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Sectors of Industry Information Sheet
An information sheet/worksheet about the sectors of industry (primary, secondary and tertiary). There is a mini activity at the bottom for students to complete.

Myths and Legends Similarities and Differences
A printable table that can be used to complete the similarities and differences between myths and legends.

Cyclops Character Description Task
A short independent task for children to complete after reading Odysseus and the Cyclops. First they circle the relevant adjectives and then write a short character description.

Summary Plan (Somebody Wanted To But So Then)
A simple summary plan using the “Somebody Wanted To But So Then” format.

Simple Punctuation Practise
A worksheet that can be used for children to practise using full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.

Create an Animal Worksheet (Habitats, Adaptations, Prey/Predator)
A worksheet for children to create their own animal to help them to learn about habitats, adaptations and prey and predator.

Parts of Speech Mini Worksheet
A mini worksheet that could be used as a starter or as part of a lesson on nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Parts of Speech Note
Mini note/information sheet for children to stick into notebooks to help them remember a noun, verb and adjective. There is also space for them to add examples.

Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives Display
To be used for English literacy displays, including the part of direct speech as a heading and a description of what it is.

Pre-Reading Analysis Worksheet
A worksheet that can be used before reading a book to predict what it will be about.

Magnificent Machines Design Plan
Taking inspirastion from Pie Corbett’s ‘Magnificent Machines’, this is a plan that will support children in designing their own invention. There is space to write the name, function and process.

Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet
This worksheet can be used by English language learners to support the teaching of subject-verb agreement.

Lower Case Alphabet Display Cards
Shades of blue alphabet display cards in lower case, can be used for classroom displays or for games and activities during lessons.

Recount Example - Cheetah Hunting Wildebeest
An example recount of an event using paragraphs, openers, interesting adjectives and the past tense.

Letter to Auggie
A template for children to write a letter to Auggie. We used it for the book ‘We’re All Wonders’ although it could be adapted to be used for the novel ‘Wonders’.

Biography Writing Plan
A plan separated into paragraph sections for children to use to plan a biography.

Vocabulary List - Materials
A vocabulary list for a Science unit about materials, with extra space for more words to be added.

Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Pronouns Worksheet
A worksheet that can be used to support the teaching of nouns, verbs, adjectives and pronouns.

Types of Plains Matching Activity
Images, descriptions and names to be cut out and matched to support the teaching of types of plains found on Earth.

5 Senses Setting Description Worksheet
A worksheet that includes a setting description of an enchanted forest. At the bottom there is a task for the pupils to complete where they have to find a descriptive phrase in the text for each of the 5 senses.