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Natural Disaster Art Unit KS2

Natural Disaster Art Unit KS2

This is a six week art unit, with the objectives of: Compare the work of artists from different cultures and make comments on this work, Use shading to show light and shadow (tornado) Use a range of brushes to create shape and lines with paint (volcano) Weave with paper then wool based on a colour palette (earthquakes and wildfires) Create a piece of pen art following Katsushika Hokusai’s the Great Wave (tsunamis) This includes examples of work and a title page for books. Miss CLT
The Tunnel Planning Lower KS2

The Tunnel Planning Lower KS2

Planning for eight lessons on the Tunnel - exploring the characters, story maps, talk for writing, predictions and finally creating their own land at the end of the tunnel.
The Christmas Truce Playscript Unit of Work LKS2

The Christmas Truce Playscript Unit of Work LKS2

A unit of work for the Christmas Truce based off the Sainbury’s advert, this includes: A context worksheet, An example playscript, A wordmat for the play, Wordsheets to support writing, A retelling the story sheet, Speech bubbles prompt.
KS1 Maths Booklets

KS1 Maths Booklets

KS1 Maths Booklets - I called them Magic Maths, practice for four days a week. I used these as numeracy starters. Powerpoint download.
Maths Noggle Style Game/Challenge

Maths Noggle Style Game/Challenge

I keep these laminated in a basket for challenges and early finishers. You can also copy them and put them on the screen for morning tasks. 50 Noggle challenges for all different numbers. MissCLT x
Year 3 Maths Homework FULL YEAR

Year 3 Maths Homework FULL YEAR

Maths homework for the full year - recapping what has been taught throughout the year. This builds from Year 2 expectations till Year 4 at the end. Homework for each term. Miss CLT x
Rocks and Soils Planning Full Unit with Assessment

Rocks and Soils Planning Full Unit with Assessment

Year 3 Rocks and Soils Planning - Full Unit This covers seven weeks of teaching, has display pictures and an assessment quiz at the end. Covers all National Curriculum objectives with Working Scientifically objectives for each week and key words/prior learning. MissCLT x
LKS2 Maths Challenge Sheets Autumn Term

LKS2 Maths Challenge Sheets Autumn Term

16 Challenge Sheets - Starting with Place Value (closely following WRM scheme of work). Each has 6 tasks - these can be used as challenges for early finishers or as homework tasks. MissCLT x
Valentine's Day Card Template

Valentine's Day Card Template

Card template - free. I made using Canva free and you can add your own class names etc. You can cut the middle heart out and add your own sweets to the other side so they show through. MissCLT