1.3 OCR J277 Computer Networks Summary Sheet / Knowledge Organiser (with quick fire questions)
Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols Summary Sheet (OCR J277) Summary Sheet
A sheet that concisely summarises Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols.
Aimed specifically at GCSE computer science but can be used at any keystage.
Relevant to the OCR specification J277
Comes with a set of 25 quick fire questions with answers based on the summary sheet to aid revision and retention.
A useful topic summary to aid with exam question practice, homework, interleaving, starters and plenaries.
Types of network
Factors that affect the performance of networks
The different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-to-peer network.
The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a local Area Network.
The internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks.
Star and mesh technologies.
Modes of connection.
IP addressing and MAC addressing.
Common protocols.
The concept of layers.
The worksheet introduces ‘Character Sets’, including:
Extended ASCII
and Unicode
The worksheet contains definitions, a practical showing pupils how to obtain special characters via the keyboard and a python coding task to output and display ASCII / Extended ASCII characters. There are also questions related to the worksheet practical.
The worksheet is suitable for KS3 and GCSE KS4 Computer Science.
Stakeholders Activity Sheet
This worksheet fits into the GCSE computer studies unit on Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental issues.
The worksheet asks students to explain how the change in technology stated will affect various stakeholders and this is a basis for discussion and possible research on how technology effects peoples lives?
Drawing Using Python Turtle
A collection of 25 short activities that introduces the python turtle library.
About two lessons worth of activity, depending on the ability of the pupils.
Answers can be written into the booklet.
Clear instructions of what to code.
Inputs and outputs are clearly shown.
MS Word format so easily editable.
All the python activities code are provided for each task allowing the teacher to quickly load, demonstrate and clarify each activity.
I have checked these short code snippets on various python IDEs and versions. Please check that the code runs on your IDE / version before using with your classes. Access to each code snippet file is provided in the folder that accompanies this resource.
** Online safety and social media activity**
online safety
social media
internet safety
e safety
Pupil activity sheet that can be used as a classroom activity or a homework task.
KS3 or KS4
Focuses students on the privacy and online safety settings of social media applications.
Involves discussion and research of the social media apps that pupils may use themselves.
The document is in MS Word format and fully editable.
The resource includes a summary of the topic (knowledge organiser)
All important points about the topic are summarised and contained over two pages for easy access and organisation.
The quick fire questions can be use for interleaving the topic for recall and discussion and as homework, starters, plenaries or discussion points to aid revision etc.
Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser
Aimed specifically at GCSE computer science but can be used at any keystage.
Comes with a set of 25 quick fire questions based on the summary sheet.
Specific to OCR GCSE Computer Studies 9-1 but applicable to other exam boards.
Keywords include:
Error Diagnostics
Run-time environment
Low level languages
Machine code
Assembly language
High level language
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Computer Science and ICT Projects for Homework / Independent Learning
Engage and reward your pupils.
Unplugged activities.
This resources is aimed at your KS3 pupils studying computer science or ICT. Pupils enjoy completing small projects that earn them recognition and praise and these are embedded into the activities they will complete.
The resource allows for your pupils to make choices about which activity they wish to complete.
Independent learning and research are encouraged and all tasks can be completed at home as a project or homework, or at school as independent classroom learning activities.
The activities are varied and will appeal to a wide variety of interests that will appeal to students.
Activities will reduce teacher workload, by encouraging independent learning.
Pupils will be excited and curious as they engage in activities that interest them.
Many resources that are available do not include a ‘gameification’ element to encourage learning. This activity booklet allows the teacher to easily award a number of reward stamps for each activity, including:
You may wish these rewards to be collated and summed in the included spreadsheet to keep running totals and encourage competition and progress.
The resource contains:
an editable activity booklet
a certificate that can be adapted and printed for each activity your pupils complete.
A spreadsheet to record pupils progress and rewards.
This comprehensive resource will teach and encourage students the following:
independent research into computing and ICT topics
to use a variety of ICT resources to show their work
to use their imagination to show their work in ways they are comfortable with, including non-ICT method (models, art drawings, paintings etc).
A worksheet activity adding binary numbers and conversions to denary.
Starts with 4 bits (nibble) and moves on to 8 bits (byte) additions. There is also an accompanying answer sheet. The activity also has some general questions about binary for students to answer, which could be part of an extension or small research activity.
KS3 Computer Science
GCSE Computer Science
1.6 OCR J277 Ethical Legal Cultural Environmental Impacy Summary Sheet / Knowledge Organiser (with quickfire questions)
A total of 13 pages of concise information and questions, all in one place
OCR GCSE Computer Science Revision helpsheet - 1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental issues.
A set of resources that can also be set for Christmas homework or revision
A resource to aid students with the revision of unit 1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental issues of the OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science specification.
The resource can be used for end of unit mini tests or for full revision of the topic in preparation for the exam.
The document contains:
Three pages of core / essential notes
25 quick fire question to aid revision, recall, interleaving, retention, starters and plenaries.
**Includes **
Impacts of digital technology on wider society including:
Ethical issues
Legal issues
Cultural issues
Environmental issues
Privacy issues
Legislation relevant to Computer Science:
The Data Protection Act 2018
Computer Misuse Act 1990
Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
Software licences (i.e. open source and proprietary
Also includes six supplementary pages outlining stakeholders in various contexts and ethical responsibilities of recycling digital technology etc.
A bundle of 11 computing keywords homework / class activity sheets that students have to find the definitions for and complete.
Useful as homework activities or part of a classroom activities on specific computing topics. Useful for GCSE KS4 lessons, homework, starters plenaries, recall and interleaving.
Data Types and Structures
Input and Output (programming)
Programming Languages
Searching and Sorting
Binary - Hexadecimal / Hex
Binary Representation
Computer Systems
Binary Shift Information and Practice Activities
This resource consists of a basic explanation of binary shifts (left and right) showing illustarted examples of how to perform the operations.
There are also examples and activities to complete.
The resource is linked to two videos that show how to perform the shift operations using 1 and 0’s. The practical activities are best performed by representing the 1 and 0’s on the printed sheet using plastic spoons, buttons, lollipop sticks with 1 and 0 written on them (or any other way to represent to 1 or the 0).
The activity has deliberately been devised to be hands-on.
Useful for KS3 and KS4 GCSE Computer Studies
2.6 Data Representation Summary Sheet (with quick fire questions) Revision / Knowledge Organiser
Three pages of A4 that concisely summarise the important information regarding data representation.
Aimed specifically at GCSE computer studies but can be used at any keystage.
Comes with a set of 33 quick fire questions based on the summary sheet that can be used as a quiz to aid interleaving , memorisation, recap and recall.
Also included is an of activity sheet based on binary addition with a version including answers.
Included is a keywords activity sheet based on binary-hex definitions for pupils to complete.
There is also a document that pupils can use to create there own digital images using pixels to draw objects (spreadsheet based).
There are also a collection of information sheets related to the topic.
Specific to OCR GCSE Computer Studies 9-1 but applicable to other exam boards.
Keywords Include in the Summary Sheet are:
Binary Digits
Check Digit
Binary Shift
Character set
Extended ASCII
Colour depth
Sample size
Bit rate
File types
Robust Programs Summary Sheet (with quick fire questions)
GCSE Computer Studies Revision
A single A4 sheets that concisely summarises the important information regarding robust programs.
Aimed specifically at GCSE computer studies but can be used at any keystage.
Comes with a set of 20 quick fire questions based on the summary sheet.
Specific to OCR GCSE Computer Studies 9-1 but applicable to other exam boards.
The topic covers:
Defensive design
Input sanitisation
Planning for Contingences
Sensible names
Reasons for testing
Iterative Testing
Final / Terminal Testing
Syntax Errors
Logic Errors
A lesson that discusses ‘The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet.’
Full lesson plan and activity sheet included.
In MS word format so fully editable if required.
Also includes PowerPoint presentation that can be used as the lesson activity, including challenge and extension tasks.
2.1 OCR J277 Algorithms Summary Sheet with quickfire questions
A sheet that concisely summarises the computational thinking and the main types of algorithms use for sorting and searching.
Aimed specifically at GCSE computer science but can be used at any keystage.
Comes with a set of 20 quick fire questions based on the summary sheet.
Complete with answers to all questions.
The topics covered on the sheet are:
Computational thinking principles
Algorithmic thinking
Designing, creating and refining algorithms:
Identifying the inputs, processes and outputs for a problem
Structure diagrams
Create, interpret, correct, complete and refine algorithms
Identify common problems
Trace tables
Flowchart symbols
Searching and sorting algorithms:
Binary search
Linear search
Bubble sort
Merge sort
Insertion sort
*** GCSE Computer Science Keyword Wordsearch Puzzles:* **
Including all the solutions in a separate booklet
GCSE Computer Science OCR J277
A collation of 17 indiviual wordsearch puzzles of GCSE Computer Science keywords.
Each page relates to a topic in the OCR J277 specification but can be used for any GCSE exam board.
Each page contains a wordsearch puzzle for the keywords in that topic.
Pupils are also asked to pick three keywords and find the definitions of those words.
The resource can be printed as individual sheets or a booklet that can be then used throughout the course for homework, classroom activities, starters or plenaries.
Allows pupils to work individually and independently.
GCSE Computer Science
KS3 Computer Science
OCR J277 Knowlege Organisers / Summary Sheets for each topic.
Topics 2.1 - 2.5 inclusive in this discounted bundle.
Excellent resources for revision, interleaving, recall.
Quick fire questions for starters / plenaries.
Everyday Algorithms Workbook (unplugged activities)
Everyday Algorithms Workbook (unplugged activities)
An excellent resource for teaching algorithms in the final half term of the year.
A collection of nine everyday algorithms.
Pupils write out the text based pseudo code and flowcharts for a series of everyday activities.
Activities 1-5 show the pseudo code, pupils have to draw the flowcharts.
Activities 6-9, pupils have to write the pseudo code and associated flowcharts.
Document is in MS Word so fully editable and a teachers version is also included that show some suggested answers / responses.
This resource can be used as an independent unit of work or as part of other units of work such as programming, computer science and computational thinking. It can also be used for classroom based activities, homework or project work for a full class or assigned to individual pupils.
Mainly aimed at KS3 pupils
Computer Science
Pseudo code
This flowchart shows the links between fixing errors and resilience and also that repeated practice leads on to mastery, the more programming is practiced, they better you will get!
The flowchart algorithm can be used in classes as a discussion point and a display. The embedded graphic can be resized, printed, cut-out and stuck into exercise books as a reminder that making mistakes is OK, normal and part of the programming cycle.
Types of Memory Summary Sheet
Updated to clarify capacity of non-volatile memory
A sheet that concisely summarises the different types of memory.
Aimed specifically at GCSE computer studies but can be used at any keystage.
Comes with a set of 20 quick fire questions based on the summary sheet to aid revision and retention.
A useful topic summary to aid with exam question practice
The Difference Between RAM and ROM
The Purpose of ROM in a Computer System
The Purpose of RAM in a Computer System
The Need for Virtual Memory
Flash Memory