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To do list for organized living
To-do list is something which we need every day to completely focus on the task. During the lockdown, the to-do list helps to keep us away from laziness. This one is a fun to-do list with pop and bright colours. It is little short than A4 size paper but one can print on any size paper and stick it on the fridge or anywhere in the house or give it to students.

Identify Adjectives, Verbs And Nouns ( A to J) Boom Cards For Distance Learning
Identify Adjectives, Verbs and Nouns
Features of this deck
All the adjectives, verbs and nouns in each slide are of the same alphabet
Concept card is included for revision
There are 10 cards in the deck from A to F
Answers are preloaded
Drag and drop activity
Each card has 6 words, total 30 words of adjective, verbs and nouns
Click for the preview https://wow.boomlearning.com/deck/q-EeyE9Fx5xBHnReRkr?ref=tpt
Enjoy your resource!
Identify Adjectives, Verbs And Nouns (A -Z) Boom Cards
¬ Complete series from A-Z is available with all new words
¬ Total 150 words ( Adjectives, verbs and nouns)
Click below for the preview

Coloring for beginners
Easy twenty shapes, ideal for beginners and small kids, stars, rainbow, flower, smile and some more. Have fun coloring it!

Measurement question bank
Teachers searching for word problems on measurement this worksheet can help you. It consist of ten word problems with conversions. Also, all the units are in metric system ( Liter, Grams). If this is relevant to your context then Enjoy!

Compare and contrast the ideas from non fiction text -primary grades
Believes about cat is a non fictional informative text for lower grades mostly suitable for 1st to 5th standard students. This worksheet helps to practice the skill of comparing and contrasting different ideas. Also question bank is included in the worksheet for the students who are always enthusiastic, done with the given work and wants to do more which helps teacher to focus on students who need help by engaging other students on question answer part. Basic grammar focus includes noun.

Daily Lesson Plan Template Printable
A daily lesson plan is something must-do thing in the life of a teacher. To come out of monochrome have some fun making a lesson plan with bright and fun colours with this template. This template is generic and useful for any subject to make a basic or detailed lesson plan.

First aid activity puzzle
Sometimes after practical knowledge student needs to read and write also for better understanding and long-term memory benefit. For that student can quickly do this activity to solve a puzzle in which student need to relate the picture to its information.

Book Review Worksheet
A book review worksheet is a simple way to keep record of all the books read. It has three pages with different design to have more options and fun while filling the reviews. Colour and monochrome print is possible with this worksheets.

Time Management strategy worksheet printable helpful for distance learning
While doing various task every day we tend to lose a lot of time doing tasks which are not important or not urgent. To utilise time efficiently, time management is very helpful. This worksheet has its guided step by step simplified time management strategies and hands-on work to get you to start with your own time management. Enjoy your time and attain a peaceful time.

Verb and Adjective Puzzle
Verb and Adjective puzzle is a tool for teachers to give students some fun time while learning. This puzzles worksheet can be used in various ways as solving it is lot of fun. Answer key is also provided with the worksheet.

Hindi alphabets and it's sounds
Learning new language can be challenging without knowing exact sound of all the alphabets. This packet will help you to learn Hindi sounds with exact pronunciation of all the alphabets by understanding it with reference of English words.

Conjunctions (FANBOYS) Boom Cards For Distance Learning
FANBOYS Conjunction Boom Cards For Distance Learning
Conjunctions Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS
What’s included?
Concept of conjunctions is given in short with examples and use for self-revision
Boom cards cover coordinating conjunctions which are for, and, so, but, yet, or, nor
30 Questions for practice
Drag and drop activity
Fill in the blanks with multiple choice answer
Answers are preloaded
Instructions are given
Best for revision, self-assessment, quiz, test prep, and distance learning
Click here for the preview
Enjoy Conjunctions Boom Cards!
Copyright © On The Wheel Teacher, 2020
All rights reserved by the author.

Pronouns Boom Cards For Distance Learning
Personal Pronouns Boom Cards - 3rd Person Pronouns (Female And Male)
Commonly Confused Pronouns
( He/ She/ HIm/ His/ Her/ Hers)
Features of this deck
¬ Concept pronoun is given in short for self-revision
¬ Small topic covers commonly confused pronouns
¬ Fill in the blanks with multiple choice answer
¬ 30 Questions ¬ Answers are preloaded
¬ Best for revision, self assessment, quiz, and test prep
Click here for the preview
Enjoy Pronouns Boom Cards!

Fractions- Addition and Subtraction With Whole Number For Distance Learning
Addition and Subtraction of Fraction with Whole Number
Features of this deck
¬ Total number of question - 30
¬ Preloaded answers
¬ Learners will have to perform 3 to 4 operations to come to an answer
¬ Answer is in the form of fraction itself, no need to reducing the fraction
¬ One-click answer
¬ Addition and subtraction questions are mixed
Click here for the preview
Enjoy Solving fraction problems!
Check out more Boom cards of English and Mathematics in my store.

Fractions- Addition And Subtraction With Same Denominator for Distance Learning
Addition and Subtraction Of Fraction With Same Denominator
Features of this deck
¬ Separate and Combine questions of addition and subtraction
¬ Total number of questions 30
¬ Two fractions questions - 19
¬ Three Fraction questions -11
¬ Answers are preloaded
¬ Select one correct option out of two
Click here for the product preview
Enjoy practicing fractions!
Check out more Boom Cards from my store!

Identify Adjectives, Verbs And Nouns ( A to Z) Boom Cards For Distance Learning
Identify Adjectives, Verbs And Nouns ( A to Z)
Features of this deck
¬ Total 25 cards for identifying adjectives, nouns and verbs
¬ Total 150 words
¬ Identify and sort into proper category/bucket
¬ A to Z adjectives, verbs and nouns ( Except X)
¬ Drag and drop activity
¬ Answers are preloaded
Enjoy your resource!
Identify Adjectives, Verbs And Nouns ( A to J)
¬ Check out this freebie with a whole new set of words
¬ Total 60 words
¬ Drag and drop activity
¬ Identify and sort into proper category/ bucket
¬ Answers are preloaded

Hindi alphabets- Vowels
In India Hindi is first and widely spoken language. Basic eleven vowels and two more sounds are included in this worksheet. Worksheet has pronunciation for each vowel and space for practice. Enjoy your writing practice!

Hindi Consonant Practice Worksheet
Hindi is most popular language of India and widely spoken. This worksheet will help you to practice Hindi letters. There are thirty seven consonants in Hindi. All consonants are included in this packet. If you want to practice writing skills this packet will be helpful as it has ll the strokes of letters.