
Formal Letter Writing PowerPoint
Level1 Functional Skills English PowerPoint containing the following:
Spell words with suffixes correctly and understand their effect
Read a range of texts
Identify different text types; understand their audience and purpose
Recognise presentational features within a variety of texts
Fact and opinion
Write a formal letter

Formal Letter Writing Full Lesson
Detailed Power Point and lots of activities for formal letter writing.
There is also a grammar starter activity attached to the Power Point and activities supplied.
Great resource for Functional Skills Level 1 and 2, KS2 and KS3.

Speaking & Listening Tasks Level 1 FS English
Collection of familiar and unfamiliar speaking and listening tasks.
Perfect for Functional Skills Level 1 speaking and listening assessment.

Mind Maps for City & Guilds Functional Skills English Level 1 Writing Sample Papers (new spec)
Mind Maps to plan answers to the City & Guilds new spec sample papers - Level 1 writing questions.
These are great for learners who need help and guidance with their planning.

Interesting News Articles
For KS2, Functional Skills, GCSE English:
A collection of interesting articles.
Laid out to for easy reading and annotation.
Great for comprehension, guided reading, speaking and listening activities, skimming and scanning, article writing and much more!

Types of Text Full Lesson
Detailed Power Point and lots of activities for types of text.
There is also a grammar starter activity attached to the Power Point and activities supplied.
Great resource for Functional Skills Level 1 and 2, KS2 and KS3.

Fact Opinion and Formal Emails PowerPoint
Functional Skills Level 1 English Powerpoint contains:
End of sentence punctuation
Understand and demonstrate the difference between fact and opinion
Answer writing exam style question – write a formal email

Language Devices Non Fiction Texts
Full lesson on language devices in non fiction texts.
Functional Skills English Level 1 -2, KS2, KS3.
Detailed power point.
Lots of activities
Grammar activities also included, great for a recap/starter.

Functional Skills English Level 1 Extension Activities
please note, I could not fit the full picture into the preview
Set of 66 extension cards
The cards cover SPaG, reading, writing, speaking and listening - lots of different and relevant topics.
Ideal for end of lesson and consolidation.
They are great for learners who need extra help with a particular skill or to stretch and challenge.
Also a good revision tool.

Functional Skills English Level 1 SPaG Homework/Extension Activities
Functional skills English Level 1 SPaG homework or extension activity sheets covering the following:
End of sentence punctuation
Homophones and homonyms
Imperative verbs
proofreading (x2)
Verb tense
** please note I couldn’t upload the image of the full page.

Presentational Features of Texts Full Lesson
Complete lesson on presentational features of text.
Contains lots of activities.
Activities to compare features in different documents.
Detailed power point.
Grammar activities also included as a starter/recap.
Article writing activity.
Exam style reading questions
Great for Functional Skills Level 1 -2, KS2, KS3.

Christmas FunctionalSkills English Collection
Collection of Christmas activities to use with Functional Skills, KS2, KS3.
Activities Include:
Writing tasks
Discussion tasks
Research task
Harry Potter writing task
Acrostic poem writing

Functional Skills English for Catering
Collection of Functional skills English Level resources, all contextualised for catering students or students with an interest in food!

Functional Skills English Level 1 Resources
Large collection of Functional Skills Level 1 English Resources:
Reading activities
Writing activities
Speaking and listening tasks

Functional Skills English Level 1 Pack of Resources
Extensive collection of FS English Level 1 resources.
Reading activities, writing activities, SPaG, paragraphs and sequencing, text types and purpose, fact and opinion.