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Chemladdie's Science Resources

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Resources that have been written by an experienced science teacher and delivered to real classrooms full of real students. All students are different and all teaching styles are different - what suits you may not suit another so feel free to adapt and change the resources to make them fit your style. I work in a school where money is tight so it is necessary to use a good deal of imagination.

Resources that have been written by an experienced science teacher and delivered to real classrooms full of real students. All students are different and all teaching styles are different - what suits you may not suit another so feel free to adapt and change the resources to make them fit your style. I work in a school where money is tight so it is necessary to use a good deal of imagination.
GCSE transect sampling - ppt includes printable worksheet slide or just do it from projector

GCSE transect sampling - ppt includes printable worksheet slide or just do it from projector

This handy ppt allows you to work with data gained from sampling - Once you’ve been outside to show the technique or gathered data that isn’t as good as you wished use this ppt. The ppt has a slide to print off with a sample next to a building which features a table of data to work with; follow this up with the questions slide that you can print off as a worksheet. I usually combo the data table and the questions (slide 4 and 5) onto one printed page to save paper. Having the same content on the screen as well as on the students’ desks saves eyes moving back and forth from screen to workbooks as well as allowing you to talk about the science. Then round it off with a 6 marker on designing a method for sampling; once again - print it or project it. There’s a marking slide that you can use for peer marking and feedback. Plenty to do and lots of scope for learning about data.
microscopy cell sizes convert milli micro etc

microscopy cell sizes convert milli micro etc

Topic - microscopy, size of cells, measurement conversions Sheet 1 - practice converting between m, cm, mm, nm um. A few standard form ones to assist in challenge. Sheets 3, 4 and 5 - differentiated to increase challenge in increments Sheet 6 - a combo sheet of all the others for you to blow up to A3. Oh, and all the answers too so you don’t have to sweat over them. Print in A4 or blow up to A3. Use in class, set for homework or use for a quick topic assessment activity. Students find conversions a little tricky sometimes. These resources use the idea of measuring against scaled rulers to get cell sizes. Simple and easy to follow.
Alleles, dominant and recessive traits expressed

Alleles, dominant and recessive traits expressed

This presentation goes with the game sheet doc. I used it to teach some low ability students how dominant and recessive alleles are expressed. It worked really well. Use it as a game for higher level students. Blow it up to A3 size for lower ability 1 - model the alleles of the first child to show students what to do. 2 - Students then get to work on the 2nd and 3rd children’s characteristics 3 - Then they apply their knowledge to the 4th child. Finish off by answering the questions at the end of the presentation. There’s a fun plenary at the end too.
Plant anatomy - wash off and present a real plant then use sci keywords to describe it

Plant anatomy - wash off and present a real plant then use sci keywords to describe it

This lesson plan is a great intro to a plant biology topic. Students learn the parts of the whole plant, prepare a real one for pressing and learn how to use scientific writing to communicate their discoveries. A fun and messy way to start a new topic Follow this up with lessons that focus on specialised plant cells. Students take a real plant and wash off the soil then learn about the various organs on the plant. Use for organisational hierarchy too Lesson plan, technician requirements and ppt presentation included in the package. If you time this right then you can do this at the beginning of the topic and review the pressed plants a few weeks later. Take pictures, print them, stick them into books and label them; oh, and give prizes for the best pressed plant too.
Biology genetics, plant and ecology multipack

Biology genetics, plant and ecology multipack

6 Resources
Here is a series of resources that cover a variety of the GCSE biology curriculum. There’s Paper 1 microscopy, Paper 2 genetics and sustainability. Some of these are game/debate type activities - well suited to higher attaining classes where discussion around issues is required.
Using a stage micrometer - intro to cell size calcs

Using a stage micrometer - intro to cell size calcs

GCSE microscopy Students often find the lessons on combining use of eyepiece graticule and stage micrometer confusing. This lesson allows students to build confidence with the stage micrometer and the idea of measuring sizes of small objects. The lesson starts with a quiz on sizes and measuring prefixes. Use the worksheet as a prelude to a practical activity. End with a written description of how a stage micrometer is used. Follow this lesson with lessons on using an eyepiece graticule and the associated calculations