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My Family Tree Activity - Printable
This fun activity is designed for students from Pre-Nursery on up! Just print and teach. Great for beginners learning English!
Print and color the family and tree (or print the color version).
Cut out the family.
Use your choice of adhesive to attach the family members to the tree.
Draw arrows to show age, birth order, gender or add in family member names!
-You will need scissors
-Adhesive (Tape, glue, ect.)
-Optional -Laminate for years of classroom use.
Music: Pair the activity with
‘Family Song for Kids with Lyrics - My Family’ by ELF Learning
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im3rlc5b7MA
Book: Who’s In My Family? All About Our Families
by Robie H. Harris (Author) and Nadine Bernard Westcott (Illustrator)
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Miss Gabby's Class
My Family Flash Cards
These fun pre-school flash cards are designed for students from Pre-Nursery on up! Just print and teach. These flash cards are great for beginners learning English!
These are great for outside the classroom as well! Perfect for road trips, family visits, waiting rooms, or even for babysitters to use with them. Your options are endless!
Use for Years: Print the pages on card stock, laminate for use with dry erase markers or slip the pages into page protectors!
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Miss Gabby's Class
Crayon Colors - 14 colors
Cut out the crayons and use as color matching or pass out the blank sheet and let each student color in the appropriate color. Use the large color crayons for classroom decor or signage. I suggest laminating a version for years of use!
-Materials: You will need scissors.
-I recommend lamination for years of use!
-Great for classroom anchor charts.
Music: Pair the activity with ‘Crayons Color Song’ by Zebra Nursery Rhymes For Children And Kids Songs
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU9UCnqcLCE
Book: The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt (Author), Oliver Jeffers (Illustrator)
Vocabulary List:
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Miss Gabby's Class
3D Star Classroom Craft
The PDF includes:
-Links to music and book suggestions
-Black and white Star template
-Color Star template
Print and color the stars.
Let the children cut out the stars.
Slip the two stars together for the 3D-effect.
Punch or cut a hole and attach a sting to each star.
Hang from ceiling or use as decoration.
Sing song and read a book to round out the lesson.
- You will need scissors
- Crayons
- Adhesive (Tape, glue, ect.)
- String
Music: Pair the activity with
‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ by Super Simple Songs
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCjJyiqpAuU
Book: How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers
I hope you enjoy my products. Be sure to leave a rating and follow my store, Creativeteachersabroad. Keep in touch and get more ideas by liking my Pinterest page: Miss Gabby's Class
3D Penguins Classroom Craft
The PDF includes:
-Links to music and book suggestions
-Black and white penguin template
-Color penguin template
Print out penguins.
Distribute to class and have each child color their own.
Cut out penguins and attach (using your choice of adhesive) to a toilet paper roll
or roll up the provided paper to make a 3D-effect.
Sing song and read a book to round out the lesson. Great craft to send home!
-You will need scissors
-Adhesive (Tape, glue, ect.)
-Optional: Toilet paper roll
Music: Pair the activity with
‘Penguin Song - Penguin Dance - Kids Songs’ by The Learning Station
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He5Xu11HBkM
Book: Penguin by Polly Dunbar
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3D Snowman Classroom Craft
The PDF includes:
-Links to music, movie and book suggestions
-Black and white Snowman template
-Color Snowman template
Print out snowmen.
Distribute to class and have each child color their own.
Cut out snowmen and attach (using your choice of adhesive) to a toilet paper roll or roll up the provided paper to make a 3D-effect.
Sing song and read a book to round out the lesson.
-You will need scissors
-Adhesive (Tape, glue, ect.)
-Optional: Toilet paper roll
Music: Pair the activity with
Frozen “In Summer” song
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFatVn1hP3o
Movie: The Snowman by Raymond Briggs (1982) - On YouTube
Book: The Snowman by Raymond Briggs
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3D Snowflake Classroom Craft
The PDF includes:
-Links to music and book suggestions
-Black and white Snowflake template
-Black and white Snowflake template with text 'Let it Snow!'
Print and color the snowflake, cut out the snowflake and glue or take on flaps. Hang or attach as ornament using the loop hole provided.
-You will need scissors and crayons.
-Glue or tape for flaps.
-I recommend lamination for years of use.
-Great for classroom decor of take-homes!
Music: Pair the craft with
‘Little Snowflake’ by Super Simple Songs
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbbKjDjMDok
Book: Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin and Mary Azarian
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The Compass Activity
Lesson Suggestions:
Print and color the maps.
Let the children cut out or decorate their compass.
Discuss directions of continents and how to use a compass.
Place appropriate labels on the world map as provided.
Let the children work through the worksheet.
Sing song and read a book to round out the lesson.
This can also be used as a coloring pages or as a Printable Puzzle Map.
-You will need scissors
-Adhesive (Tape, glue, ect.)
Music: Pair the activity with
‘The Cardinal Directions Geography Song’ by Adam Crossley
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeeLivQH7Ok
Book: Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins
I hope you enjoy my products. Be sure to leave a rating and follow my store, Creativeteachersabroad. Keep in touch and get more ideas by liking my Pinterest page: Miss Gabby's Class
You also might enjoy:
World Map Activity
Healthy Food Activity
The PDF includes:
29 printable healthy and junk food images
Healthy Food Plate
Junk Food Plate
Links to movie and books to enhance the lesson
-You will need scissors and adhesive for the foods.
-I recommend lamination for years of use!
-Great to include with food or health lesson plans.
Movie: Pair the activity with ‘Planning For Good Eating - Cartoon’ by Educational View
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58eFNxlLr5s
Book: Good Enough to Eat: A Kid’s Guide to Food and Nutrition by Lizzy Rockwell
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The World Map Activity
Lesson Suggestions:
Print and color the maps.
Let the children cut out the continents or oceans and paste them to the matching page. Or make this a small group or classroom activity and laminate the pieces.
Sing song and read a book to round out the lesson.
Use as coloring pages or as a Printable Puzzle.
-You will need scissors
-Adhesive (Tape, glue, ect.)
Music: Pair the activity with
“Continents and Oceans” by ABCmouse.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFIS3aLQPfs
Book: Me on the Map (Dragonfly Books) by Joan Sweeney (Author),
Annette Cable (Illustrator)
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You also might enjoy:
Compass Activity
Hickory Dickory Dock Activity
The PDF includes:
- Teacher tips
- Hickory Dickory Dock Lyrics
- BW Mouse and Clock Numbers
- BW Blank Clock
- BW Example Clock
- Color Mouse and Clock Numbers
- Color Blank Clock
- Color Example Clock
Teacher Tips:
Print either Color or BW PDF. Cut out numbers or have each child cut out the numbers and color the clock. Play or sing the song and teach the children where each number goes on the clock. Alternatively, pass out the numbers and have each student place them where they belong on the clock as a whole class activity. I suggest laminating a version for years of use!
-You will need scissors.
-You will need Crayons.
-You will need adhesive for the numbers: Glue, Tape, Sticky Tack, ect...
-I recommend lamination for years of use!
-Great for classroom decor.
Music: Pair the activity with
‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ by Super Simple Songs
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGgsklW-mtg
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20 Vocabulary Flash Cards for learning about my school. Just print, cut and laminate for years of use.
Vocabulary List:
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Miss Gabby's Class
12 Color Flash Card Pack
These fun pre-school flash cards are designed for students from Pre-Nursery on up! Just print and teach. These flash cards are great for beginners learning English!
These are great for outside the classroom as well! Perfect for road trips, family visits, waiting rooms, or even for babysitters to use with them. Your options are endless!
Vocabulary List:
Use for Years: Print the pages on card stock, laminate for use with dry erase markers or slip the pages into page protectors!
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Miss Gabby's Class
Cookie Counting Activity
The PDF includes:
Cookie Jar Image
24 printable Chocolate chip cookies
Links to music and books to enhance the lesson
Teacher Tips:
Cut out the cookies and laminate. Distribute one cookie to each student in class. Sing the song “Who took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?” Have each child return their cookie in order starting from cookie #1 up until the last student has placed their cookie on the jar.
-Materials: You will need scissors and your choice of adhesive for the cookies.
-I recommend lamination for years of use!
-Great to include with number lesson plans or counting.
Music: Pair the activity with
‘Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?’ by Little Fox on
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ert9zlCx21E
Book: Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? by Jane Manning
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Fruit and Veggie Sorting Activity
The PDF includes:
Fruit Plate Image
Veggie Plate Image
27 printable Fruit and Veggies
Links to music and books to enhance the lesson
Teacher Tips:
Cut out the fruit and veggies and laminate. Begin the lesson by playing the Vegetable Train song on Youtube and reading the book. First talk the children through which foods are fruits and which are veggies then distribute one fruit and veggie to each student in class. Have each child place their food on the correct plate.
-You will need scissors and adhesive for the fruit and veggies.
-I recommend lamination for years of use!
-Great to include with food lesson plans.
Music: Pair the activity with ‘Vegetable Train - Mr.Bell’s Learning Train’ by Videogyan 3D Rhymes & Kids Song
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KSevmIvRBA
Book: Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
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Early Reader Book Series: Aquarium Adventure
Easy to print B&W book series!
This book includes a copy of Aquarium Adventure. One book in a series for emerging readers, EFL or ESL.
Materials needed:
Card Stock (Suggested)
Teach emerging english readers with this great new series!
This series is a great 1 page printable, just set the printer to print double-sided and hit print; then fold the page into 4, staple and trim the top edge. The great part is these books are B&W so your students can color while they learn. Great as a take home or in class activity.
Books in the series include:
Aquarium Adventure
Pet Store
A Trip to the Farm
A Trip to the Forest
A Visit to the Zoo
and many many more to come!
Early Reader Book Series: A Visit to the Zoo in Spanish
Easy to print B&W book series!
This book includes a copy of A Visit to the Zoo (Visit al zoologico). One book in a series for emerging Spanish readers.
Materials needed:
Card Stock (Suggested)
Teach emerging Spanish readers with this great new series!
This series is a great 1 page printable, just set the printer to print double-sided and hit print; then fold the page into 4, staple and trim the top edge. The great part is these books are B&W so your students can color while they learn. I suggest to print on card stock to avoid the ink bleeding through the paper. Great as a take home or in class activity.
Books in the series include:
Aquarium Adventure
Pet Store
A Trip to the Farm
A Trip to the Forest
A Visit to the Zoo
and many many more to come!
Early Reader Book Series: Beach Vacation in Spanish
Easy to print B&W book series!
This book includes a copy of Beach Vacation (Vacaciones en la playa). One book in a series for emerging Spanish readers.
Materials needed:
Card Stock (Suggested)
Teach emerging Spanish readers with this great new series!
This series is a great 1 page printable, just set the printer to print double-sided and hit print; then fold the page into 4, staple and trim the top edge. The great part is these books are B&W so your students can color while they learn. I suggest to print on card stock to avoid the ink bleeding through the paper. Great as a take home or in class activity.
Books in the series include:
Aquarium Adventure
Pet Store
A Trip to the Farm
A Trip to the Forest
A Visit to the Zoo
and many many more to come!
Apple Counting Activity
The PDF includes:
Apple Basket Image
24 printable Apples
Links to music and books to enhance the lesson
Teacher Tips:
Cut out the apples and laminate. Begin the lesson by playing the Apple tree song on Youtube. Distribute one apple to each student in class. Have each child place their apple in the basket in order, starting from apple #1 up until the last
student has placed their apple in the basket. After each number, engage the whole class by asking, “Which number comes next?!” Alternatively (with lower ages), print off duplicate copies of apples 1-10 and ask for ALL students with
apple #1 to come up to the front.
Materials: You will need scissors and your choice of adhesive for the apples.
-I recommend lamination for years of use!
-Great to include with number lesson plans or learning to count.
Music: Pair the activity with ‘Way Up High in an Apple Tree’ by The Learning Station on
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKmFHRrkFuQ
Book: How Do Apples Grow? by Betsy Maestro
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Fruit and Veggie Flash Cards
The PDF includes:
27 printable Fruit and Veggie Flash Cards
Links to music and books to enhance the lesson
-You will need scissors or a paper cutter.
-I recommend lamination for years of use!
-Great to include with food lesson plans.
Music: Pair the activity with ‘Apples & Bananas’ by kids4kidsTV
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mortLgRlPV4
Book: Cloudy with a chance of meatballs by Judi Barrett and illustrated by Ron Barrett
Food Vocabulary:
Green Onion
Bell Pepper
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