Unit 4 . Enquiries into research
Content list
Students introduction to unit booklet/handbook
Power-point - Unit introduction. Learning aims A & B [104 SLIDES]
Word Document- Activity Learning aim B
Power-point- C1a. Conducting searches
Power-point- C1b- The range of secondary sources
Word document- C2a - Intrepreting Tables/Graphs
Power-point - C2b- Evaluating research
Power-point- C2c- Recomendations
Power-point- C3- Wider applications
Unit 4 . Enquiries into research
Content list
Students introduction to unit booklet/handbook
Power-point - Unit introduction. Learning aims A & B [104 SLIDES]
Word Document- Activity Learning aim B
Power-point- C1a. Conducting searches
Power-point- C1b- The range of secondary sources
Word document- C2a - Intrepreting Tables/Graphs
Power-point - C2b- Evaluating research
Power-point- C2c- Recomendations
Power-point- C3- Wider applications