
Fill in a form - ESOL
This PPT is designed for E1-E2 ESOL learners but can be adapted for E3 learners.
The main focus is learning how to fill in a form and I have chosen “gym memberships”, but it can be adapted easily.
There are 13 slides.
It includes learning objectives, brainstorm activities, speaking, reading and writing activities + explanations.

Fill in a form - Gym Membership
This PPT is designed for E1-E2 ESOL learners but can be adapted for E3 learners.
The main focus is learning how to fill in a form and I have chosen “gym memberships”, but it can be adapted easily.
There are 13 slides.
It includes learning objectives, brainstorm activities, speaking, reading and writing activities + explanations.

Writing-vocabulary-types of text Entry 1-Entry 2 ESOL
This Power Point can be uploaded on the drive and used for an online lesson. There are 31 slides. First there are some pictures and words to teach different types of text, then there is a test with just pictures. (Students can write the type of text next to the picture). Finally there are some writing activities. Write a text message, an advert, an email, a letter, a note, etc.
There are realistic pictures and scenarios
It is suitable for Entry 1 and Entry 2 ESOL Learners and if you use it during an online lesson can be very interactive.
PS: do not forget to write a review
Thank you

Writing an email- invitation
It is designed for ESOL learners Entry1-Entry 2
I have used this PPT on Google slides and shared with my learners on Google Classroom.
I have used the BritishCouncil Website resources and adapted it to online learning.
When you upload it on google classroom, make sure you click on “make a copy for each learner”

Entry 1 ESOL Lesson 1- Introducing yourself, Numbers, Filling a form, S&L-Writing-Reading
This resource includes slides to practise reading, speaking and listening, writing.
it is designed for Entry 1 ESOL Learners, but can be used for Pre-Entry.
There is a run dictation, There are two forms to fill, a food and drinks survey, many writing activities and teacher notes.