I teach Music in a secondary school and so provide resources for both the KS3 curriculum and exam boards at KS4 (AQA, RSL). I also have a YouTube channel which provides interactive videos to learn musical key vocabulary.
I teach Music in a secondary school and so provide resources for both the KS3 curriculum and exam boards at KS4 (AQA, RSL). I also have a YouTube channel which provides interactive videos to learn musical key vocabulary.
A SOW for learning about Pop Music and it’s structure, including a performance of Let It Be by The Beatles and a research project on The Beatles.
Resources include:
A PowerPoint guiding students through learning Popular Music structure, The Beatles and a performance of Let It Be.
Various listening activities and additional lesson activities on top of the lessons provided in case you’d prefer to use different ones. Plus the videos used for these.
Sheet music for Let It Be, including an extension and a WAGOLL video.
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A music theory assessment I’ve used with Y9 students (pre GCSE course) that assesses Rhythm, Dynamics, Tempo, Texture, Melody, Chords, Harmony, Key Signatures, Musical Devices, Articulation.
It tests their ability to use their theory knowledge practically with scores, preparing them for score analysis. Could be used with Y9 or Y10 students to test their knowledge of key vocabulary in relation to score reading.
Step by step powerpoint going through the circle of fifths and key signatures, including relative minor and briefly harmonic minor at the end of the powerpoint. Powerpoint animations help with understanding of circle of fifths. Can be taught over 3/4/5 lessons, depending on the ability of your cohort. Various exercises for students, some class exercises and individual questions to consolidate learning at the ends of lessons. Easily adaptable.
Do you run a club and need a resource for beginner guitarists?
Do you need students to be working independently?
This resource is perfect for those situations where you have loads of students asking for help and you can’t help them all at once. It contains various popular riffs that students can choose from along with a WAGOLL video for each and an explanation of how to read Guitar TAB.
Popular Music Scheme of Work.
Suitable for AQA GCSE Music students
A complete powerpoint, listening and assessment materials for Popular Music
Various activities (Sibelius files for performances and some composition activities) and questions to test students
Youtube links to relevant listening
Listening tests at the end with assessment sheets and mark scheme (on ppt).
Used over several weeks, depending on the ability of the students.
See also:
Film and Computer Gaming Music
Piano Music
Coronation Anthems and Oratorios
Orchestral Music
This SOW is based around performing extracts of Musical Theatre with Keyboard & Guitar. The themes used are: A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman), Shallow (A Star is Born) & We Don’t Talk About Bruno (Encanto). Each is differentiated by difficulty and instrument and can also be performed together to encourage ensembles.
Resource Contains:
Do Now Activities for each lesson with WAGOLL responses
Pre Assessment tasks (if required)
Scores scaffolded for 3 levels of difficulty for guitar & keyboard
WAGOLL videos & Audio examples
Support for verbal feedback
These lessons can easily be used as both cover, home learning and taught by a specialist as students can follow the information and practical tasks independently using the extensive scaffolding (see preview images) or the teacher can guide students after a pre assessment task.
More about these lessons
Scaffolding is in place in the form of Red, Amber, Green and a Blue extension pathways, enabling students to learn the skills and knowledge needed to perform a piece of music on keyboard with increasing difficulty. E.g Learning treble clef, bass clef, simpler and more complex rhythms, dynamics terms for expression etc…
Students simply click their pathway and go through the task most suited to their ability, moving on when they have completed each task. This shows clear progression as students may start in the Red pathway and move into Amber, Green etc… and this can be seen on their computer screens.
The benefits of teaching this way are:
Less musically able students get the support they need
More musically able students are challenged without wasting their time on already learnt concepts.
Information and tasks are at students’ fingertips as opposed to the teacher constantly repeating information.
The teacher can facilitate learning and instil independence.
Suggested Lesson format:
Do now task on student entry
Learning outcomes shared
Pre Assessment task - teacher to put students in a pathway (or if independent learning, students can do this themselves using the mark scheme)
Students click into their pathway and begin the tasks
Teacher can group together Red pathway students and teach the information needed before assessing again and allowing them to independently work through tasks. (Or students can work independently to learn the information needed)
Learning outcome check through performances (opportunity to see progress)
Teacher facilitates learning, checking on Amber and Green students
Final learning outcome check through performances. (Opportunity to see progress)
A full SOW for learning about Blues Music, including origins, characteristics, listening activities and performances of Blues Music (Solo/Ensemble/Improvising).
Resources include:
A PowerPoint guiding students through learning abou Blues music, including:
Various listening and interactive activities (videos, performing etc)
Performance guidance through self/peer assessment & assessment criteria
Homework suggestions
Additional starter activities in case you want to swap them out
Sheet music for the 12 bar blues, including:
Walking Bass & Chords
Extension - Walking Bass & Melody “In the Mood”
WAGOLL videos embedded into the PowerPoint.
A Blues music play along video for class performance
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Worksheet for students to fill out on the circle of fifths. Works with my ‘Understanding Key Signatures’ resource. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/understanding-key-signatures-11905871
Students work through the different key signatures and write them out on the diagram. 3 levels of difficulty to work through.
This resource allows students to complete a rehearsal diary for their musical practice. It contains a help guide at the beginning to give ideas to students on how well they are doing and what they need to do to improve, as well as sentence starters to improve longer written work.
This is particularly useful if following the RSL exam board as this can be used to help students start to log their progress on their instrument.
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This is a scheme of work on Ragtime Music and ending in Jazz music.
It includes resources for learning ‘The Entertainer’ as a piano solo piece and ‘In The Mood’ as an ensemble piece plus a PowerPoint with activities and guided learning.
Resources include:
Ragtime Powerpoint
The Entertainer piano sheet music (simplified for students and including an extension piece) in both pdf and Sibelius files.
The Entertainer video WAGOLL’s (what a good one looks like)
In The Mood sheet music including acoustic, electric and bass guitar, ukulele, advanced and beginner piano, and voice
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Eight full listening questions relating to each area of AoS 2 (Musicals, Rock Music, Film and Computer Game Music and Pop Music). Includes printable papers and a mark scheme. YouTube links to the extracts are given and some music is embedded into the PowerPoints.
Perfect if you are running a revision session on AoS 2 or if you want to do an end of unit listening assessment.
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Film and Computer Gaming Music Scheme of Work.
Suitable for AQA GCSE Music students
A complete powerpoint, listening and assessment materials for Film and Computer Gaming Music from the 1990s to the present
Various activities and questions to test students
Youtube links to relevant listening
Listening tests at the end with assessment sheets and mark scheme (on ppt).
Used over several weeks, depending on the ability of the students.
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Relevant resources:
Popular Music
Piano Music
Coronation Anthems and Oratorios
Orchestral Music
A lesson on learning rhythm values. The lesson is designed to encourage students’ independence and allow the teacher to focus on gaps in students’ learning.
Students do everything by navigating a PowerPoint which includes:
Do Now activity
Differentiated objectives & outcomes
Baseline task
Information slides
Three differentiated activities
A lesson on reading the Treble Clef. Including interactive videos to understand:
The Treble Clef & Stave
Learning phrases for the lines and spaces
Resources included:
A PowerPoint guiding students through activities
A worksheet with activities relating to the PowerPoint
Interactive videos relating to the activities
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A SOW designed around ‘The Great Composers’ focussing on Beethoven and performing Fur Elise on piano.
Resources include:
A powerpoint with lots of activities - starters, homework etc.
Sheet music for Fur Elise both pdf and Sibelius files
WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) for Fur Elise
Audio clips and YouTube video links for listening activities
Extension pieces if needed.
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This SOW is based around performing extracts of film music with Keyboard, Guitar & Drums. The themes used are: Mission Impossible, Halloween & James Bond . Each is differentiated by difficulty and instrument and can also be performed together to encourage ensembles.
Resource Contains:
Do Now Activities for each lesson with WAGOLL responses
Pre Assessment tasks (if required)
Scores scaffolded for 3 levels of difficulty for guitar, drums and keyboard
WAGOLL videos & Audio examples
Support for verbal feedback
These lessons can easily be used as both cover, home learning and taught by a specialist as students can follow the information and practical tasks independently using the extensive scaffolding (see preview images) or the teacher can guide students after a pre assessment task.
More about these lessons
Scaffolding is in place in the form of Red, Amber, Green and a Blue extension pathways, enabling students to learn the skills and knowledge needed to perform a piece of music on keyboard with increasing difficulty. E.g Learning treble clef, bass clef, simpler and more complex rhythms, dynamics terms for expression etc…
Students simply click their pathway and go through the task most suited to their ability, moving on when they have completed each task. This shows clear progression as students may start in the Red pathway and move into Amber, Green etc… and this can be seen on their computer screens.
The benefits of teaching this way are:
Less musically able students get the support they need
More musically able students are challenged without wasting their time on already learnt concepts.
Information and tasks are at students’ fingertips as opposed to the teacher constantly repeating information.
The teacher can facilitate learning and instil independence.
Suggested Lesson format:
Do now task on student entry
Learning outcomes shared
Pre Assessment task - teacher to put students in a pathway (or if independent learning, students can do this themselves using the mark scheme)
Students click into their pathway and begin the tasks
Teacher can group together Red pathway students and teach the information needed before assessing again and allowing them to independently work through tasks. (Or students can work independently to learn the information needed)
Learning outcome check through performances (opportunity to see progress)
Teacher facilitates learning, checking on Amber and Green students
Final learning outcome check through performances. (Opportunity to see progress)
To complement my How to Rehearse Effectively YouTube video, this poster is available to print, high quality in both png & pdf formats, for your classroom or corridor walls!
Please note, the resource will not have blank spaces at the top and bottom like the preview image. It will be in 16:9 format.
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Treble clef and bass clef practice. I’ve had students write the note name quickly on their whiteboard and hold it up, the quickest to get it right gets points, merits, praise etc. You could also countdown from three and get all students to hold it up at the same time, to stop cheating! Could be used with Y7 all the way to 11 depending on abilities.