paper cut shapes 4 To draw a cake/biscuit e using the Cubism Collage and capturing geometric shapes light to dark 5 Continuation of drawing of biscuit/cake but doing this in Paint now and capture bright colours- Fauvism 6 Expressionism Doing a polyprint of cup-cake drawing in print and rolling ink 7Doing a Neo-impressionist cake drawing 8 and 9 Surrealism outcome –adding magical creature to cake Presentation of cupcake stands Evaluation of project
Art Portrait project - a Cultural interpretation using black and white photo-copy- Chila Burman

Art Portrait project - a Cultural interpretation using black and white photo-copy- Chila Burman

This is lesson 4 in the portrait project. Students firstly do a pencil shading of their face using the grid technique and learn how to draw different parts of the face carefully. Secondly students do a monoprint and this is in lesson 2 portrait project and they use their photograph to trace off into the ink to make the monopring. Thirdly students then collage into the monoprint and use Paolozzi as an artist and collage into the monoprint. In this powerpoint the student use one of their photographs and draw into the photocopy. Students look at the artist Chila Burman and look at the way she interprets her Asian and British identity. Students need to think about their own identity and the way they are going to collage into their own photo-copy. Students use felt tips and draw into the photocopies making patterns and try to interpret cultural patterns in bright colours. Your Learning Objective was: To study an example of CHILA BURMAN n your book and describe what you see Students to find out about CHILA BURMAN and begin to understand her Asian and British identity. Students to use their photograph and develop the bright colours and cultural identity in the portrait. To use cultural patterns and to create a self identity photo portrait. SUCCESS CRITERIA Cultural awareness of our differences Understanding of different styles and using digital photography creatively with patterns Appreciation of own patterns and self-identity Collaging: Photographs of everyday items, patterns, favourite clothes, magazine text, Newspaper highlights, paint textures and close up of photos of household items: objects that show own culture and self-identity
Modern Art Movements project 6, Cubism interpretation of a cup-cake-collage mixed media layering

Modern Art Movements project 6, Cubism interpretation of a cup-cake-collage mixed media layering

This is a project where Students interpret one object into different Modern movement styles. This is the style of Cubism when they do a cupcake in the style of Cubism and so learn about the art movement. Learning Objective: To develop a cup cake in the Cubism style using a collage technique To develop a drawing that shows geometric shapes and shading from light to dark in the shapes This powerpoint gives you steps to follow for this lesson in class. Students shade in geometric shapes over a newspaper collage - drawing their cup-cake in a geometric way. Overall in the project. Copying a detail from each Modern movement Collecting a picture of each Modern movement To understand some key words to describe each modern movements To understand the key elements in Art: Line, Shape, Colour, Texture, Space
A detailed drawing resource for A-level and GCSE Art: lots of different tasks & mark making skills

A detailed drawing resource for A-level and GCSE Art: lots of different tasks & mark making skills

A comprehensive drawing powerpoint with different tasks on developing drawing skills, discussions, mark-making exercises, different techniques, methods and examples to support observation skills in the classroom. To use with GCSE and A-level students to develop their skills in looking at drawings and discussing their techniques but also doing a variety of different tasks to develop their own recording skills. Learning to work with continuous lines, blind drawing, structural drawings, shading techniques, gestural drawing and free mark-making. The powerpoint has examples of drawings of a number of artists like, Paul Seurat, Frank Auerbach, Rembrandt and Van Gogh and gives a number of opportunities to learn from these artists and gives different methods to use to strengthen one’s drawing skills.
KS3 Art Using Ndebele art culture design symmetry pattern to make a brooch, jewellery

KS3 Art Using Ndebele art culture design symmetry pattern to make a brooch, jewellery

This is a good exercise to teach students about symmetrical pattern design and to learn about an interesting culture in South Africa - the Ndebele. The powerpoint gives you loads of examples of their work and links to You tube clips and South African songs. Develop an understanding of the Ndebele culture through the links on the powerpoint. There are lots of examples of their work to inspire and enable students to develop their own symmetry pattern in the style of the Ndebele artists. There are questions and info sheets. Students will be able to make a symmetry pattern - a piece of jewellery as students Paint a piece of thin wood- cut into a shape. This is a good project for an ‘international project’ to develop a cultural awareness. Students design and make a symmetry pattern in the style of the Ndebele artists and then transfer this to a piece of wood shape.
Art history: A presentation on key facts of German Expressionism and Der Blaue Reiter

Art history: A presentation on key facts of German Expressionism and Der Blaue Reiter

A short presentation highlighting the key facts and characteristics of the German Expressionism. There are references to a number of artists, Edvard Munch, Oskar Kokoschka, Max Beckmann, Erich Heckel, Karl Schmidt-Rotluf, August Macke, Emil Nolde, Otto Mueller. Expressionism was made up of Der Brucke Art movement and Der Blaue Reiter - there are also examples of these artists linked to Expressionism. Der Blaue Reiter is Frans Marck and Wassily Kandinsky. Key examples given with notes about the movement to be used as worksheets for students.
Art of Robert Raushenberg - using a transfer medium with analysis for GCSE/ A-level artist study

Art of Robert Raushenberg - using a transfer medium with analysis for GCSE/ A-level artist study

This is a powerpoint of some of Rauschenberg’s work so that GCSE students can explore transfer techniques while making an artist study of his work. There are examples of how to do the transfer technique but also helpful question sheets for analysis of the artist for GCSE objective - ‘Develop ideas…’. Lots of examples of Raushenberg are given and each child should be given one of his work to copy. Students should then make their own Rauschenberg example using their own project topic and own photograph and practice the transfer technique and paint washes of Rauschenberg. There is a detailed critical analysis - lots of questions for students to make a comprehensive artist study in their books.
Art Mind- mapping what is Self-identity, GCSE -looking at artists to interpret and make final idea.

Art Mind- mapping what is Self-identity, GCSE -looking at artists to interpret and make final idea.

The powerpoint gives key questions to ask under the theme of Self-identity and shows some examples of interpreting oneself in different styles - Picasso, Van Gogh, Gainsborough and Chila Burman. There are questions to use to make an artist study on chosen artist.There is a further brainstorm on what one could make as a final idea which would embody my identity and examples of student’s work.