This resources contains an information sheet on explaining how simple compounds are named. The accompanying worksheet asks students to name compounds formed from combinations of elements and also to identify the elements in a compound. The naming compounds worksheet also asks students to name some chemical formulae with their common name. An answer sheet is included.
Group 7 (Halogens) is the 10th resource in a series of lessons for the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Atomic structure and the periodic table’ topic in paper 1. This halogens resource can be used across KS3 to extend, KS4, and KS5 as a reminder. This Group 7 resource can be used along side an IT lesson where students can do further research. The resource includes:
Information sheet (Group 7 - Halogens)
Worksheet (Group 7 - Halogens)
Answer sheet (Group 7 - Halogens)
This history of the periodic table resource is the eighth part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Atomic structure and the periodic table’ topic in paper 1. I generally get students to use this resource along side a computer so that they can do additional research on the history of the periodic table. Many scientists have contributed to the development of the periodic table. This resource selects just a them to discuss and highlights the ones students need to know for the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification. The resource includes:
Information sheet (History of the periodic table)
Worksheet (History of the periodic table)
The answers can be drawn out of the information sheet. Just make sure the students are aware of the three scientists that they need to know about; Dalton, Newlands and Mendeleev.
This resource contains all the information sheets, worksheets and answers you need for the first part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Organic Chemistry’ topic in paper 2. This is everything Trilogy specification students need, separate science students will also need to know about organic reactions and polymers.
This transition metals resource is the final lesson of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Atomic structure and the periodic table’ topic in paper 1. I often use these resources as part of a larger lesson where students use computers to research the uses of transition metals, in particular linking the properties of transition metals to their uses. The resource includes:
Information sheet (Transition metals)
Information sheet (Transition metal ion colours)
Worksheet (Transition metals)
Answer sheet (Transition metals)
This is a great revision resource or starter activity for the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The resource includes the question sheet and answer sheet.
I use this reduction by carbon lesson as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Chemical chnages’ topic. Having introduce redox previously during acid and base reactions students can then apply the same redox principles in other scenarios. The reduction by carbon resource includes:
Information sheet (Reduction by carbon)
Worksheet (Reduction by carbon)
Answer sheet (Reduction by carbon)
This resource contains three six mark questions. Each question is in s separate document and has associated answers with examiners guidance. This is a great resource for revising the electrolysis part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Chemical Changes’ topic in paper 1. The electrolysis 6 mark questions resource includes:
Electrolysis 1 (Aluminium oxide electrolysis)
Electrolysis 2 (Electrolysis of brine)
Electrolysis 3 (Evaluation of two different electrolysis cells)
This exothermic and endothermic reactions resource is a great introduction to the AQA Chemistry ‘Energy Changes’ topic. I use this resource with Y10 students in addition to them doing some online research. The resource includes:
Exothermic and endothermic reactions (Info sheet 1)
Exothermic and endothermic reactions (Info sheet 2)
Exothermic and endothermic reactions (Worksheet)
Exothermic and endothermic reactions (Answer sheet)
This balancing equations differentiated resource is great as a starter for more able students or the main activity for another lesson. The resource contains a balancing equations information sheet for students to keep as a reference. In addition there are three different balancing equations worksheets that allow students to try balancing equations with 3, 4, 5, or 6 different elements. Complete with answer sheet.
This 6 mark question is a great way to assess if students have understood the fundamentals of states of matter. I use this states of matter resource with my GCSE students as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry course. The resource comes with an answer sheet including examiners guidance.
I use this metallic bonding resource as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The resource includes a differentiated worksheet on drawing metallic bonds, an information sheet, question sheet and all associated answer sheets. These resources can even be used as a reminder for A Level chemistry students.
This is the seventh part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Atomic structure and the periodic table’ topic in paper 1. Students really enjoy this lesson as the resource gives them lots of help. To extend students you could just give them a blank piece of paper. I ask those that finish early to see if they can find the link between the electron configuration and where the element is positioned in the periodic table. The electron configuration resource includes:
Information sheet (Atomic structure and the periodic table)
Worksheet (Atomic structure)
Worksheet (Electron configuration)
Answer sheet (Electron configuration)
This resource contains information sheets, question sheets and answer sheets for percentage yield and atom economy. I use this resource as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry Quantitative Chemistry topic in paper 1. It can also be used for A Level chemistry. Students can complete the questions as the main task in a lesson and keep the information sheet as a resource. A level students should find this a comfortable starter.
I use this hydrocarbons resource as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Organic chemistry’ topic in paper 2. The resource includes information sheets and differentiated work sheets to help students understand the fundamentals of organic chemistry. This is a really comprehensive resource with lots of opportunities for differentiation. A great introduction to hydrocarbons and organic chemistry. This resource includes:
2 x Information sheet
5 x Differentiated Worksheets
1 x 6 Mark question
Answer sheets
These element sudoku games come in three different levels; easy, medium, and hard. There are twelve different element sudoku grids per level. Element sudoku is based on normal sudoku but instead of filling the grids with numbers 1-9, students have to fill the grids with elements 1-9 i.e. H to F. The principle is the same, elements can only appear once in each row, column, and mini grid. This is a great starter, numeracy task, gap filler or Christmas activity. I use this a lot with my AQA GCSE Chemistry students and my OCR A Level chemists for a fun starter. This could even be used as an extension task for KS3 students.
This resource is a straight forward reference sheet on alloys. I tend to use this resource as a support sheet for students when they are doing some independent research.
This resource contains two word searches; one for atomic structure and the other for the periodic table. Both resources come with questions and an indication of how many letters are in the answer, the answer is then located amongst the words. I use this resource with my GCSE students. Primarily I use it as a revision tool but it can be useful to support the less able too. The questions are modeled around the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification but would be suitable for all GCSE Chemistry courses.
This titration 6 mark exam question is a great resource to assess students understanding of a titration. I use it as part of the AQA GCSE Quantitative Chemistry topic or sometimes in the AQA GCSE Chemical Changes topic. The resource is a common question frequently asked in AQA GCSE Chemistry paper 1. There is an accompanying information sheet that students can use a reference resource too. This could also be used as an A Level starter or memory retrieval question.