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Addition Bingo: Numbers to 10
This bingo game allows up to six players to practice their adding skills of numbers to ten. The product contains two different games: with the question on the board e.g 1 + 3 (and the child would mark off the square if the card 4 came up) or the answer on the board e.g 4 (and the child would mark off the square of the card with the question to this answer came up)

Subtraction Bingo: numbers to 20
This bingo game allows up to six players to practice their subtracting skills using numbers to twenty. The product contains two different games: with the question on the board e.g 12 - 1 (and the child would mark off the square if the card 11 came up) or the answer on the board e.g 11 (and the child would mark off the square of the card with the question to this answer came up)

Time Bingo: Telling the time to the hour
This bingo game allows up to six players to practice their skills of telling the time on a clock.
Includes 2 different games:
-bingo boards with clocks
-bingo boards with the time written e.g. one o clock

Subtraction Bingo (numbers to 10)
This bingo game allows up to six players to practice their subtracting skills using numbers to ten. The product contains two different games: with the question on the board e.g 9 - 8 (and the child would mark off the square if the card 1 came up) or the answer on the board e.g 1 (and the child would mark off the square of the card with the question to this answer came up)

Number Bingo 1-10
This Bingo game allows up to six players to practice their number recognition, reading and counting skills in a fun, practical and visual way their numbers from 1-10. This product contains four different bingo board versions (so that you can choose the most appropriate for your children) including:
The Numerals only
The Numerals with the Word
The Word only
The product also contains the bingo cards to go along with each board, as well as counters to mark the bingo board.
To make the product more durable, I would recommend laminating.

2d Shape Bingo
This Shape bingo game can be used with up to six players. The shapes included are: Star, Circle, Triangle, Arrow, Rectangle, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon, Heart, Rhombus and Octagon. This game can help support childrens knowledge and understanding of 2D shapes.

Comparing numbers: Greater or Less than 20
Sort the numbers into the correct column based on if they are greater or less than 20.

Odd and Even sorting with Subtraction
Sort the questions based on whether the answers are odd or even.

I see a ... CVC word sentences
Read the sentence e.g. I see a cat.
Write the sentence on the lines below.
Contains CVC words for the short a, e, i, o and u sounds.

My Book of CVC words
Practice reading CVC words.
Trace the word and then write the word.
Includes 20 CVC words.

Planets in Our Solar System Power Point
A power point showing the 8 different planets in our solar system.
facts about each planet
Quiz at the end
All references are included

Column addition without carrying
Column addition
Add a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number
No carrying

Comparing numbers
Write in the symbols to show whether the numbers are greater than, less than or equal to each other.