GCSE OCR Computer Science
Searching and Sorting algorithms
Objectives: To understand…
Searching algorithms and how they work
Sorting algorithms and how they work
To be able to
Demonstrate knowledge of, explain and write algorithms to show how to…
Binary search
Linear search
Bubble sort
Merge sort
Insertion sort
OCR Computer Science
Secondary Storage Devices
Explain the need for secondary storage
Understand the three main storage types
Solid State
Learn the characteristics of secondary storage
OCR GCSE Computer Science
The Central Processing Unit
State the purpose of the CPU
Describe the function of the CPU as fetching and executing instructions stored in memory
Explain how common characteristics of CPU’s such as clock speed, cache size and number of cores affect performance.
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Describe the differences between ROM and RAM
Explain the need for ROM in a computer system
Describe the purpose of RAM in a computer system
Explain how the amount of RAM in a PC affects its performance
Explain the need for virtual memory
Describe cache memory
Describe flash memory
Discuss how changes in memory technologies are leading to innovative computer designs
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Types of Software
Understand the keywords of “open source”, “proprietary”, “custom written” and “off the shelf” software
Be able to understand the advantages/disadvantages, and key features of custom written, off the shelf, open source and proprietary software.
Be able to discuss and write exam style answers to respond to questions about the types of software.
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Understand what is meant by binary
Why do computers use binary
Understand what is meant by a TRUTH table
Be able to read simple logic circuits
Be able to create and append to circuit diagrams
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Network Theory
explain the advantages of networking stand-alone computers into a local area network
describe the hardware needed for a local area network,
roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-to-peer network
describe, ring, bus and star network topologies
describe the differences between a LAN and WAN
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Binary - Learning how to convert Binary numbers
Understand the base system
Understand Binary numbers and why we use them
Look at how to convert 8 bit binary numbers to denary and vice versa
OCR GCSE Computer Science
Representing Characters & Character Sets
Explain the use of binary code to represent characters
Explain the term character set
Describe with examples (i.e ASCII and UNICODE) the relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set and the number of characters which can be represented