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AQA The Heart and Blood flow

AQA The Heart and Blood flow

Lesson on how blood mvoes through the heart and the body. Look at types of blood vessel additonally. Task requiring students to label the parts of the heart and rearrange the statements about blood flow into the correct order. Exam questions about risks to heart disease
AQA Blood and Blood Vessels

AQA Blood and Blood Vessels

Powerpoint about Blood and Blood vessels with detailed info hunt task with plenty of challenge tasks for higher ability students.
AQA Diabetes and Treatments

AQA Diabetes and Treatments

A lesson looking at what diabetes is, what leads to the condition and how we treat it. Includes activities for identifying at risk individuals and factors which increase prevalence of diabetes. A starter crossword is designed to refresh ideas of the hormones which control blood glucose levels. Exam questions at the end to recap all work with answers on powerpoint.
AQA Blood Glucose Regulation

AQA Blood Glucose Regulation

Powerpoint exploring how blood glucose regulation is controlled by insulin and glucagon via negative feedback. Finishes with worksheet checking the information.
AQA GCSE Kidney disease and treatments

AQA GCSE Kidney disease and treatments

A lesson which looks at potential kidney issues and their diagnosis. Then looks at dialysis and kidney transplants comparing the pros and cons of the two. there is a card sort for dialysis and transplants with answers on powerpoint. There are accompanying exam questions on the content covered with answers on powerpoint.
Revision Sheets for AQA Organisation module

Revision Sheets for AQA Organisation module

Revision Sheets for AQA Organisation module Includes double sided sheet for digestive system with exam questions on back and double sided sheet for the heart with exam questions on back
Synapses - Applied Science Module 4 (suitable for A level)

Synapses - Applied Science Module 4 (suitable for A level)

Lesson designed originally for a applied science biology group. Could work with an A level group or even a high ability GCSE group. A lesson which looks at the method of action on a synapse including how various drug actions can generally effect the synapse includes card sort activity for synapses and a starter that goes over action potentials from previous lesson
Levels of Organization

Levels of Organization

Lesson looking at how levels of organization in the human body. Includes tasks and a worksheet task where student must add an organ system to a diagram and explain what the organs and tissues are
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes - A level / Applied Level

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes - A level / Applied Level

A look at the key differences between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Covers what is needed for Applied Level Biology but would work just as well for pure A level Biology. Tasks throughout and exam questions at the end. Includes sheet to label a prokayotic cell (bacteria)