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The Present tense of regular verbs
Full lesson to teach the present tense in French. PowerPoint + 3 page handout with rule and a variety of activities.

GCSE 2026 - FRENCH - EDEXCEL - Module 1 - Introduction - Fêtes et Jeux
This is a full lesson for the introductory unit and should take 1.45 to 2 hours to complete. This PowerPoint goes with the Pearson Edexcel Higher Student book. You need to subscribe to Active Hub to have access to the audio files and the worksheets. A variety of activities, including phonics and all the answers are included.

GCSE 2026 - FRENCH - EDEXCEL - Module 1 - Unit 1 - Ma vie en ligne
This is a full lesson for unit 1 and should take 1.45 to 2 hours to complete. This PowerPoint goes with the Pearson Edexcel Higher Student book. You need to subscribe to Active Hub to have access to the audio files and some of the worksheets. A variety of activities, including phonics and all the answers are included.

The Conditional tense
Full lesson to teach the conditional tense in French. PowerPoint + 3 page handout with rule and a variety of activities… All the answers are included in the PowerPoint.