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BTEC SPORT -Nutrition: Energy Balance
BTEC SPORT LVL 3: Nutrition.
Learning Aim B - Learning Aim A – Energy Balance B.P4 – Describe energy intake, expenditure and balance in sports performance.
This resource includes:
Retrieval starter
Full interactive teaching powerpoint
Interactive links
Peer marking/feedback
Lesson Plan.

Heart/ Circulatory system. GCSE PE (1-9)
Whole unit of current lessons suited for the new GCSE PE (1 - 9) on the circulatory system including powerpoints, differentiated lesson worksheets, lesson plans.

Drugs in sport
Powerpoint complete with four levels of differentiated A3 worksheets. Complete lesson observation.

commercialisation in sport - Observation lesson.
2017 Current commercialisation power point for GCSE PE (new spec 1-9)

GCSE PE - New specification. Chapter 1.
This PowerPoint presentation consists of 147 slides of interactive activities which will engage your students to learn. Topics covered... skeletal system, Muscular system, cardiovascular system and all associated with chapter 1. All topics include plenary exam questions.