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I can name and recognise common 2D shapes
A full lesson including lesson PowerPoint and recording sheet to meet the objective ‘I can name and recognise common 2D shapes’ including: square, triangle, rectangle, circle, hexagon, pentagon and oval. This lesson discusses properties of 2D shapes, as well as where we might find the shapes in our own environment. The lesson then includes a practical activity which allows the children to find 2d shapes in their own environment, which they can then record on their sheet.

Properties of 2D shape cards
Properties of 2D shapes including: number of sides, number of vertices and lines of symmetry. Activity allows children to match the description of the properties to the name of the shape to the picture of the shape. Can be used as a simple matching activity, a memory game (where all the cards are turned upside down) or a revision activity. Simply cut out the cards to start.

3d shape properties matching cards
Properties of 3D shapes including: number of faces, number of vertices and number of edges. Activity allows children to match the description of the properties to the name of the shape to the picture of the shape. Can be used as a simple matching activity, a memory game (where all the cards are turned upside down) or a revision activity. Simply cut out the cards to start.

I can name and recognise 3d shapes
A full lesson including lesson PowerPoint and recording sheet to meet the objective ‘I can name and recognise common 3D shapes’ including: cube, cuboid, sphere, cone and cylinder.
This lesson discusses properties of 3D shapes, as well as where we might find the shapes in our own environment. The lesson then includes a practical activity which allows the children to find 3d shapes in their own environment, which they can then record on their sheet.

Planets in Our Solar System Power Point
A power point showing the 8 different planets in our solar system.
facts about each planet
Quiz at the end
All references are included

Find One third of an amount
finding one third of an amount (a number) e.g. 1/3 of 3. We look at how many parts there are altogehter- in this case 3, and share the total amount by this many parts.

I can identify and name a variety of common animals (Year 1)
A lesson worksheet to allow your students to meet the year 1 science objective of ‘I can identify and name a variety of common animals’. Get your students to either draw or cut and stick the pictures in the boxes.

I can compare and classify 2D shapes
A complete lesson including lesson PowerPoint and worksheet to meet the objective: ‘I can compare and classify 2D shapes’.
Supports students understanding of 2D shapes- key vocabulary such as names of shapes, sides, vertices and lines of symmetry.

Partition into hundreds, tens and ones
Supporting children’s knowledge and understanding of place value. Two different worksheets; partitioning into hundreds, tens and ones; and partitioning into tens and ones.

Find One quarter of an amount
finding one quarter of an amount (a number) e.g. 1/4 of 4. We look at how many parts there are altogehter- in this case 4, and share the total amount by this many parts.

Array Matching Cards
A simple activity to support children’s understanding of early multiplication with the use of pictorial representations- arrays. Match the array card to the repeated addition sentence and the multiplication sentence.

Year 1 Addition and Subtraction word problems
A range of addition and subtraction word problems to support mathematical skills with the use of real world application.
6 subtraction problems
6 addition problems
Colourful word problem cards with the addition of pictures.

Subtract a one digit number from a two digit number
Check for understanding for your students
Subtract a one digit number from a two digit number

Identify one more and one less than a given number up to 50
Year 1 Objective: Identify one more and one less than any given number up to 50

I see a ... CVC word sentences
Read the sentence e.g. I see a cat.
Write the sentence on the lines below.
Contains CVC words for the short a, e, i, o and u sounds.

Find 1/4 of a shape
An activity to support children’s understanding of recognising one quarter in different ways. Shade in one quarter of each of the different shapes.

Shape symmetry
This activity will support children’s understanding of Line Symmetry. Children have to complete the missing half to complete the shape- making sure that it is symmetrical- the same on both sides.