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Learning journeys for writing and reading from Y1 - Y6. Learning objectives are progressive and indicate clear progress milestones for each term.

Learning journeys for writing and reading from Y1 - Y6. Learning objectives are progressive and indicate clear progress milestones for each term.
Writing Learning Journey Y1-Y6

Writing Learning Journey Y1-Y6

Learning objective expectations for each element of writing, including spelling and handwriting broken down term by term. Effective in supporting children in engaging in the learning journey and also for teachers to judge term-by-term progress. GDS elements are also broken down.
Reading Learning Journey Y1-Y6

Reading Learning Journey Y1-Y6

Reading objectives for each year group, in child-friendly language. Objectives are broken up into termly milestones, making progress judgements clear and enables children to be more fully involved in their learning journey. Inference skills are broken up into detailed elements.