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The Nazi Policies on Jews 1939-45 – Germany Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

The Nazi Policies on Jews 1939-45 – Germany Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the end of emigration, ghettos, death squads and the Final Solution. It includes detailed notes to prepare pupils to write paragraphs for potential essays and 2 effects questions. It also includes sources to practise. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.
The Impact of WW2 on the German Home Front - Germany Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

The Impact of WW2 on the German Home Front - Germany Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the impact of Allied bombing, total war, rationing and losses on the German home front during WW2. It includes detailed notes to prepare pupils to write paragraphs for potential essays and 2 effects questions. It also includes sources to practise. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.
The Impact of WW1 on Medicine L1 – Medicine Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

The Impact of WW1 on Medicine L1 – Medicine Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

This lesson includes a worksheet. It covers the challenges for medicine because of WW1 and developments in the role of women. It includes detailed notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
The 1905 Revolution Causes – Russia Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

The 1905 Revolution Causes – Russia Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

The lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the causes of the 1905 Revolution. It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features answers, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.
Tsarist Rule in 1905 & Reasons for Discontent – Russia Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

Tsarist Rule in 1905 & Reasons for Discontent – Russia Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the issues with the Tsar’s government and the unfairness of Russian society for peasants and workers before the 1905 Revolution. It also identifies potential revolutionary groups that would oppose the tsar. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.
The 1957 Civil Rights Act – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

The 1957 Civil Rights Act – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the reasons for and impact of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using IGCSE books.
IGCSE History – Introduction

IGCSE History – Introduction

The resources can be used to introduce IGCSE history to a new class or for an Options presentation for Y9. The PowerPoint includes the key information on topics, types of questions, timing, skills and possible careers. The worksheet includes the types of questions for all topics. *Note that this was made for this school’s chosen topics – Germany, US Civil Rights, Russia and Medicine. It can be edited to suit other topics.
The Challenges to the Weimar Republic 1919-23 – Germany Part 1 – IGCSE History Paper 1

The Challenges to the Weimar Republic 1919-23 – Germany Part 1 – IGCSE History Paper 1

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and a worksheet. It includes tasks to help pupils prepare to write an essay on any of the challenges to the Weimar Republic. Possible question focuses – the Constitution, the Treaty of Versailles, the French Occupation of the Ruhr, Hyperinflation, the threat from the extreme left or the threat from the extreme right. The worksheet includes planning guidance and a writing frame with paragraph checklists and cloze procedure to support essay writing. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.
USSR Governments – Lenin to Yeltsin 1917-1991 – Lesson & Revision Pack – IAS History

USSR Governments – Lenin to Yeltsin 1917-1991 – Lesson & Revision Pack – IAS History

13 Resources
This pack of can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It can be used to plan essays on the governments of all the Soviet Union leaders, including the impact of their political policies and comparisons of their systems. Each lesson includes detailed notes, relevant past paper questions, suggested questions and plans. Source guidance and source questions are included for the possible topics. Lessons were made using 2 AS textbooks and all the past papers. It also includes an essay planning booklet covering a full range of past papers and suggested questions. The resources were produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. They are in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Civil Rights - Practice Test Pack - IGCSE History - Paper 1

Civil Rights - Practice Test Pack - IGCSE History - Paper 1

GCSE History - Paper 1 - Option 7 - Civil Rights in the US This resource includes 5 practice tests For Question 1, the pupils have been given a source question For Question 2, the pupils can choose any 2 effects answer to write or the teacher can include one For Question 3, the pupils have a choice of at least 2 essays These tests were prepared by a teacher of IGCSE History and used for examination practice They are in line with examination expectations
IGCSE History - Paper 1 - Question Guidance - Germany

IGCSE History - Paper 1 - Question Guidance - Germany

IGCSE History - Paper 1 - Question Guidance - Germany This booklet contains checklists for how to answer the 3 types of questions for Paper 1. It is based on Option 3 - Germany For the source question, it has guidance, a writing frame and an example answer For the 2 effects question, it has guidance and a writing frame For the essay question, it has guidance, a writing frame, example essay and checklist for each section of the essay The booklet also contains all the Past Paper questions (including June 2023) for Option 3: Germany. It was produced by a teacher of IGCSE History and used to prepare pupils for examinations It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing and to predict questions
Elizabeth Garrett & Progress for Women in Medicine - 1860-75 – Medicine Part 2 - IGCSE History – Pap

Elizabeth Garrett & Progress for Women in Medicine - 1860-75 – Medicine Part 2 - IGCSE History – Pap

This lesson includes a worksheet. It covers Elizabeth Garrett and the work of others to allow women to qualify as doctors in the years 1860-75. It includes detailed notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Penicillin – Medicine Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

Penicillin – Medicine Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

This lesson includes a worksheet. It covers how penicillin was developed, including the work of Fleming, Florey, Heatley and Chain, and its significance for medicine. It includes detailed notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
WW2 – Medicine Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

WW2 – Medicine Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

This lesson includes a worksheet. It covers the impact of WW2 on medicine, including the role of women, blood transfusions, x-rays, plastic surgery, brain surgery and heart surgery. It includes detailed notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Opposition to the Nazis 1939-45 – Germany Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

Opposition to the Nazis 1939-45 – Germany Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the opposition to the Nazis from the Edelweiss Pirates, White Rose Group and the July Bomb Plot (from the specification) and other opposition from the Church, communists etc. It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to write paragraphs for potential essays. It also includes sources to practise. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.
Bolshevik Consolidation – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

Bolshevik Consolidation – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the Bolshevik’s consolidation of power, including the 1917 Decrees, the Constituent Assembly and the Treaty of Brest Litovsk. It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS book and summarised.
The Civil War – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

The Civil War – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the reasons for the Red victory in the civil war, including white weaknesses and red strengths. It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS book and summarised.
Achievements of Lenin – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

Achievements of Lenin – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 2

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers the death of Lenin and evaluates his achievements. It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS book and summarised.
The Red Scare - The FBI, HUAC & Hollywood 10 – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE His

The Red Scare - The FBI, HUAC & Hollywood 10 – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE His

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet. It covers how the actions of the FBI, HUAC and the Hollywood 10 case contributed to the Red Scare. It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse. The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations. Content was made using IGCSE books.