This is a workbook designed to help students master all aspects of the Perfect Tense.
Print the guide and use the PDF to go through the activities in class too.
This is a complete Speaking Pack for GCSE German. The main presentation included in the pack has hyperlinks to allow you to easily navigate the menus and switch between candidate, teacher and example cards.
It will guide both teachers and students through all parts of the new speaking exam.
Easy to follow marking grids for all aspects of the speaking exam for both foundation and higher tiers
Top tips for Role-Plays, Photo Cards and General Conversations
Example Student cards
Example Teacher cards
Example scripts for Role-Plays
Printable Student and Teacher Cards
Printable marking grids for student feedback
Printable worksheet for Top Tips
This is the one-stop resource for seeing your students through this vital element of their German GCSE.
(DESIGNED FOR AQA. Could also be used for EdExcel GCSE German, but will need some adapting for the marking sheets)
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Knowledge organisers are used as an overview of a topic. They can be kept in a pupil’s book or folder from the beginning of a topic. This knowledge organiser contains important relevant to Theme 2 of the 1-9 GCSE.
Topics covered here:
Where I live
Healthy living
Charity work
Social problems
The environment
Attractive and well laid-out to enhance pupils’ understanding of the basics.
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Knowledge organisers are used as an overview of a topic. They can be kept in a pupil’s book or folder from the beginning of a topic. This knowledge organiser contains important relevant to Theme 1 of the 1-9 GCSE.
Topics covered here:
Talking about friends
Talking about family
When I was younger
Eating and drinking
Social media
Free time
Attractive and well laid-out to enhance pupils’ understanding of the basics.
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Knowledge organisers are used as an overview of a topic. They can be kept in a pupil’s book or folder from the beginning of a topic. This knowledge organiser contains important relevant to Theme 2 of the 1-9 GCSE.
Topics covered here:
School subjects
School life
School rules
Primary school
Future plans
Attractive and well laid-out to enhance pupils’ understanding of the basics.
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Knowledge organisers are used as an overview of a topic. They can be kept in a pupil’s book or folder from the beginning of a topic. This knowledge organiser contains important general knowledge relevant to the 1-9 GCSE.
Topics covered here:
Opinion & Reasons
Photo Descriptions
Role-Play tips
Question words
False friends
Attractive and well laid-out to enhance pupils’ understanding of the basics.
This is a workbook designed to help students master all aspects of the Future Tense.
Print the guide and use the PDF to go through the activities in class too.
This is a workbook designed to help students master all aspects of the Imperfect Tense.
Print the guide and use the PDF to go through the activities in class too.
This is a workbook designed to help students master all aspects of the Conditional Tense.
Print the guide and use the PDF to go through the activities in class too.
This game is fully interactive and teaches how to recognise an infinitive - can be changed to teach other things too! Remember the old gameshow hosted by Paul Daniels???