
PEE/TEA/BUG Poster Pack
This poster pack combines my PEE, TEA and BUG posters at a discounted price for purchasing all three. These are PDF files.
The posters are great visual aids to support student writing in the classroom.
No files will be watermarked when downloaded.

PEE Paragraph Poster
This poster is designed to form part of a classroom display on writing. The colourful poster is eye-catching and breaks down the process off writing a PEE paragraph for students quickly and easily.
(Peach watermark will not be present in the file you download)

BUG (Box, Underline, Glance) Poster for Exam Technique
A colourful classroom poster highlighting the process of using BUG (Box the command word, Underline the Key Words, Glance Back at the Question) to answer exam questions. This comes as a PDF file suitable for printing on A4 or A3.
This poster co-ordinates well with the T.E.A and P.D.L exam technique posters I also have available on my page.

Exam Technique Poster Pack (PDL, BUG, TEA)
A colourful classroom poster pack highlighting the process of using:
PDL (Point, Develop, Link)
TEA (Trend, Evidence, Anomaly)
BUG (Box the Question, Underline the Key Words, Glance Back at the Question)
To answer exam questions. This comes as three PDF files suitable for printing on A4 or A3.
This is a combination pack of the three exam techniques posters I sell on my page, with a £3 discount for purchasing all three.