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French resources for secondary


Worksheet with 12 questions in French to support watching Kirikou. This is ideal for Key Stage 3 but can be used for all ages.
Automne et Toussaint bundle

Automne et Toussaint bundle

A whole set of activities to cater for both beginners and intermediate students - KS3 and KS4 . Beginner activities include wordsearch and jumbled up word, more confident students include reading tasks with more complex sentences, stretching to higher level with tenses and opinions.
Jeux d’automne

Jeux d’automne

Autumn activities perfect for beginners: -autumn colours -wordsearch -odd one out -jumbled up words Will do nicely for October half-term homework, or as a pre-holiday lesson.
role play practice

role play practice

15+ different situations to practice Role Play vocabulary, with plenty of attractive photos to prompt your students to recover past knowledge.
ER verbs ending practice / test

ER verbs ending practice / test

20 ER verbs to conjugate in the present tense, two tests on each page to save the trees! Easy sentences, perfect for your KS2 or KS3 beginners, high frequency verbs and easy vocabulary with plenty of cognates.
Passé composé and imparfait

Passé composé and imparfait

Worksheet bundle! three levels of difficulty, each time mixing passe compose and imparfait 1. regular endings with avoir auxiliary 2. irregular past participles 3. etre auxiliary verbs Same format for each worksheet, so your students become more confident and secure in their learning (you could even use them with different year groups) final worksheet is a writing exercise that will challenge students to use both tenses together, with a bank of time markers and linking words to help. this is the perfect bundle to help students understand the (sometimes elusive) difference between perfect and imperfect.
Le bien-être  (well being)

Le bien-être (well being)

5 different activities to introduce your beginners to well-being in French. The activities revolve around vocabulary and should last a whole lesson or provide ample work for a couple of homework tasks. This is a perfect worksheet to get your students thinking in French about their lifestyle and what makes them happy / how they relax. All answers provided on the last sheet.
L’automne et la Toussaint

L’automne et la Toussaint

Culture based worksheet to teach and/or reinforce the autumn season and holiday topic - SOLID BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE. This is a whole lesson’s worth of resources which will easily keep your students going for a couple of hours - maybe even with homework if they need more time to finish the writing task. La Toussaint is a series of exercises to teach all the necessary vocabulary for this time of year, from chataigne right through to feux d’artifice. Included: translation, pair task, research skills, reading and writing (there is even a short selection of songs to listen to!). This is an all-rounder, hope you like it! Document written by a native French, with all answers provided. Key words; holidays, half term, lifestyle, culture, october, autumn, automne, fall, preferences, translation, writing skills, Toussaint
Saint Valentin activities

Saint Valentin activities

A bumper worksheets pack with fun activities to get pupils engaged and thinking. Includes an activity on the historical background of Valentine’s Day, romantic film titles in French , a letter template with lots of good reusable expressions, and plenty of vocabulary. For the fun part there is also a wordsearch and some easy translation. All answers provided on the last page
Propósitos de año Nuevo

Propósitos de año Nuevo

Need an easy lesson for January? This beginner to intermediate worksheet is perfect for your classes up to Key Stage 4. All they need is basic knowledge of the immediate future. You get a variety of exercises mixing reading, translation, writing, not to forget the all-important cultural notes. This will keep any group busy for a whole lesson, or provide a couple of easy homework tasks ALL ANSWERS PROVIDED
holiday activities using nous + present tense

holiday activities using nous + present tense

I created this resource to support Y8 on their unit 5 in the Studio book. Starting with the very basic nous + present tense expressions, I made a table with more complex structures to show students how they can extend their sentences. This worksheet has a big match-up exercise and a writing task. Ideal for beginners. Covers the topic of typical holiday activities.
Egalite des chances (intermediate)

Egalite des chances (intermediate)

Conversation starters in the form of statements in French. Ask your students o translate them into English first, then discuss in pairs. This activity fits in perfectly within the curriculum, especially when discussing job opportunities, feminism etc. equal opportunities
What to revise for listening and reading GCSE exams

What to revise for listening and reading GCSE exams

A quick checklist to hand out when your charges start panicking about their exams, this resource will empower your students and help them focus on the things they need to know for their MFL listening and reading tests. It also offers a short list of ideas for extra revision resources.
a past holiday

a past holiday

Holiday Reading and Writing worksheet to discuss past and ideal holiday, based around a bank of positive and negative sentences.
20 ways to celebrate European Day of Languages 26/09

20 ways to celebrate European Day of Languages 26/09

Not sure what to do to celebrate European Day of Languages? Having done it a few times, I have compiled my top 20 ideas for you, and even thrown in a Powerpoint presentation on the foreign origins of some words used in the English language, a short presentation I did in assembly. Enjoy!
Privilège blanc

Privilège blanc

Intermediate worksheet about white privilege and racism. Perfect for Key Stage 4. Long definition and explanation on white privilege with concrete examples, followed by several vocabulary- based exercises. The last activity is a writing task / short essay prompt. Enough to keep charges busy for a full hour lesson. Written by a native French, with full answers to every question.
Famille et relations

Famille et relations

Vocabulary, reading, translating and writing practice for GCSE family unit (ideal for Studio Edexcel module 1 and/or AQA theme 1, topic 1) Worksheets with a variety of fun, engaging exercises, including guess the family member, good expressions for talking about relationships, a cryptogram to decipher, translations,and a cheeky reading activity about the William and Harry divide. There is plenty here to keep students busy for a few homeworks, or at least a double lesson. This is a great resource pack to reinforce / wrap up / recycle the topic of family. ALL ANSWERS PROVIDED ON LAST PAGE. ALL WRITTEN BY A NATIVE FRENCH.
Top speaking tips

Top speaking tips

Give your students the best chance to succeed in their AQA speaking exam. In this document I go over the three parts of the exam and give specific, easy tips to get top marks along with some examples of answers, and a useful bank of expressions to use in the general conversation, that the examiners will love. Your students will thank you for having this document, and provided they know their basics and vocabulary, they WILL improve their marks if they follow my recommendations.
Grammar recap Years 8 and 9

Grammar recap Years 8 and 9

Perfect to reinforce, revise, or review three time frames for your KS3 classes. Enclosed in this comprehensive worksheet pack: tables, exercises, exam tips, games and translations. Get your students thinking about their verb endings, irregular verbs, past and near future tenses. You could mix and match and only use the first two sheets for a Year 7 class, or offer all to a struggling KS4 pupil to help revise simple tenses.