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Chaarlotteemma's Shop

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Resources for all things Primary education!

Resources for all things Primary education!


Synonym lists for creative writing. These lists focus on descriptions of settings and using the senses to develop a high level of writing. Feel free to download these and use them as a bank of words to spice up KS2 creative writing and close the vocabulary gap!
Times Tables

Times Tables

Times Tables cards to support learners as they develop fluency with the times tables ready for the test in Year 4.
Praise Cards

Praise Cards

Positive praise cards that are small and stylish! The children in your class will love these and to know that they have been spotted for doing well in your class.
Positive Parent Mail

Positive Parent Mail

An easy to use slip where teachers can report any positive behaviour, work and effort children in your class have displayed! You can either hand these directly to parents at pick ups, or give these to the child in your class to take home.
English Terminology Flashcards

English Terminology Flashcards

Terminology flashcards for English. These flashcards include definitions and examples of the terminology required for children to learn and use within English lessons.