Perimeter of rectilinear shapes KS2 differentiated activities and challenges. Year 4 perimeter activities made for children of varied abilities, with some reasoning challenges to complete in order to establish expected fluency and greater depth understanding.
Two Cosmic Frank Cotrell Liam diary entries KS2 English writing. Used as WAGOLLs when writing diary entries when reading Cosmic as a key text in English and Curriculum.
Cosmic Frank Cottrell classroom display. Synopsis of the book, key questions for engaging with children, linked to national curriculum reading focuses.
Science sound key stage 2 unit of work 7-11 year olds. Four lessons; whole unit of work for science of sound.
L.I.: I can identify how sounds are made and recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear.
L.I.: To find patterns between pitch and the object that produced the sound.
L.I.: To find patterns between the volume of sound and the strength of the vibrations that produce it.
A wrinkle In Time whole term scheme of work medium term plan weekly plans power points and resources.
Taught to year 6 half way through a school year. Complete lesson plans, power points for each day of the week with a full MTP and all resources needed.
Egyptian creation myth WAGOLL key stage 2 years 4-6. Used as an example for children to identify key features, compare to existing myths, used as a reference point for when writing own myths. Works well with Ancient world schemes of study in curriculum or English.
Weekly TTRS score celebration slides. A set of slides to use in a celebration assembly. Scores can be tallied and shared with the school during assembly. TTRS provides data which can be transferred to these slides, along with certificates.
Harry Potter Newspaper report WAGOLL snake escape KS2 writing. Use as a WAGOLL for writing a newspaper report, based on the snake escaping from the first Harry Potter book.
English identify key features of a recount and fronted adverbials lesson. A SPaG starter with fronted adverbials, and then identifying the key features of a recount, including a WAGOLL of Howard Carter’s discovery in ancient Egypt.
Myths and legends display and help posters. Key vocabulary for myths and legends to go on display and can be used as a help/word mat for creative writing. Aimed at KS2 children in primary school.
A whole behaviour system focusing on the restorative approach. Perfect for a school looking to refresh or renew their behaviour approaches and strategies. This package includes many resources and plans for creating a new behaviour system within your school, or can be used alongside your current behaviour system.
a powerpoint for your own staff meetings or CPD, to help introduce your new behaviour systems.
a one-sheet behaviour policy for simplicity and ease to remember for all.
restorative and reflective sheets to help children take ownership over their actions and behaviours.
Reflective and restorative behaviour incident sheets.
Celebration postcards home.
Spreadsheet to collate behaviour incidents.
Report card when a trigger point has been met.
Lanyards for adults to carry - simple script on how to approach most behaviour incidents.
English MTP year 5 Stargazers whole term plan. A whole term’s worth of plans and ideas. Focus is recounts and explanations. Can be used with any year groups.