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Place Value cards

Place Value cards

Help your students with their place value by partitioning numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. Contains 10 x 100 cards, 9 x 10 cards and 9 x 1 cards, along with 50 different number cards to partition.
Adjective Sticks

Adjective Sticks

A list of 60 adjectives which are the correct size to be stuck onto ‘lollipop sticks’. Can be used for a variety of different activities: children pick out an adjective and write out a sentence using the word, practice spellings, pick out an adjective and find the definition.
Addition to 20 Splat game

Addition to 20 Splat game

Help children learn their addition facts to 20 with a quick and easy game. Version 1: Read out the digit cards 11-20 and children ‘splat’ the question cards which give the answer to the card you have read out e.g. 12 = 11 + 1 Version 2: Read out the question card e.g. 11 + 1 and children have to ‘splat’ the digit card e.g. 12
Addition to 10 Splat game

Addition to 10 Splat game

Help children learn their addition facts to 10 with a quick and easy game. Version 1: Read out the digit cards 1-10 and children ‘splat’ the question cards which give the answer to the card you have read out e.g. 10 = 4 + 5 Version 2: Read out the question card e.g. 2 + 3 and children have to ‘splat’ the digit card e.g. 5