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dans mon sac missing letters
Write in the missing letters to create the correct school bag vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
le temps missing letters
Write in the missing letters to create the correct weather vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
ein Unfall wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of accidents & breakdowns. Useful plenary or for cover work.
die Ausbildung wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of education with GCSE level vocabulary. Useful plenary or for cover work.
Arbeitsplaetze wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of places of work. Useful plenary or for cover work.
die Staedte in Deutschland
Wordsearch based on the famous cities in Germany. Useful plenary or for cover work.
Echo 1 Module 3 Cover Sheet
Cover sheet for the unit 'Familie und Freunde' outlining what will be covered in the topic. This also includes tick boxes for students to tick if they feel they know the sub-topic and can then highlight areas for further revision.
Am Markt wordsearch
Wordsearch on the topic of 'at the market'. Useful plenary or for cover work.
Der Koerper wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of parts of the body (Echo 2 Unit 4) Useful plenary or for cover work.
Das Wetter wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of weather (Echo 1 Unit 6). Useful plenary or for cover work.
das Arbeitspraktikum wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of work experience. Useful plenary or for cover work.
Charakter und Verhaeltnisse Wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of character and relationships. Useful plenary or for cover work.
Berufe wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of jobs. Useful plenary or for cover work.
Was hast du in deinem Zimmer match up
Match up activity of useful bedroom furniture vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
Regular past participles match up
Match up activity of regular past participles. Useful for starter/plenary.
Obst match up
Match up activity of useful fruit vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
die Laender missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct countries vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
Charakter missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct character vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
Charakter und Verhaeltnisse Match Up
Match up activity of useful character/relationships vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary
Charakter match up
Match up activity of useful character vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary