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Bioscience Rocks

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Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.




Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.
Light independent reactions of photosynthesis - 'what am I?' quiz

Light independent reactions of photosynthesis - 'what am I?' quiz

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet is ideal as a starter or plenary recap of the light independent reactions of photosynthesis. The worksheet includes a space for students to draw out the series of light independent reactions from memory, but importantly, they are then asked a series of questions to identify the role of each substance. This is a very useful way of ensuring that students have understood the details of the reaction rather than just repeating diagrams parrot-fashion. Key words: photosynthesis, light independent, photosystems, chlorophyll, chloroplasts, thylakoid, stroma, electrons, reduction, oxidation, phosphorylation, ATP, NADP, RUBP, G3P, TP, RUBISCO, Calvin cycle
Continuous versus discontinuous variation

Continuous versus discontinuous variation

A resource aimed at 14-18 year old biology students, this worksheet is useful as a starter or plenary exercise comparing continuous and discontinuous variation. The worksheet requires students to identify which traits fall into which category and considers the classic normal distribution curve shown by continuously variable characteristics. For more able students, the worksheet includes a section on using standard deviation to predict the percentage of the population that would occupy certain ranges. Key words: continuous, variation, discontinuous, genetics, monogenic, polygenic
Monohybrid Inheritance - the full story

Monohybrid Inheritance - the full story

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet provides a comprehensive summary of revision notes on the topic of monohybrid inheritance and Gregor Mendel's classic experiments. The worksheet requires missing words to be entered in the appropriate spaces. Once complete, students have a set of revision notes for their file. The second worksheet provides all the answers, making it possible to set this as a homework exercise that students can then self mark back in class. Key words: Mendel, monohybrid, cross, genetics, inheritance
Pink sheepdogs - monohybrid cross

Pink sheepdogs - monohybrid cross

A worksheet that recaps the basics of monohybrid cross diagrams using a (hypothetical) pink sheepdog as an example! The worksheet provides a template for students to organise and lay out their work clearly and finsihes with a challenge question requiring students to explain why predicted ratios do not necessarily match actual ratios. Key words: monohybrid, test, back, cross, predicted, inheritance, dominant, recessive
Homologous chromosomes

Homologous chromosomes

A worksheet aimed at advanced level biology students, this resource focuses on the nature of chromosomes, the difference between haploid and diploid cells, the concept of a gene locus and the appearance of chromosomes at different stages of cell division - students are often confused by the single stranded versus double stranded chromosomes and so this is a useful exercise to undertake at the start of any topic involving mitosis or meiosis. Key words: chromosomes, meiosis, mitosis, genetics, locus, allele, diploid, haploid
HIV - the evolution of a virus

HIV - the evolution of a virus

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource focuses on how the HIV virus has evolved resistance to drug treatments over the last few decades and how some individuals have evolved resistance to the virus. The resource contains two articles (from BBC News and Medical News Today) as stimulus material followed by questions that require students to link their knowledge to these real-life applied examples. This resource is ideal stretch and challenge material for more able students once they have completed a topic on evolution. Key words: HIV, resistance, evolution, disease, virus, AIDS, drugs, medicine
Gregor Mendel and the chi-squared test

Gregor Mendel and the chi-squared test

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet provides a template for students to work through Gregor Mendel's classic pea breeding experiments showing the results of the genetic cross. The template includes prompts for students to set out their working clearly, showing parental phenotype, genotype, gametes and offspring genotype and phenotype. The second page of the worksheet provides a template for students to work through an analysis of Gregor Mendel's actual results using the chi-squared test. A data table is included in order to determine whether results are significant or not; note that this is one of the rare cases where non-significance (between observed and expected data) actually lends weight to a theory - Mendel's results are not significantly different to those proposed by his theory. Key words: Mendel, genetics, pea, breeding, cross, diagrams, monohybrid, chi-squared, statistics, observed, expected, data
Directional selection in mallards

Directional selection in mallards

A worksheet aimed at advanced level biology students, this resource uses mallards as an example of directional selection. Students are required to predict the effect of climate changes to the amount of subcutaneous fat in a population of mallards over time. The worksheet requires students to predict the effect on a normal distribution curve and then finally explain the process of directional selection using the key phrases provided. Key words: directional, selection, mallard, normal distribution, reproductive success, differential, frequency, alleles, variation
Meiosis revision and non-disjunction

Meiosis revision and non-disjunction

A worksheet aimed at advanced level biology students, this resource recaps understanding of the movement and appearance of chromosomes during meiosis. The worksheet also asks students to consider the underlying reasons for an unusual karyotype (Klinefelter's syndrome) and how this relates to the process of meiotic cell division. Keywords: Klinefelter's syndrome, meiosis, division, chromosomes, cells, non-disjunction, mutation, disorder, genes, loci, haploid, diploid
Meiosis - understanding the appearance of chromosomes, gene loci and reduction division

Meiosis - understanding the appearance of chromosomes, gene loci and reduction division

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource aims to clarify details that students often struggle with in their understanding of meiosis. The worksheet requires students to draw a pair of chromosomes in a cell that will undergo meiotic cell division; students are asked to label the pair of chromosomes with genes and show the appearance of these chromosomes after DNA replication has occured, after meiosis I and after meiosis II. The worksheet also includes questions that students are required to answer in order to test their understanding of meiosis. This resource is a valuable exercise to conduct with students in order to identify and address misconceptions/misunderstandings that can often occur in this topic. Keywords: meiosis, chromosomes, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, DNA, replication, diploid, haploid, gene, loci, heterozygous, homozygous
The Eye - Structure & Function

The Eye - Structure & Function

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides a labelling task on the structure of the eye followed by a matching task that relates structural features to their function. The worksheet concludes by looking at how the eye focuses and the details of what happens to the lens and associated structures. This is a good resource when introducing the topic on the eye and dealing with the basic details of how the eye functions. Key words: Retina, Eye, rods, cones, sclera, choroid, bipolar cell, ganglion cell, sensory neurone, blind spot, fovea, visual axis, lens, suspensory ligament, ciliary muscles, pupil, iris
Root Structure

Root Structure

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet provides a diagram of a transverse section of dicotyledenous root with associated questions. The questions focus on labelling each tissue layer within the root, identifying the route that water and minerals would take as they move through the root and how active transport of minerals leads to absorption of water by osmosis. Key words: osmosis, water potential, apoplast, symplast, cell wall, casparian strip, active transport, minerals, epidermis, endodermis, root hair cells, cortex, xylem
Water Uptake in Plants

Water Uptake in Plants

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet provides diagrams and questions that relate to how water is absorbed into roots, transported via xylem vessels to leaves and ultimately lost to the atmosphere through transpiration. The first page of the worksheet deals with the different pathways through which water is absorbed into a root while the second page focuses on mechanisms of water transport through the xylem (including root pressure, capilliarity and cohesion-tension theory). This is a useful resource to revise this topic and neatly summarises the main points in one worksheet. Key words: osmosis, water potential, apoplast, symplast, cell wall, casparian strip, active transport, minerals, epidermis, endodermis, root hair cells, cortex, xylem, transpiration, cohesion-tension, root pressure, capilliarity
Transpiration - bridging between osmosis and transpiration

Transpiration - bridging between osmosis and transpiration

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet links topics on osmosis and transpiration. The worksheet begins with a recap of basic knowledge related to osmosis, predicting water movement between cells through use of their water potential values. The worksheet then moves on to consider water potential gradients that exist through an entire plant followed by the structure (as seen in longitudinal and transverse section) of roots. Key words: osmosis, water potential, apoplast, symplast, cell wall, casparian strip, active transport, minerals, epidermis, endodermis, root hair cells, cortex, xylem, transpiration
Digestion in the mouth and stomach

Digestion in the mouth and stomach

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet focuses on how food is digested in both the mouth and stomach. The worksheet contains both factual information and questions that discuss the breakdown of carbohydrates by salivary amylase and proteins by pepsin. The physiology of the stomach is also covered along with consideration of endopeptidase enzymes. Key words: stomach, mouth, saliva, amylase, maltose, starch, goblet cells, oxyntic cells, hydrochloric acid, endopeptidase, exopeptidase, protein, pepsin
Excretory products in different animals

Excretory products in different animals

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource bridges understanding of the liver and kidney's functions in the body. The worksheet looks at the nature of excretory products in different animals (ammonia, urea and uric acid) and the link between water availability, solubility and choice of excretory product. A good resource to build synoptic knowledge on these topics with students. Key words: excretion, liver, kidney, urea, uric acid, ammonia, ornithine cycle
The proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney

The proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students studying the details of the proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney. The worksheet consists of seven questions (with a diagram for reference) that looks at the adaptations of pct cells, mechanisms of reuptake, absorption of water and the effect of diabetes on reuptake of glucose. Key words: kidney, transplant, dialysis, glomerulus, filtration, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, collecting duct, aldosterone, anti diuretic hormone, osmosis, reuptake, hydrostatic pressure
Glomerulus and ultrafiltration

Glomerulus and ultrafiltration

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this comprehensive four-page worksheet covers an overview of kidney anatomy, blood vessel arrangements, filtration at the glomerulus and interpretation of micrograph images of podocytes at the renal capsule. Key words: kidney, transplant, dialysis, glomerulus, filtration, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, collecting duct, aldosterone, anti diuretic hormone, osmosis, reuptake, hydrostatic pressure
Filtration and reabsorption in the kidney

Filtration and reabsorption in the kidney

A comprehensive worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource focuses on the role of the glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule and loop of Henle in the kidney. Included in this resource: 1. Starter task review of the glomerulus with application questions on three different kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, minimal change glomerulonephritis and membranous gloerulonephritis) 2. Question sheet and diagram on selective reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule 3. Question sheet and diagram on concentration of glomerular filtrate in the loop of Henle Key words: kidney, transplant, dialysis, glomerulus, filtration, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, collecting duct, aldosterone, anti diuretic hormone, osmosis, reuptake, hydrostatic pressure