3 double sided worksheets written by myself covering Set Notation for the higher GCSE mathematics qualifications. Each sheet should take 10-20 minutes.
Includes 4 worksheets & solutions for the higher paper GCSE (9-1) mathematics vectors topic. Areas covered: vector translations, column vectors, vector arithmetic, parallel vectors, straight lines, ratios, simultaneous equations
3 single sided worksheets and 1 double sided worksheet. These worksheets are ‘write-on’ sheets with space for all workings out and answers included in the sheet. Each worksheet should take around 10 minutes to complete. The final worksheet may take up to 20 minutes.
Powerpoint presentation on the complete the square GCSE topic. Covers completing the square, solving quadratic equations, turning points, minimum and maximum points and graphs. Can be used in lessons or online tutoring.
2 page handout covering the GCSE topic of Algebraic Proof with worked examples. This can be used as a teaching aid or a handout for a student to take away for revision.
Powerpoint presentation covering the plotting of quadratic graphs, interpretation of graphs and minimum and maximum points. Powerpoint animations are programmed in. Can be used for a lesson or an online tutoring session.
Presentation introducing the a-level further mathematics topic of ‘Roots of Polynomials’ with worked examples.
Quadratic, cubic and quartic equations.
Solving with complex roots.
Relationship between coefficients and roots.
Finding equations with related roots.
Can be used for online tutoring and classroom learning.
This pack covers algebraic proof topic areas for the GCSE 2017 specifications. includes worksheet original exam style questions written by myself. Solutions included.