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Teacher Standards evidence folder ideas

Teacher Standards evidence folder ideas

Are you a trainee teacher looking to get organised? Look no further as this resource ensures all your teacher standards will be clearly labelled, with ideas on how to demonstrate you have met this evidence to your mentor and easy ways to show varied evidence.
Teacher standards evidence

Teacher standards evidence

This resource is the perfect way of showcasing and organising your evidence folders in line with the Teachers Standards. It includes all standards and has handy tips for ways to demonstrate you have met the standard and how you can gather varied evidence to show your mentor!
Teacher Standards evidence

Teacher Standards evidence

This resource is perfect for those looking to evidence their SCITT/PGCE/ECT year. Each page includes the teacher standard and its subsections, ways to demonstrate meeting this standard to your mentor, and how to evidence it. This is perfect to include in your evidence folder to keep organised and ensure each standard has enough varied evidence.